Utils reference

Utils reference


This section of the documentation is a reference of the cloudkitty.api.v2.utils module. It is generated from the docstrings of the functions. Please report any documentation bug you encounter on this page

class cloudkitty.api.v2.utils.SingleQueryParam(param_type)[source]

Voluptuous validator allowing to validate unique query parameters.

This validator checks that a URL query parameter is provided only once, verifies its type and returns it directly, instead of returning a list containing a single element.

Note that this validator uses voluptuous.Coerce internally and thus should not be used together with api_utils.get_string_type in python2.

Parameters:param_type – Type of the query parameter
cloudkitty.api.v2.utils.add_input_schema(location, schema)[source]

Add a voluptuous schema validation on a method’s input

Takes a dict which can be converted to a volptuous schema as parameter, and validates the parameters with this schema. The “location” parameter is used to specify the parameters’ location. Note that for query parameters, a MultiDict is returned by Flask. Thus, each dict key will contain a list. In order to ease interaction with unique query parameters, the SingleQueryParam voluptuous validator can be used:

from cloudkitty.api.v2 import utils as api_utils
@api_utils.add_input_schema('query', {
    voluptuous.Required('fruit'): api_utils.SingleQueryParam(str),
def put(self, fruit=None):
    return fruit

To accept a list of query parameters, the following syntax can be used:

from cloudkitty.api.v2 import utils as api_utils
@api_utils.add_input_schema('query', {
    voluptuous.Required('fruit'): [str],
def put(self, fruit=[]):
    for f in fruit:
        # Do something with the fruit
  • location (str) – Location of the args. Must be one of [‘body’, ‘query’]
  • schema (dict) – Schema to apply to the method’s kwargs

Helper function for pagination.

Adds two parameters to the decorated function: * offset: int >=0. Defaults to 0. * limit: int >=1. Defaults to 100.

Example usage:

class Example(flask_restful.Resource):

            default='This is an example endpoint',
        ): api_utils.get_string_type(),
    def get(self, offset=0, limit=100):
        # [...]

Add a voluptuous schema validation on a method’s output

Example usage:

class Example(flask_restful.Resource):

            default='This is an example endpoint',
        ): api_utils.get_string_type(),
    def get(self):
        return {}
Parameters:schema (dict) – Schema to apply to the method’s output
cloudkitty.api.v2.utils.do_init(app, blueprint_name, resources)[source]

Registers a new Blueprint containing one or several resources to app.

  • app (flask.Flask) – Flask app in which the Blueprint should be registered
  • blueprint_name (str) – Name of the blueprint to create
  • resources (list of dicts matching cloudkitty.api.v2.RESOURCE_SCHEMA) – Resources to add to the Blueprint’s Api

Returns basestring in python2 and str in python3.

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