Inject a driver from .deb packages

Inject a driver from .deb packagesΒΆ

When you need to install custom hardware drivers from the official repository, you can inject them into a bootstrap.

To install a driver provided as a deb package:


The .deb files:

$ la -lah /root/mlnx_debs/

System response:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  13M Jan 21 08:55 cirros-testvm-mellanox-ib_0.3.2-7_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  13M Jan 21 08:55 cirros-testvm-mellanox_0.3.2-ubuntu3_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  27K Jan 21 08:55 eswitchd_0.13-1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  27K Jan 21 08:55 eswitchd_1.14-3_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  44K Jan 31 16:08 libibverbs1_1.1.8mlnx1-OFED.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  49K Jan 31 16:08 libmlx4-1_1.0.6mlnx1-OFED.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.7K Jan 21 08:55 mlnx-dnsmasq_2015.1.0-1_all.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100M Jan 21 08:55 mlnx-ofed-fuel_2.3-2.0.8_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 193M Jan 21 08:55 mlnx-ofed-fuel_3.1-1.5.7_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.9M Jan 31 16:08 mlnx-ofed-kernel-dkms_3.1-OFED.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  68K Jan 31 16:08 mlnx-ofed-kernel-utils_3.1-OFED.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  14K Jan 31 16:08 ofed-scripts_3.1-OFED.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  18K Jan 21 08:55 python-networking-mlnx_2015.1.2-1_amd64.deb

The files to be injected to the bootstrap image:

$ tree /root/mlnx_files//

System response:

`-- mlnx_bootstrap_root
    |-- etc
    |   `-- modprobe.d
    |       `-- ipoib.conf
    `-- usr
        `-- bin


Injected files and folder should have execute permission

$ find /root/mlnx_files/ -type f -iname *.sh -print | xargs chmod 0755
$ find /root/mlnx_files/ -type d -print | xargs chmod 755

The custom script:

$ cat /root/mlnx/

System response:


echo "MLNX add into bootstrap /etc/rc.local"
sed -i 's/.*fix-configs.*/$( > \/dev\/null 2>\&1) \& || true\n&/' /etc/rc.local

To push deb packages into the bootstrap, create a new repository on the Fuel Master node and pull the repository to the builder following the steps below:

  1. Prepare a custom repository under nailgun folder:

    1. Create a fodler for the repository:

      $ mkdir -p /var/www/nailgun/mlnx_repo/ubuntu
    2. Copy all *.deb files to the folder:

      $ cp /root/mlnx_debs/*.deb /var/www/nailgun/mlnx_repo/ubuntu
    3. Run dpkg tool to create repo-metadata:

      $ pushd /var/www/nailgun/mlnx_repo/ubuntu/
      $ dpkg-scanpackages ./ /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
      $ popd
    4. Create a simple Release stub file:

      $ echo -e "Origin: user_custom\nLabel: custom\nSuite: user_custom\nCodename: \
             user_custom\nArchitectures: amd64\nComponents: main\nDescription: custom" \
             > /var/www/nailgun/mlnx_repo/ubuntu/Release
  2. Include the repository to configure the bootstrap builder:

    $ vim /etc/fuel-bootstrap-cli/fuel_bootstrap_cli.yaml

    System response:

    - name: custom_mlnx_repo
      priority: 1001
      section: ""
      suite: ./
      type: deb
      uri: "http://<FUEL_MASTER_IP>:8080/mlnx_repo/ubuntu/"

    where FUEL_MASTER_IP is an IP address of the Fuel Master node.

  3. Run the bootstrap builder:

    $ fuel-bootstrap --verbose --debug build --package mlnx-ofed-kernel-dkms \
                     --package mlnx-ofed-kernel-utils --extra-dir \
                     /root/mlnx/mlnx_bootstrap_root/ --label mlnx-ofed-kernel \
                     --activate --script /root/mlnx/

    System response:

    Trying to execute command: rsync -rlptDKv /root/mlnx/mlnx_bootstrap_root// /tmp/tmpsJA1Yp.fuel-agent-image/
    Trying to execute command: chroot /tmp/tmpsJA1Yp.fuel-agent-image /bin/bash -c /
    stdout:MLNX add into bootstrap /etc/rc.local
    Setting up mlnx-ofed-kernel-dkms (3.1-OFED.
    Loading new mlnx-ofed-kernel-3.1 DKMS files
    Rsync files from /root/mlnx/mlnx_bootstrap_root/ to: /tmp/tmpIA5Ro8.fuel-agent-image
    --- Building bootstrap image END (do_mkbootstrap) ---
    Bootstrap image 37369fd8-34c0-444d-a4d1-2f266d586442 has been activated
  4. Reboot the affected nodes:

    $ ssh reboot
  5. Check that the driver has been installed succesfully:

    1. View the information about the installed packages:

      # dpkg -l |grep mlnx

      System response:

      ii  mlnx-ofed-kernel-dkms 3.1-OFED. all DKMS support for mlnxofed kernel modules
      ii  mlnx-ofed-kernel-utils 3.1-OFED.    amd64 Userspace tools to restart and tune mlnx-ofed kernel modules
    2. View the information about the installed kernel module:

      # modinfo mlx4_core

      System response:

      filename:       /lib/modules/3.13.0-76-generic/updates/dkms/mlx4_core.ko
      version:        3.1-1.0.3
      license:        Dual BSD/GPL
      description:    Mellanox ConnectX HCA low-level driver
      author:         Roland Dreier
    3. View the running process:

      # ps xauf |grep

      System response:

      root      3113  0.0  0.0   9600  1492 pts/0    S    13:00   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.
