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OpenStack I18n Guide¶

Internationalization (I18n) is essential to make OpenStack ubiquitous. The mission of OpenStack I18n team is to make OpenStack ubiquitously accessible to people of all language backgrounds, by enhancing OpenStack software internationalization, providing translation, maintaining a translation platform and managing translation process for better quality of outcomes.
This guide provides detailed instructions on the I18n contribution workflow and conventions to be considered by all contributors.
- Contributing
- Reporting translation bugs
- Handling translation bugs
- Official OpenStack translator
- Language Team
- I18n SIG Chair Guide
- How to check translations
- Translation tips
- Glossary Management
- Translation Statistics
- Tools
- I18n team meeting
- Translation infrastructure
- Debugging job scripts
- Project Repository Setup to Enable Translation Infrastructure
- Reviewing translation imports
- Team activities with release
- About this guide
Getting in touch¶
Language translation team¶
Each language team has useful information to help our translation efforts. It is worth visited. You can find your language team at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team.
OpenStack I18n team¶
Mailing List: openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org
IRC channel: