Stop and resume the OpenStack environment deployment

Stop and resume the OpenStack environment deployment

You may need to stop and resume the deployment of your OpenStack environment in the following cases:

  • When some nodes fail during the provisioning or go offline during the deployment.
  • When you need to adjust the deployment settings, such as networks, plugins, configuration parameters, and so on.

Once you stop the deployment, Fuel waits for a particular deployment engine to finish its execution on all the running nodes and reports the status back to Nailgun. Using the task-based deployment, Fuel prevents new tasks from starting but completes the tasks that are already in progress.

Once you resume the deployment, Fuel restarts the deployment with necessary tasks being restarted on particular nodes. For example, if the host operating system provisioning had been completed before you stopped the deployment, then Fuel restarts the deployment tasks only. However, the input data will change.

To stop and resume the OpenStack environment deployment:

  1. During the environment deployment, click the Dashboard tab in the Fuel web UI.
  2. In the deployment progress bar area, click Stop.
  3. Click the Nodes tab:
    • If the nodes were stopped during the provisioning process, they are rebooted to bootstrap and appear as OFFLINE. Fuel resets the environment to the state before you have started the deployment.
      1. Wait until Fuel reboots the nodes. The nodes must have the PENDING ADDITION status. All settings in all tabs must be unlocked.
      2. Apply any required changes to the OpenStack environment configuration.
    • If the nodes were stopped during the deploying process, they have either the ERROR or STOPPED status.
      1. Troubleshoot the nodes being in the ERROR status, if any.
      2. Configure the environment if necessary.
  4. Resume the deployment by clicking Deploy Changes.
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