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Messaging configuration

This section provides an overview of hybrid messaging deployment concepts and describes the necessary steps for a working OpenStack-Ansible (OSA) deployment where RPC and Notify communications are separated and integrated with different messaging server backends.

oslo.messaging library

The oslo.messaging library is part of the OpenStack Oslo project that provides intra-service messaging capabilities. The library supports two communication patterns (RPC and Notify) and provides an abstraction that hides the details of the messaging bus operation from the OpenStack services.


Notify communications are an asynchronous exchange from notifier to listener. The messages transferred typically correspond to information updates or event occurrences that are published by an OpenStack service. The listener need not be present when the notification is sent as notify communications are temporally decoupled. This decoupling between notifier and listener requires that the messaging backend deployed for notifications provide message persistence such as a broker queue or log store. It is noteworthy that the message transfer is unidirectional from notifier to listener and there is no message flow back to the notifier.


The RPC is intended as a synchronous exchange between a client and server that is temporally bracketed. The information transferred typically corresponds to a request-response pattern for service command invocation. If the server is not present at the time the command is invoked, the call should fail. The temporal coupling requires that the messaging backend deployed support the bi-directional transfer of the request from caller to server and the associated reply sent from the server back to the caller. This requirement can be satisfied by a broker queue or a direct messaging backend server.

Messaging transport

The oslo.messaging library supports a messaging transport plugin capability such that RPC and Notify communications can be separated and different messaging backend servers can be deployed.

The oslo.messaging drivers provide the transport integration for the selected protocol and backend server. The following table summarizes the supported oslo.messaging drivers and the communication services they support.

| Oslo.Messaging | Transport |  Backend  | RPC | Notify | Messaging |
|     Driver     | Protocol  |  Server   |     |        |   Type    |
|     rabbit     | AMQP V0.9 | rabbitmq  | yes |   yes  |   queue   |
|     kafka      |  kafka    |  kafka    |     |   yes  |   queue   |
| (experimental) |  binary   |           |     |        |  (stream) |

Standard deployment of rabbitmq server

A single rabbitmq server backend (e.g. server or cluster) is the default deployment for OSA. This broker messaging backend provides the queue services for both RPC and Notification communications through its integration with the oslo.messaging rabbit driver. The oslo-messaging.yml file provides the default configuration to associate the oslo.messaging RPC and Notify services to the rabbitmq server backend.

# Quorum Queues
oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_queues: "{{ rabbitmq_queue_replication }}"

# NOTE(noonedeadpunk): Disabled due to missing oslo.concurrency lock_path defenition
#                      for services
oslomsg_rabbit_queue_manager: False

oslomsg_rpc_transport: 'rabbit'
oslomsg_rpc_port: "{{ rabbitmq_port }}"
oslomsg_rpc_servers: "{{ rabbitmq_servers }}"
oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl: "{{ rabbitmq_use_ssl }}"
oslomsg_rpc_host_group: "{{ rabbitmq_host_group }}"
oslomsg_rpc_policies: "{{ rabbitmq_policies }}"

# Notify
oslomsg_notify_transport: "{{ (groups[rabbitmq_host_group] | length > 0) | ternary('rabbit', 'none') }}"
oslomsg_notify_port: "{{ rabbitmq_port }}"
oslomsg_notify_servers: "{{ rabbitmq_servers }}"
oslomsg_notify_use_ssl: "{{ rabbitmq_use_ssl }}"
oslomsg_notify_host_group: "{{ rabbitmq_host_group }}"
oslomsg_notify_policies: "{{ rabbitmq_policies }}"

Managing RabbitMQ stream policy

When deploying RabbitMQ with support for quorum and stream queues, the retention behaviour for messages changes. Stream queues maintain an append only log on disk of all messages received until a retention policy indicates they should be disposed of. By default, this policy is set with a per-stream x-max-age of 1800 seconds. However, as noted in the RabbitMQ docs, this only comes into effect ones a stream has accumulated enough messages to fill a segment, which has a default size of 500MB.

If you would like to reduce disk usage, an additional policy can be applied via OpenStack Ansible as shown below:

  - name: CQv2
    pattern: '.*'
    priority: 0
      queue-version: 2
    state: >-
        ((oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_queues | default(True) or not rabbitmq_queue_replication) and rabbitmq_install_method | default('') != 'distro'
          ) | ternary('present', 'absent')
# The following is an example of an additional policy which applies to fanout/stream queues only
# By default, each stream uses RabbitMQ's 500MB segment size, and no messages will be discarded
# until that size is reached. This may result in undesirable disk usage.
# If using this policy, it must be applied BEFORE any stream queues are created.
# See also https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/+bug/2089845 and https://www.rabbitmq.com/docs/streams#retention
#  - name: CQv2F
#    pattern: '^.*_fanout'
#    priority: 1
#    tags:
#      queue-version: 2
#      stream-max-segment-size-bytes: 1000000
#    state: >-
#      {{
#        ((oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_queues | default(True) or not rabbitmq_queue_replication) and rabbitmq_install_method | default('') != 'distro'
#          ) | ternary('present', 'absent')
#      }}

Note however, that this policy will only apply if it is in place before any stream queues are created. If these already exist, they will need to be manually deleted and re-created by the relevant OpenStack service.

This issue is being tracked in an oslo.messaging bug.