Launch a virtual machine with workload acceleration

Launch a virtual machine with workload acceleration

After you created a specific VM flavor as described in Create a workload-accelerated instance flavor and configured an SR-IOV port as described in Create a network port for SR-IOV (for SR-IOV only), you can launch a virtual machine that supports DPDK and SR-IOV NFV features.

To launch a virtual machine with workload acceleration:

  1. Log in to Horizon.
  2. On the Source screen, select a virtual machine template in QCOW2 format.
  3. On the Flavor screen, select a flavor that has workload-accelerated features enabled.
  4. Select from the following options:
    • If you want to use DPDK, on the Networks screen, select the admin_internal_net.
    • If you want to use SR-IOV, on the Network Ports screen, select the SR-IOV port that you have created in Create a network port for SR-IOV.
  5. Launch the instance.
  6. Proceed to Allocate a floating IP address to a virtual machine.
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