

Check network_gateway on the provisioning network.

If gateway in undercloud.conf is different from local_ip, verify that the gateway exists and is reachable.

  • hosts: undercloud

  • groups: pre-introspection

  • parameters:

  • roles: check_network_gateway

Role documentation


Check the number of IP addresses available for the overcloud nodes.

Verify that the number of IP addresses defined in dhcp_start and dhcp_end fields in undercloud.conf is not too low.

  • hosts: undercloud

  • groups: pre-introspection

  • parameters:

    • ctlplane_iprange_min_size: 20

  • roles: ctlplane_ip_range

Role documentation


DHCP on the Introspection Network.

An unexpected DHCP server on the network used for node introspection can cause some nodes to not be inspected. This validations checks for the DHCP responses on the interface specified in ironic-inspector.conf.

  • hosts: undercloud

  • groups: pre-introspection

  • parameters:

  • roles: dhcp_validations

Role documentation


Verify undercloud fits the disk space requirements.

Make sure that the root partition on the undercloud node has enough free space.

  • hosts: undercloud

  • groups: prep, pre-introspection

  • parameters:

    • volumes: [{‘mount’: ‘/var/lib/docker’, ‘min_size’: 10}, {‘mount’: ‘/var/lib/config-data’, ‘min_size’: 3}, {‘mount’: ‘/var/log’, ‘min_size’: 3}, {‘mount’: ‘/usr’, ‘min_size’: 5}, {‘mount’: ‘/var’, ‘min_size’: 20}, {‘mount’: ‘/’, ‘min_size’: 25}]

  • roles: undercloud_disk_space

Role documentation


Undercloud Neutron Sanity Check.

Run neutron-sanity-check on the undercloud node to find out potential issues with Neutron’s configuration. The tool expects all the configuration files that are passed to the Neutron services.

  • hosts: undercloud

  • groups: pre-introspection

  • parameters:

    • configs: [‘/etc/neutron/neutron.conf’, ‘/usr/share/neutron/neutron-dist.conf’, ‘/etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini’, ‘/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini’, ‘/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini’, ‘/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini’]

  • roles: neutron_sanity_check

Role documentation


Verify token_flush is enabled in keystone users crontab.

Without a token_flush crontab enabled for the keystone user, the keystone database can grow very large. This validation checks that the keystone token_flush crontab has been set up.

  • hosts: undercloud

  • groups: pre-introspection

  • parameters:

    • cron_check: keystone-manage token_flush

  • roles: undercloud_tokenflush

Role documentation