Prepare Host and Environment¶
This section describes how to prepare the physical host and virtual environment for a StarlingX r10.0 virtual All-in-one Duplex deployment configuration.
Physical host requirements and setup¶
The following sections describe system requirements and host setup for a workstation hosting virtual machine(s) where StarlingX will be deployed.
Hardware requirements
The host system should have at least:
Processor: x86_64 only supported architecture with BIOS enabled hardware virtualization extensions
Cores: 8
Memory: 32GB RAM
Hard Disk: 500GB HDD
Network: One network adapter with active Internet connection
Software requirements
The host system should have at least:
A workstation computer with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit
All other required packages will be installed by scripts in the StarlingX tools repository.
Host setup
Set up the host with the following steps:
Update OS:
apt-get update
Clone the StarlingX tools repository:
apt-get install -y git cd $HOME git clone
Install required packages:
cd $HOME/virtual-deployment/libvirt bash apt install -y apparmor-profiles apt-get install -y ufw ufw disable ufw status
On Ubuntu 16.04, if apparmor-profile modules were installed as shown in the example above, you must reboot the server to fully install the apparmor-profile modules.
Get the latest StarlingX ISO from the StarlingX mirror. Alternately, you can get an older release ISO from here.
Prepare virtual environment and servers¶
The following commands for host, virtual environment setup, and host power-on use KVM / virsh for virtual machine and VM management technology. For an alternative virtualization environment, see: Install StarlingX in VirtualBox.
Prepare virtual environment.
Set up the virtual platform networks for virtual deployment:
Prepare virtual servers.
Create the XML definitions for the virtual servers required by this configuration option. This will create the XML virtual server definition for:
The following command will start/virtually power on:
The ‘duplex-controller-0’ virtual server
The X-based graphical virt-manager application
bash -c duplex -i ./bootimage.iso
If there is no X-server present errors will occur and the X-based GUI for the virt-manager application will not start. The virt-manager GUI is not absolutely required and you can safely ignore errors and continue.