Review Update Status for Distributed Cloud Using Horizon¶

You can review updates across the Distributed Cloud from the Horizon Web interface.

About this task

If you prefer, you can use the CLI. For more information, see Review Update Status for Distributed Cloud Using the CLI.

From Horizon, you can use only the SystemController region to review updates in the central update repository and the update sync status of subclouds.


  1. Select the SystemController region.

  2. Select Distributed Cloud Admin > Software Management.

  3. On the Software Management page, select the Patches tab.



    The Patch State indicates whether the patch is available, partially-applied or applied. Applied indicates that the update has been installed on all hosts of the cloud (SystemController in this case).

  4. Check the Update Sync Status of the subclouds.

    Update (or Patch) Sync Status is part of the overall Sync status of a subcloud. To review the synchronization status of subclouds, see Monitor Subclouds Using Horizon.


To update the SystemController’s central update repository, see Upload and Apply Updates to SystemController Using Horizon.