The troveclient.v1.security_groups Module

The troveclient.v1.security_groups Module

class troveclient.v1.security_groups.SecurityGroup(manager, info, loaded=False)

Bases: troveclient.base.Resource

Security Group is a resource used to hold security group information.

class troveclient.v1.security_groups.SecurityGroupRule(manager, info, loaded=False)

Bases: troveclient.base.Resource

This resource is used to hold security group rule information.

class troveclient.v1.security_groups.SecurityGroupRules(api)

Bases: troveclient.base.ManagerWithFind

Manage SecurityGroupRules resources.

create(group_id, cidr)

Create a new security group rule.


Delete the specified security group rule.

Parameters:security_group_rule – The security group rule to delete

alias of SecurityGroupRule

class troveclient.v1.security_groups.SecurityGroups(api)

Bases: troveclient.base.ManagerWithFind

Manage SecurityGroup resources.


Get a specific security group.

Return type:SecurityGroup
list(limit=None, marker=None)

Get a list of all security groups.

Return type:list of SecurityGroup.

alias of SecurityGroup

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python-troveclient 2.11.0