Wallaby Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Users can now specify roles_data.yaml and network_data.yaml locations in their answers file. Using networks and roles along with their templates and environments arguments.

  • New command “openstack overcloud ceph spec” has been added. This command may be used to create a cephadm spec file as a function of the output of metalsmith and a TripleO roles file. For example, if metalsmith output a file with multiple hosts of differing roles and each role contained various Ceph services, then a cephadm spec file could parse these files and return input compatible with cephadm. The ceph spec file may be then be passed to “openstack overcloud ceph deploy” so that cephadm deploys only those Ceph services on those hosts. This feature should save users from the need to create two different files containing much of the same data and make it easier and less error prone to include Ceph in a deployment without the need to manually create the Ceph spec file.

Deprecation Notes

  • Ephemeral heat is now used as default for overcloud deployment and assumes the nodes are pre-provisioned using metalsmith. Deprecates existing --deployed-server option and adds an additional option --provision-nodes for using installed heat and provisioning nodes with heat.

  • The enable_novajoin parameter in undercloud/standalone deployment has been deprecated.

  • The –static-inventory argument to the openstack update/upgrade commands has been deprecated and would be ignored. The inventory generated in work_dir with update/upgrade prepare would be used instead.

  • The derive parameters --plan-environment-file option of the overcloud deploy command has been removed.

Other Notes

  • The overcloud config download command no longer works with Ephemeral Heat. We already have the ability to do the same thing using overcloud deploy using the –stack-only flag. As such, the overcloud config download command is being removed.

  • The –heat-type argument for openstack overcloud deploy no longer accepts a value of “installed”, as using an undercloud installed Heat to deploy the overcloud is no longer supported.



During a minor update of the overcloud. It was previously necessary to execute 3 steps. - Update Prepare - Update Run - Update Converge Starting in W, it is no longer necessary to perform a Stack update during the converge. This change removes the stack update from the converge step. Now, we will just run the deploy_steps_playbook instead.

New Features

  • Added options for “overcloud delete” command to unprovision networks provisioned with “overcloud deploy” or with “overcloud network provision”.

  • Added options for “overcloud delete” command to unprovision nodes and network ports provisioned with “overcloud deploy”.

  • The Admin Authorize command can now be targeted at specific nodes using ‘–limit’. It can also take a custom static-inventory using ‘–static-inventory’.

  • The commands openstack overcloud node import and openstack overcloud node configure now have a –boot-mode arguement which allows the boot mode for all affected nodes to be set to UEFI boot (uefi) or legacy BIOS boot (bios). This allows some nodes to have a different boot mode to the default (uefi).

  • Two new commands, “openstack overcloud ceph user enable” and “openstack overcloud ceph user disable” are added. The “enable” option will create the cephadm SSH user and distribute their SSH keys to Ceph nodes in the overcloud. The “disable” option may be run after “openstack overcloud ceph deploy” has been run to disable cephadm so that it may not be used to administer the Ceph cluster and no “ceph orch …” CLI commands will function. This will also prevent Ceph node overcloud scale operations though the Ceph cluster will still be able to read/write data. The “ceph user disable” option will also remove the public and private SSH keys of the cephadm SSH user on overclouds which host Ceph. The “ceph user enable” option may also be used to re-distribute the public and private SSH keys of the cephadm SSH user and re-enable the cephadm mgr module.

  • A new command “openstack overcloud ceph deploy” is added. The command is used to deploy Ceph after the hardware has been provisioned with networking and before the overcloud is deployed. The command takes the output of “openstack overcloud node provision” as input and returns a Heat enviornment file, e.g. deployed_ceph.yaml, as output. The deployed_ceph.yaml file may then be passed to the “openstack overcloud deploy” command as input. During overcloud deployment the Ceph cluster is then configured to host OpenStack. E.g. cephx keys and pools are still created on the Ceph cluster by “openstack overcloud deploy”.

  • The cli arguments that control what parts of the deployment to execute have been refactored to better align with the user expected intention, –stack-only: create the stack, download the config. no overcloud node changes –setup-only: ssh admin authorization setup. –config-download-only: run config-download playbook(s) to configure the overcloud.

Deprecation Notes

  • The --local argument to the openstack overcloud image upload command has been deprecated and a --no-local argument has been added. Earlier we used to fallback to upload locally when glance was not available. As glance is not installed in the undercloud by default, we would upload images locally unless --no-local is used.

