Update Fuel to latest Mitaka

Update Fuel to latest MitakaΒΆ

A number of the Fuel Newton features are back-ported to Mitaka after the Fuel Mitaka release. You can update the Fuel Master node to consume these features.

To update the Fuel Master node from the initially released Mitaka to the latest Mitaka version:

  1. Log in to the Fuel Master node CLI as root.

  2. Verify that the update repository, for example, mos-update, is available in the list of your repositories:

    cat /etc/yum.repos.d/mos-updates.repo

    If the update repository is unavailable, run:

    yum-config-manager --add-repo=http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos9.0-centos7/updates/x86_64/
    rpm --import http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/mos-repos/centos/mos9.0-centos7/updates/RPM-GPG-KEY-mos9.0
  3. Clean the YUM cache:

    yum clean all
  4. Install a code-based integrity check tool Cudet. This tool also includes the necessary update commands for fuel2:

    yum install python-cudet
  5. Prepare the Fuel Master node for the Noop run:

    update-prepare prepare master

    This command installs new fuel-nailgun and fuel-astute packages on the Fuel Master node. Also, it executes Nailgun dbsync and restarts the astute and nailgun services.

    If any fuel-nailgun extension is already installed on the Fuel Master node, the update-prepare script does not restart the Nailgun services. You should restart the Nailgun services manually using the following command:

    systemctl restart assassind nailgun oswl_flavor_collectord \
    oswl_image_collectord oswl_keystone_user_collectord \
    oswl_tenant_collectord oswl_vm_collectord oswl_volume_collectord \
    receiverd statsenderd
  6. Update the Fuel Master node packages, services, and configuration:

    update-prepare update master


    During the update procedure, the Fuel Master node services will be restarted automatically.

    The script calls yum update and then runs Puppet tasks to update the Fuel Master node.

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