Install/Update the StarlingX Rest and Web Server Certificate¶
Use the following procedure to install or update the certificate for the StarlingX REST API application endpoints (Keystone, Barbican and StarlingX) and the StarlingX web administration server.
Obtain an intermediate or Root CA-signed server certificate and key from a trusted Intermediate or Root CA. Refer to the documentation for the external Intermediate or Root CA that you are using, on how to create public certificate and private key pairs, signed by intermediate or a Root CA, for HTTPS.
For lab purposes, see Create Certificates Locally using openssl for how to create a test Intermediate or Root CA certificate and key, and use it to sign test server certificates.
Put the PEM encoded versions of the server certificate and key in a single file, and copy the file to the controller host.
If you plan to use the container-based remote CLIs, due to a limitation in the Python2 SSL certificate validation, the certificate used for the StarlingX REST API application endpoints and StarlingX Web Administration Server (‘ssl’) certificate must either have:
where IPADDRESS and FQDN are for the OAM Floating IP Address.
Install/update the copied certificate.
For example:
~(keystone_admin)]$ system certificate-install -m ssl <pathTocertificateAndKey>
is the path to the file containing both the intermediate or Root CA-signed server certificate and private key to install.
The REST and Web Server certificate are not automatically renewed, user MUST renew the certificate prior to expiry, otherwise a variety of system operations will fail.
Ensure the certificates have RSA key length >= 2048 bits. The
StarlingX Release r10.0 provides a new version of openssl
requires a minimum of 2048-bit keys for RSA for better security / encryption
You can check the key length by running openssl x509 -in <the certificate file> -noout -text
and looking for the “Public-Key” in the output. For more information see
Create Certificates Locally using openssl.