  • The openstack tripleo validator CLI has been deprecated in favor the validation CLI.

    | Old CLI sub commands                       | New CLI sub commands      |
    | openstack tripleo validator list           | validation list           |
    | openstack tripleo validator show           | validation show           |
    | openstack tripleo validator group info     | validation show group     |
    | openstack tripleo validator show parameter | validation show parameter |
    | openstack tripleo validator show history   | validation history list   |
    | openstack tripleo validator show run       | validation history get    |

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes Admin Authorize to work with Ephemeral Heat.

Other Notes

  • Stack outputs that are needed by other functionality of the overcloud deployment are now saved in the stack working directory in an outputs subdirectory (default ~/overcloud-deploy/<stack>/outputs).


New Features

  • An ephemeral Heat process is now used by default for overcloud deployment. On each overcloud management operation (deploy/update/upgrade), a containerized Heat process will be started, the stack will be created new, and then the Heat process will be stopped. The enable_heat option is undercloud.conf is now defaulted to False.

Deprecation Notes

  • Setting enable_heat=True in undercloud.conf is deprecated.

  • Using –heat-type=installed is deprecated with the openstack overcloud commands.


New Features

  • New configuration options for enable_neutron and enable_heat are added to the standalone and undercloud installers. These options default to true, and can be used to selectively disable these services.

  • A new cli argument, –heat-type is added to openstack overcloud deploy. Available options are “installed”, “pod”, “container”, and “native”. The default is “installed”. The argument specifies the type of Heat process to use for the deployment.

  • The “openstack tripleo deploy” and “openstack undercloud install” commands now save their generated artifacts from the deployment under a single consistent directory, which by default is located at ~/tripleo-deploy/<stack>. For the undercloud, this location is ~/tripleo-deploy/undercloud. The directory can be overridden with the –output-dir option.


New Features

  • Added option enable_frr to enable the TripleO FRR service in standalone and undercloud deployments.

  • The –setup-only option has been added to facilitate the generation of ansible content and ensure the environment is accessible via the current stack.

  • A consistent working directory is now used by the openstack overcloud deploy command. The directory contains input files, generated files, and log files, among others. The directory defaults to ~/overcloud-deploy/<stack>. The old default config-download directory at ~/config-download/<stack> is now a symlink to the new location at ~/overcloud-deploy/<stack>/config-download/<stack> for backwards compatibility.

  • The container image build command now has the ability to inject labels into various images being constructed. To add labels into a container, the argument –label can be specified multiple times. The value is always a key=value pair and each key must be unique.

  • Adds auth_token_lifetime to undercloud.conf with a default of 14400. This configuration option exposes the keystone token expirataion as a top level configuration since it may need to be increased to handle larger clouds.

Upgrade Notes

  • openstack overcloud parameters set command has been removed. It was used to update the plan parameters. Now that we use sever side parameter merging and no plan, this is not relevant anymore.

  • openstack overcloud plan * commands have been removed. These commands are irrelevant as overcloud deploy/update/upgrade does not create/update swift plan anymore. Also, some of the openstack overcloud role commands that use swift plan have been removed.

Deprecation Notes

  • With the move to Nova-less provisioning and Neutron network management being removed from being managed via Heat, the undercloud minion functionality is now deprecated.

  • The –plan-environment-file option of openstack tripleo deploy command is now deprecated and not used.

Bug Fixes

  • Removing the deprecated -e and --templates switches to overcloud node delete. This is causing confusion to the operators.

Other Notes

  • The container image build label agument has the ability to do simple string replacements following the python standard. Available options for string replacement are registry, namespace, prefix, image, tag, and name. Example usage –label component=”%(prefix)s-%(name)s-container”.


New Features

  • A dnf installation of tripleo-common, tripleo-ironic-python-agent-builder, openstack-tripleo-image-elements, openstack-tripleo-puppet-elements, and xfsprogs has been included as part of the openstack overcloud image build command. This allows us to drop these as always required dependencies for tripleoclient.

Upgrade Notes

  • docker_bip has been removed from the undercloud.conf

  • The --*-flavor options and the --*-count options were removed from the overcloud deploy command.

  • Remove undercloud_update_packages option in undercloud.conf.

  • upgrade_cleanup has been removed from the undercloud.conf as it hasn’t had any effect after the initial containerized undercloud back in Rocky or FFU upgrade in Train.

Other Notes

  • Removed experimental designation from tripleo deploy since we’ve used it for several releases now and we’re unlikely to change how it works.