Ussuri Series Release Notes


New Features

  • The container image build command now has the ability to inject labels into various images being constructed. To add labels into a container, the argument –label can be specified multiple times. The value is always a key=value pair and each key must be unique.

  • Adds auth_token_lifetime to undercloud.conf with a default of 14400. This configuration option exposes the keystone token expirataion as a top level configuration since it may need to be increased to handle larger clouds.

Other Notes

  • The container image build label agument has the ability to do simple string replacements following the python standard. Available options for string replacement are registry, namespace, prefix, image, tag, and name. Example usage –label component=”%(prefix)s-%(name)s-container”.


New Features

  • A new –ansible-forks argument has been added to the TripleO and Overcloud commands. The default value for forks has also been adjusted to no longer exceed 100 forks.


New Features

  • A new command “openstack overcloud export ceph” is added. The command is used to export the Ceph deployment data from one stack for use in another stack with storage services which use that Ceph cluster when using the multi-stack deployment feature.

Bug Fixes

  • openstack overcloud export now exports user defined password values instead of just always exporting the generated password values.


New Features

  • The upgrade/update commands have a prompt by default now that ask for confirmation before proceeding. It’ll prevent an operator to run the command and cause the problems to infrastructure. This prompt can be skipped with –yes/-y argument.

Deprecation Notes

  • The ffwd-upgrade command isn’t needed anymore since Queens. The ffwd upgrade now relies on the overcloud upgrade commands, therefore there is no need to keep the old ffwd-upgrade commands around as they could just cause confusion to the user.


New Features

  • The overcloud delete subcommand now supports cleaning up overcloud hosts, services, and DNS entries in FreeIPA. This is applicable to deployments with TLS support enabled since FreeIPA serves DNS and manages certificates for overcloud infrastructure. This subcommand also includes a new option called --skip-ipa-cleanup that allows the caller to forego cleaning up FreeIPA. This may be useful when deployers want to forcibly cleanup overcloud stacks and leave FreeIPA entries intact (e.g., network partition events where the FreeIPA server isn’t reachable). Note that you will need to manually cleanup FreeIPA if you use --skip-ipa-cleanup.

Upgrade Notes

  • openstack overcloud failures command used to get ansible errors with mistral api has been removed as part of removal of mistral service from undercloud.

  • openstack overcloud remote execute command has been removed. It depended on os-collect-config service on the overcloud nodes, that had been disabled by default since rocky. Please use ansible playbooks to make necessary configuration changes in place of this command.

  • The undercloud.conf file is now strictly parsed. If there are detected issues within the undercloud.conf configuration file operations will halt, producing an error and highlighting how to resolve the issue.

Bug Fixes

  • The undercloud install now configures ironic inspector to automatically populate the physical_network field on baremetal provisioning ports. See bug 1870529.

  • The undercloud.conf file is now strictly parsed which ensures a clean configuration when deploying the undercloud.


New Features

  • openstack overcloud node delete now can take –overcloud-ssh-port-timeout to configure connection timeout for Ansible. While –timeout configures the command timeout as expected.

  • Add –work-dir to openstack overcloud container image build command and every run will create a unique workspace which where will be stored Kolla configs and build logs. Default directory will be in /tmp/container-builds. UUIDs are used to identify each time we run the command and will be the directory name in the work dir.

  • A new interface has been created allowing deployers to run arbitrary playbooks which are defined within a deployment plan. This interface is being created to replace the existing Mistral interface, which is largely used for HCI and NFV use cases. The interface will now process playbooks when they’re defined within a plan under the playbook_parameters key.

    Playbook entries can be defined with, and without the base path. If no base path is defined within the entry, the interface will fall back to the constant tripleo playbook path, /usr/share/ansible/tripleo-playbooks. Options fined within a playbook entry will be passed into the playbook at runtime using extra-vars.

    • Interface usage example

        x: 1
        y: a
        x: a
        y: 1
  • The network interface drivers for the Baremetal service on the undercloud is now configurable. New undercloud.conf options enabled_network_interfaces (Default: flat) and default_network_interface (Default: flat) control the enabled network interface and the default network interface when enrolling nodes.

  • ReportExecute has been moved to the V2 client version where it will now execute an ansible playbook when running all log collection tasks. This playbook will run sosreport and collect a log archive on the undercloud host.

  • Starting with “Ussuri”, the default images that are built when running the openstack overcloud image build action are python3 and centos8 based.

  • The TripleO Validator CLI has now a new logging feature which keep every validation execution log in the Undercloud (/var/log/validations/). The CLI is able to display the history and allow the user to get the full execution details.

Deprecation Notes

  • The log collection process will no longer store logs within swift. All collected logs will be stored in the –output path as provided by the CLI switch, using a default of /var/lib/tripleo/support.

  • The following ReportExecute CLI switches no longer have any effect; –container, –skip-container-delete, –timeout, –concurrency, –collect-only, –download-only. These options have been retained to ensure we’re not breaking legacy compatibility, however, they will be removed in a future release.

Bug Fixes

  • Ansible connection timeout used for config download and the deployment timeout now will be given proper values. It fixes bug 1868063.


New Features

  • Adds a new –save-swift parameter to undercloud-backup. This is due to the fact that in the past the backup would be always saved on swift and the next backup would contain the previous backup thus increasing exponentially The default is false and that saves to the filesytem

  • Added –overcloud-ssh-enable-timeout to allow end users to increase the wait time during the deploy, ffu, upgrade and admin actions. By default this is 600 seconds.

  • Added –overcloud-ssh-port-timeout to allow end users to increase the time we wait for ssh to become ready on the hosts during the deploy, ffu, upgrade and admin actions. On older hardware or slow booting hardware, the 300 seconds we wait by default for the port to come up may not be sufficient.

  • Paunch is now disabled by default when the Undercloud is deployed and upgraded. Containers will be started by Ansible and not Paunch anymore. One can enable Paunch again with undercloud_enable_paunch set to True.

  • A new command “openstack tripleo launch heat” is added. The command starts up the heat-all process in the foreground, and can be used for stack creation to generate the config-download ansible content.

Bug Fixes

  • The client (tripleoclient) now raises a new exception, ConfigDownloadInProgress, if there is already an instance of the tripleo.deployment.v1.config_download_deploy workflow in progress for the current stack.

  • Fixed an issue where the DHCP server for ironic-inspector was configured to operate in DHCPv6-stateful mode when the undercloud configuration specified DHCPv6-stateless mode. (See bug: 1853334)


New Features

  • A new command “openstack overcloud export” is added. The command is used to export the data from a control stack for use in a compute stack for the multi-stack feature.

Deprecation Notes

  • The TripleO Validator CLI doesn’t support Mistral anymore for listing and running the Validations. Ansible is now the way to run them.

  • The TripleO Validator was using Mistral to get all the Validations available on the Undercloud. From now, The CLI is parsing the Validations directly from the filesystem and the Mistral support has been removed.