Pike Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes


New Features

  • Add ‘–environment-directory’ option to the openstack overcloud container image prepare command.

Deprecation Notes

  • The command “openstack overcloud container image prepare” has deprecated the –pull-source argument. The source registry should now be specified as part of the –namespace argument.

  • Renamed some options to the openstack overcloud container image prepare command for clarity. The ‘–images-file’ option was renamed to ‘–output-images-file’. The ‘–env-file’ option was renamed to ‘–output-env-file’. The ‘–service-environment-file’ option was renamed to ‘–environment-file’. The old options are still in place and show a deprecation warning in the help message.


New Features

  • The “openstack overcloud container image tag discover” command is provided to discover the version-based tag by inspecting the image from a stable tag like ‘current-tripleo-rdo’. Stable tags like ‘latest’ or ‘pike’ can’t be used for container updates because something needs to change to trigger the new containers being pulled. Without this command it would be up to the user to find out what versioned tag to specify when calling prepare.


New Features

  • A new -n/–networks-data option has been added. This allows overriding the default network_data.yaml, similar to the existing interface for roles_data.yaml.


New Features

  • The “openstack overcloud container image prepare” command can now filter the image list by the containerized services being deployed. This is done by specifying the heat environment files which enable containerized services.


New Features

  • A new command “openstack overcloud config download” has been added which enables download of the configuration data used by TripleO for debugging or running outside the control of the overcloud heat stack. Note that running configuration tools outside of the heat stack experimental at this stage and should be used with caution.

  • Add the –deployed-server flag that can only be used with the –disable-validations. When specified, allows to deploy an overcloud on the pre-provisioned nodes and ignores missing nova and ironic UC services.

  • EXPERIMENTAL feature to install the undercloud with openstack heat add support for a containerized undercloud. It checks for prequisites and installs missing packages then deploys undercloud with heat-all.

  • New flag –install-kolla, defaults to False. Adds or removes Kolla packages to/from the list of required packages to be installed by the openstack undercloud deploy command. Set it to True, if you want to build Kolla containers on the undercloud node as the part of your continuous deployment pipeline.

  • Workflows, associated with plan-environment.yaml using workflow_parameters, are invoked before the actual deployment starts.

  • Add new command openstack overcloud node discover for nodes discovery by probing a range of IP addresses for accessible BMCs.

  • Added new os-image-name parameter, that replaces os-image one, because it was conflicting with glance parameter naming, causing os-image to don’t work properly.

  • Adds optional override of the plan environment file with custom plan environment file.

  • Added a warning log with the list of deprecated parameters in the plan.

Upgrade Notes

  • If the operator specifies a roles_data.yaml for the deployment or upgrade this adds a check that the disable_upgrade_deployment flag is set at least once in that file and otherwise logs a warning. If the validation-warnings-fatal parameter is set to True (default is False) then this check will also raise an InvalidConfiguration exception.

  • The environment configuration for deployments is now stored in a file called plan-environment.yaml and stored in Swift with the templates; Mistral is no longer used to store this data. Migration of the existing plans is handled automatically.

Bug Fixes

  • Each deploy command run by a user is now track in an history file under $HOME/.tripleo directory. It allow to retrieve all the previous calls from the openstack overcloud deploy command, the environment files used and the templates directories used, for analysis, debugging or tracking. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1673700


New Features

  • Implemented new ‘openstack overcloud support report’ command to execute a log collection and retrieval against overcloud nodes. This new command allows an operator to perform sosreport retrieval from all nodes or specific nodes based on their server name.

  • New command overcloud container image upload. This is the container image equivalent to the overcloud image upload command.

  • New command overcloud container image build. This command receives the same --config-file argument as overcloud container image upload and invokes kolla-build to build the images specified in that file.

  • Added argument for –source_url to overcloud create_plan workflow call. The –source_url argument expects the url of a git repository containing the Heat templates to deploy.

  • Add a new plan export command for exporting deployment plans.

  • Added new commands for listing available example roles and generating role_data.yaml files for an environment. openstack overcloud roles list provides a list of available roles shipped with tripleo-heat-templates. openstack overcloud role info lists out the details of the specific role. openstack overcloud roles generate can be used with the available role names to create a roles_data.yaml used by the deploy command.

  • Add a new cli argument, –skip-deploy-identifier. The argument will disable setting a unique value for the DeployIdentifier parameter, which means the SoftwareDeployment resources in the templates will only be triggered if there is an actual change to their configuration. This argument can be used to avoid always applying configuration, such as during node scale out. This option should be used with Caution, and only if there is confidence that the software configuration does not need to be run, such as when scaling out certain roles.

  • Pre-deployment checks are now being called in a workflow. This simplifies the client, and removes code that does not need to be in the client.

Bug Fixes

  • The introspection bulk status command no longer aborts if some nodes in the Ironic registry were never introspected. See bug 1689540.

  • The update abort command was introduced many releases ago. However, it is not a safe operation in the context of TripleO. The TripleO Heat stack could become irrepairably damage should a rollback be attempted. As such, it is best to remove this functionality without a deprecation period. The workaround for this command is to wait until the stack times out or completes the update.

  • Fixes bug 1638697 Moves the pre-deployment checks to workflows.


New Features

  • A new command, “openstack overcloud credentials” has been added to create the overcloudrc and overcloudrc.v3 files for your deployment. This is particularly useful if the deploy is started from the GUI.

Known Issues

  • Fixed an issue with the permissions of the overcloudrc.v3 file. The chmod call was not being used on it correctly.

Bug Fixes

  • The overcloud generate fencing command no longer carries a default value for the action parameter. Advice from upstream Pacemaker is that this value should no longer be passed to fencing agents as it may cause inconsistent behaviour. The parameter remains, but is now optional, and its use is discouraged.

  • Removed setting NeutronDhcpAgentsPerNetwork based on controller count. If not overridden by the user, it should be calculated based on the number of neutron DHCP agents that are actually deployed.

  • overcloud deploy correctly returns an error code when failing during the pre-deployment verifications (before the stack is launched) (bug 1672790).

Other Notes

  • Remove all usage of os-cloud-config. Indeed, os-cloud-config has been deprecated in Ocata and is not useful anymore from tripleoclient. Let’s stop using it and remove all the code that used it, including the tests.