Save VIM credentials into Barbican

Save VIM credentials into Barbican


This document shows how to operate vims which use barbican to save vim key in devstack environment.

The brief code workflow is described as following:

When creating a vim: We use fernet to encrypt vim password, save the fernet key into barbican as a secret, save encrypted into vim db’s field password, and then save the secret uuid into vim db field secret_uuid.

When retrieving vim password: We use secret_uuid to get the fernet key from barbican, and decode with password using fernet.

When deleting a vim: We delete the secret by the secret_uuid in vim db from barbican.

How to test

We need enable barbican in devstack localrc file:

enable_plugin barbican
enable_plugin apmec


Please make sure the barbican plugin is enabled before apmec plugin. We set USE_BARBICAN=True to use barbican .

Create a vim and verify it works:

$ .
$ openstack project create test
$ openstack user create --password a test
$ openstack role add --project test --user test admin

$ cat vim-test.yaml
auth_url: ''
username: 'test'
password: 'Passw0rd'
project_name: 'test'
project_domain_name: 'Default'
user_domain_name: 'Default'

$ cat
export LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8'
export OS_NO_CACHE='true'
export OS_USERNAME=test
export OS_PASSWORD=Passw0rd
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=test
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_AUTH_URL=

$ source
$ openstack secret list

$ apmec vim-register --config-file vim-test.yaml vim-test
Created a new vim:
| Field          | Value                                                   |
| auth_cred      | {"username": "test", "password": "***", "project_name": |
|                | "test", "user_domain_name": "Default", "key_type":      |
|                | "barbican_key", "secret_uuid": "***", "auth_url":       |
|                | "", "project_id": null,         |
|                | "project_domain_name": "Default"}                       |
| auth_url       |                                |
| created_at     | 2017-06-20 14:56:05.622612                              |
| description    |                                                         |
| id             | 7c0b73c7-554b-46d3-a35c-c368019716a0                    |
| is_default     | False                                                   |
| name           | vim-test                                                |
| placement_attr | {"regions": ["RegionOne"]}                              |
| status         | REACHABLE                                               |
| tenant_id      | 28a525feaf5e4d05b4ab9f7090837964                        |
| type           | openstack                                               |
| updated_at     |                                                         |
| vim_project    | {"name": "test", "project_domain_name": "Default"}      |

$ openstack secret list
| Secret href                               | Name | Created                   | Status | Content types                             | Algorithm | Bit length | Secret type | Mode | Expiration |
| | None | 2017-06-20T14:56:06+00:00 | ACTIVE | {u'default': u'application/octet-stream'} | None      | None       | opaque      | None | None       |
| -7073-40ea-822d-9d7bcb594e1a              |      |                           |        |                                           |           |            |             |      |            |

We can found that the key_type in auth_cred is barbican_key, the secret_uuid exists with masked value, and the fernet key is saved in barbican as a secret.

Now we create a mea to verify it works:

$ apmec mea-create --mead-template mead-sample.yaml \
  --vim-name vim-test --vim-region-name RegionOne mea-test
Created a new mea:
| Field          | Value                                                 |
| created_at     | 2017-06-20 15:08:43.267694                            |
| description    | Demo example                                          |
| error_reason   |                                                       |
| id             | 71d3eef7-6b53-4495-b210-78786cb28ba4                  |
| instance_id    | 08d0ce6f-69bc-4ff0-87b0-52686a01ce3e                  |
| mgmt_url       |                                                       |
| name           | mea-test                                              |
| placement_attr | {"region_name": "RegionOne", "vim_name": "vim-test"}  |
| status         | PENDING_CREATE                                        |
| tenant_id      | 28a525feaf5e4d05b4ab9f7090837964                      |
| updated_at     |                                                       |
| vim_id         | 0d1e1cc4-445d-41bd-b3e9-739acb987231                  |
| mead_id        | dc68ccfd-fd7c-4ef6-8fed-f097d036c722                  |

$ apmec mea-delete mea-test

We can found that mea create successfully.

Now we delete the vim to verify the secret can be deleted.

$ apmec vim-delete vim-test
All vim(s) deleted successfully
$ openstack secret list

We can found that the secret is deleted from barbican.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.