Create an automatically generated plugin

Create an automatically generated plugin

The automatically generated plugin is a template for your plugin.

The automatically generated plugin does the following:

  1. Creates the file /tmp/plugin.all on all nodes in the environment.
  2. Runs the deployment_scripts/ script. This creates the /tmp/fuel-plugin-example file on the controllers.
  3. Creates a new role fuel-plugin-example_role.

To create an automatically generated plugin

  1. Log into the Fuel Master node.

  2. Run:

    fpb --create fuel-plugin-example

    This will generate the following files:

    File Descrption
    components.yaml Fuel web UI components
    deployment_scripts Directory for the plugin tasks code
    deployment_scripts/ Shell script sample
    deployment_tasks.yaml Definition of plugin tasks
    environment_config.yaml Fuel web UI plugin parameters
    fuel-plugin-example-1.0-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm A plugin package created after you build a plugin
    LICENSE Standard Apache 2.0 license file
    metadata.yaml Plugin information
    network_roles.yaml Network roles data
    node_roles.yaml Definition of new node roles created by the plugin
    pre_build_hook Actions to run on plugin build Free-form description of plugin
    repositories Directory for plugin specific packages
    repositories/centos Directory for plugin CentOS packages
    repositories/ubuntu Directory for plugin Ubuntu packages
    tasks.yaml Deprecated, use deployment_tasks.yaml
    volumes.yaml Mapping between node roles and volume allocation. You can also define new volumes and map them to the new or existing nodes.
  3. Build the automatically generated plugin:

    fpb --build fuel-plugin-example
  4. Copy the plugin to the Fuel Master node.

  5. Deploy a new environment.

  6. Install the plugin:

    fuel plugins --install

    The resulting RPM file is what you need to redistribute to the end user.


The RPM file resulting from the fpb --build command is usually all you need to redistribute the plugin to the end user. But, despite the plugin’s package being a standard RPM package, the user must not install it directly using the RPM CLI tool, because the nailgun database cannot be updated with the plugin information this way. The correct method to install Fuel plugins is by using the fuel plugins command. The benefit of distributing in RPM format is the ability to automatically upgrade plugins using YUM. Keep in mind that currently Fuel does not support plugin upgrades from one major version to another.

After installing the plugin, you can view it in the Fuel web UI on the Plugins tab.

You can also verify the plugin installation using Fuel CLI:

# fuel plugins --list
id | name                | version | package_version
1  | fuel-plugin-example | 1.0.0   | 4.0.0

To enable the installed plugin

  1. In the Fuel web UI, click Other, then Settings.
  2. Check the plugin box.


If you can see your plugin in the fuel plugins --list output, but not in the Fuel web UI, then your plugin does not support the installed version of Fuel. Specifically, the plugin does not have the version of the Fuel Master node in its metadata.yaml.


By default, all plugin settings are under the group ‘Other’. To place your plugin settings to a different group, specify it in environment_config.yaml.


Tip: Although you can see the plugin settings in the deployed environment after installation, you cannot enable the plugin. Enabling a plugin after deployment makes sense only in one case: when this adds a new node role and a node with this role can be added after the environment is deployed. In this case use the keyword is_hotppluggable in metadata.yaml.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.
