Modify the Fuel web UI

Modify the Fuel web UIΒΆ

The Fuel web UI provides the ability to quickly choose which components to enable for a new environment.

Fuel has a significant number of predefined components. Plugins add their own plugin-specific components.

Each of the components can be marked as compatible, incompatible, or required in relation to any other component. This allows a user to choose a high-level set of enabled features for a new cloud without worrying about incompatibility issues.

A plugin defines relationship between its own and any arbitrary components by specifying them in the file components.yaml. The automatically generated plugin contains only a very basic components.yaml that describes one component without defining any inter-component relationships:

- name: additional_service:fuel-plugin-example
  compatible: []
  requires: []
  incompatible: []
  label: "Plugin label, that will be shown on UI"
  description: "Component description (optional)"

A new component appears on the Additional Services tab with a tooltip that displays information if the component was tested with the components selected previously.

By default, the only effect of enabling any component associated with a plugin is that the plugin will be enabled in the environment settings after the Fuel web UI wizard completion.

To change ``components.yaml``

  1. Modify the components.yaml file.
  2. Synchronise with the fuel plugins --sync command.
  3. Create a new environment to test the Fuel web UI wizard.

Example of an edited components.yaml file:

- name: additional_service:fuel-plugin-example
  bind: !!pairs
    - settings:common.use_cow_images.value: false
    - settings:storage.osd_pool_size.value: 2
    - name: hypervisor:qemu
    - name: storage:block:ceph
    - name: storage:ephemeral:ceph
    - name: storage:block:ceph
      message: "Example component requires Ceph as a storage
    - name: storage:ephemeral:ceph
      message: "Example component requires Ceph as an
                ephemeral storage backend"
    - name: network:neutron:ml2:vlan
      message: "Example component is incompatible with VLAN segmentation"
  label: "Example plugin component"
  description: "Just an example of a plugin component"

The property weight defines a relative placement of the component in the wizard, which is the same with roles and settings definitions. This example ensures that the component shows at the top of the list. See weight examples.

The property bind defines the settings that must be set if the component is enabled. To set specific values, do not use the form bind: !!pairs as in the example. The example ensures that enabling the component uses raw format for the images instead of qcow and cepho object replication factor setting to 2, while the default is 3.

The property compatible has the list of components tested with the plugin. If some of the components do not specify any other component as compatible, then both will have a warning icon next to them in the Fuel web UI, and a tooltip will provide a list of components with an unspecified compatibility status on a mouseover.

The property requires specifies components that must be enabled for this one to be available. In the example, the user will not be able to select the component without enabling Ceph for block and ephemeral storage.

You should always provide an appropriate value for message so that the user can troubleshoot component enabling with proper tooltip message.

The property incompatible is the opposite of incompatible. This property defines the components that cannot be enabled with this component. In the example, the incompatible component is VLAN segmentation.

The properties label and description are self-explanatory.


Currently, there is no association between the settings bound to incompatible or required components and the settings that restrict each other using the mechanism described in Settings restrictions. This means that the user can manually choose some settings that enable features of an incompatible component after the wizard is finished. Plugin developers should not only specify incompatible components but also provide appropriate restrictions for the incompatible settings.

See components.yaml and environment_config.yaml from the Fuel XenServer plugin as an example.

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