The troveclient.v1.client Module

The troveclient.v1.client Module

class troveclient.v1.client.Client(username=None, password=None, project_id=None, auth_url='', insecure=False, timeout=None, tenant_id=None, proxy_tenant_id=None, proxy_token=None, region_name=None, endpoint_type='publicURL', extensions=None, service_type='database', service_name=None, database_service_name=None, retries=None, http_log_debug=False, cacert=None, bypass_url=None, auth_system='keystone', auth_plugin=None, session=None, auth=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Top-level object to access the OpenStack Database API.

Create an instance with your creds:

>> client = Client(USERNAME,

Then call methods on its managers:

>> client.instances.list()

Authenticate against the server.

Normally this is called automatically when you first access the API, but you can call this method to force authentication right now.

Returns on success; raises exceptions.Unauthorized if the credentials are wrong.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.

python-troveclient 2.11.0