The troveclient.compat.common Module

The troveclient.compat.common Module

exception troveclient.compat.common.ArgumentRequired(param)

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception troveclient.compat.common.ArgumentsRequired(*params)

Bases: troveclient.compat.common.ArgumentRequired

class troveclient.compat.common.Auth(parser)

Bases: troveclient.compat.common.CommandsBase

Authenticate with your username and api key.


Login to retrieve an auth token to use for other api calls.

params = ['apikey', 'auth_strategy', 'auth_type', 'auth_url', 'options', 'region', 'service_name', 'service_type', 'service_url', 'tenant_id', 'username']
class troveclient.compat.common.AuthedCommandsBase(parser)

Bases: troveclient.compat.common.CommandsBase

Commands that work only with an authenticated client.

class troveclient.compat.common.CliOptions(**kwargs)

Bases: object

A token object containing the user, apikey and token which is pickleable.

APITOKEN = '/home/jenkins/.apitoken'
DEFAULT_VALUES = {'auth_type': 'keystone', 'service_name': '', 'token': None, 'verbose': False, 'region': 'RegionOne', 'service_type': 'database', 'tenant_id': None, 'debug': False, 'service_url': None, 'insecure': False, 'username': None, 'apikey': None, 'auth_url': None}
classmethod create_optparser(load_file)
classmethod default()
classmethod load_from_file()
classmethod save_from_instance_fields(instance)
class troveclient.compat.common.CommandsBase(parser)

Bases: object

params = []
class troveclient.compat.common.Paginated(items=None, next_marker=None, links=None)

Bases: object

Pretends to be a list if you iterate over it, but also keeps a next property you can use to get the next page of data.

troveclient.compat.common.check_for_exceptions(resp, body)
troveclient.compat.common.limit_url(url, limit=None, marker=None)

Get all callable methods of an object that don’t start with underscore returns a list of tuples of the form (method_name, method).

troveclient.compat.common.print_actions(cmd, actions)

Print help for the command with list of options and description.


Print the list of available commands and description.

troveclient.compat.common.quote_user_host(user, host)
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.

python-troveclient 2.11.0