
Source code for cloudkitty.api.v2.utils

# Copyright 2018 Objectif Libre
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import importlib

import flask
import flask_restful
import six
import voluptuous
from werkzeug import exceptions

from cloudkitty.api import v2 as v2_api
from cloudkitty import json_utils as json

[docs]class SingleQueryParam(object): """Voluptuous validator allowing to validate unique query parameters. This validator checks that a URL query parameter is provided only once, verifies its type and returns it directly, instead of returning a list containing a single element. Note that this validator uses ``voluptuous.Coerce`` internally and thus should not be used together with ``api_utils.get_string_type`` in python2. :param param_type: Type of the query parameter """ def __init__(self, param_type): self._validate = voluptuous.Coerce(param_type) def __call__(self, v): if not isinstance(v, list): v = [v] if len(v) != 1: raise voluptuous.LengthInvalid('length of value must be 1') output = v[0] return self._validate(output)
[docs]def add_input_schema(location, schema): """Add a voluptuous schema validation on a method's input Takes a dict which can be converted to a volptuous schema as parameter, and validates the parameters with this schema. The "location" parameter is used to specify the parameters' location. Note that for query parameters, a ``MultiDict`` is returned by Flask. Thus, each dict key will contain a list. In order to ease interaction with unique query parameters, the ``SingleQueryParam`` voluptuous validator can be used:: from cloudkitty.api.v2 import utils as api_utils @api_utils.add_input_schema('query', { voluptuous.Required('fruit'): api_utils.SingleQueryParam(str), }) def put(self, fruit=None): return fruit To accept a list of query parameters, the following syntax can be used:: from cloudkitty.api.v2 import utils as api_utils @api_utils.add_input_schema('query', { voluptuous.Required('fruit'): [str], }) def put(self, fruit=[]): for f in fruit: # Do something with the fruit :param location: Location of the args. Must be one of ['body', 'query'] :type location: str :param schema: Schema to apply to the method's kwargs :type schema: dict """ def decorator(f): try: s = getattr(f, 'input_schema') s = s.extend(schema) # The previous schema must be deleted or it will be called... [1/2] delattr(f, 'input_schema') except AttributeError: s = voluptuous.Schema(schema) def wrap(self, **kwargs): if hasattr(wrap, 'input_schema'): if location == 'body': args = flask.request.get_json() elif location == 'query': args = dict(flask.request.args) try: # [2/2] kwargs.update(wrap.input_schema(args)) except voluptuous.Invalid as e: raise exceptions.BadRequest( "Invalid data '{a}' : {m} (path: '{p}')".format( a=args, m=e.msg, p=str(e.path))) return f(self, **kwargs) wrap.input_schema = s return wrap return decorator
[docs]def paginated(func): """Helper function for pagination. Adds two parameters to the decorated function: * ``offset``: int >=0. Defaults to 0. * ``limit``: int >=1. Defaults to 100. Example usage:: class Example(flask_restful.Resource): @api_utils.paginated @api_utils.add_output_schema({ voluptuous.Required( 'message', default='This is an example endpoint', ): api_utils.get_string_type(), }) def get(self, offset=0, limit=100): # [...] """ return add_input_schema('query', { voluptuous.Required('offset', default=0): voluptuous.All( SingleQueryParam(int), voluptuous.Range(min=0)), voluptuous.Required('limit', default=100): voluptuous.All( SingleQueryParam(int), voluptuous.Range(min=1)), })(func)
[docs]def add_output_schema(schema): """Add a voluptuous schema validation on a method's output Example usage:: class Example(flask_restful.Resource): @api_utils.add_output_schema({ voluptuous.Required( 'message', default='This is an example endpoint', ): api_utils.get_string_type(), }) def get(self): return {} :param schema: Schema to apply to the method's output :type schema: dict """ schema = voluptuous.Schema(schema) def decorator(f): def wrap(*args, **kwargs): resp = f(*args, **kwargs) return schema(resp) return wrap return decorator
class ResourceNotFound(Exception): """Exception raised when a resource is not found""" def __init__(self, module, resource_class): msg = 'Resource {r} was not found in module {m}'.format( r=resource_class, m=module, ) super(ResourceNotFound, self).__init__(msg) def _load_resource(module, resource_class): try: module = importlib.import_module(module) except ImportError: raise ResourceNotFound(module, resource_class) resource = getattr(module, resource_class, None) if resource is None: raise ResourceNotFound(module, resource_class) return resource def output_json(data, code, headers=None): """Helper function for api endpoint json serialization""" resp = flask.make_response(json.dumps(data), code) resp.headers.extend(headers or {}) return resp def _get_blueprint_and_api(module_name): endpoint_name = module_name.split('.')[-1] blueprint = flask.Blueprint(endpoint_name, module_name) api = flask_restful.Api(blueprint) # Using cloudkitty.json instead of json for serialization api.representation('application/json')(output_json) return blueprint, api
[docs]def do_init(app, blueprint_name, resources): """Registers a new Blueprint containing one or several resources to app. :param app: Flask app in which the Blueprint should be registered :type app: flask.Flask :param blueprint_name: Name of the blueprint to create :type blueprint_name: str :param resources: Resources to add to the Blueprint's Api :type resources: list of dicts matching ``cloudkitty.api.v2.RESOURCE_SCHEMA`` """ blueprint, api = _get_blueprint_and_api(blueprint_name) schema = voluptuous.Schema([v2_api.RESOURCE_SCHEMA]) for resource_info in schema(resources): resource = _load_resource(resource_info['module'], resource_info['resource_class']) api.add_resource(resource, resource_info['url']) if not blueprint_name.startswith('/'): blueprint_name = '/' + blueprint_name app.register_blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix=blueprint_name)
[docs]def get_string_type(): """Returns ``basestring`` in python2 and ``str`` in python3.""" return six.string_types[0]
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