На других узлах

Other nodes reference the controller node for clock synchronization. Perform these steps on all other nodes.

Установите и сконфигурируйте компоненты

  1. Установить пакеты.

    Для Ubuntu:

    # apt install chrony

    Для RHEL или CentOS:

    # dnf install chrony

    Для SUSE:

    # zypper install chrony
  2. Configure the chrony.conf file and comment out or remove all but one server key. Change it to reference the controller node.

    For RHEL, CentOS, or SUSE, edit the /etc/chrony.conf file:

    server controller iburst

    For RHEL/CentOS in case of using firewalld don’t forget to update firewall rules as follows:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=ntp
    # firewall-cmd --reload

    For Ubuntu, edit the /etc/chrony/chrony.conf file:

    server controller iburst
  3. Comment out the pool 2.debian.pool.ntp.org offline iburst line.

  4. Restart the NTP service.

    Для Ubuntu:

    # service chrony restart

    Для RHEL, CentOS или SUSE:

    # systemctl enable chronyd.service
    # systemctl start chronyd.service