Apmec API Overview

Apmec API Overview

Apmec API provides REST API end-points based on ETSI MEC MANO standards. The two new resources introduced are ‘mead’ and ‘mea’ for describing the ‘mem’ extension. The resources request and response formats are described in below sections.

API versions

Lists information for Apmec API version.


List API versions - Lists information about Apmec API version.

    "versions": [
            "status": "CURRENT",
            "id": "v1.0",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"


GET /v1.0/meads

List meads - List meads stored in the MEA catalog.

    "meads": [
            "service_types": [
                    "service_type": "mead",
                    "id": "378b774d-89f5-4634-9c65-9c49ed6f00ce"
            "description": "OpenWRT with services",
            "tenant_id": "4dd6c1d7b6c94af980ca886495bcfed0",
            "mgmt_driver": "openwrt",
            "infra_driver": "",
            "attributes": {
                "mead": "template_name: OpenWRT\r\ndescription:
                template_description <sample_mead_template>"
            "id": "247b045e-d64f-4ae0-a3b4-8441b9e5892c",
            "name": "openwrt_services"

GET /v1.0/meads/{mead_id}

Show mead - Show information for a specified mead id.

    "mead": {
        "service_types": [
                "service_type": "mead",
                "id": "378b774d-89f5-4634-9c65-9c49ed6f00ce"
        "description": "OpenWRT with services",
        "tenant_id": "4dd6c1d7b6c94af980ca886495bcfed0",
        "mgmt_driver": "openwrt",
        "infra_driver": "",
        "attributes": {
            "mead": "template_name: OpenWRT\r\ndescription:
            template_description <sample_mead_template>"
        "id": "247b045e-d64f-4ae0-a3b4-8441b9e5892c",
        "name": "openwrt_services"

POST /v1.0/meads

Create mead - Create a mead entry based on the mead template.

    "auth": {
        "tenantName": "admin",
        "passwordCredentials": {
            "username": "admin",
            "password": "devstack"
    "mead": {
        "service_types": [{"service_type": "mead"}],
        "tenant_id": "bb6a3be1021a4746ab727a6c9296e797",
        "description": "OpenWRT router",
        "attributes": {
            "mead": "description: OpenWRT with services\nmetadata: {template_name: OpenWRT}\ntopology_template:\n  node_templates:\n    CP1:\n      properties: {anti_spoofing_protection: false, management: true, order: 0}\n      requirements:\n      - virtualLink: {node: VL1}\n      - virtualBinding: {node: VDU1}\n      type: tosca.nodes.mec.CP.Apmec\n    CP2:\n      properties: {anti_spoofing_protection: false, order: 1}\n      requirements:\n      - virtualLink: {node: VL2}\n      - virtualBinding: {node: VDU1}\n      type: tosca.nodes.mec.CP.Apmec\n    CP3:\n      properties: {anti_spoofing_protection: false, order: 2}\n      requirements:\n      - virtualLink: {node: VL3}\n      - virtualBinding: {node: VDU1}\n      type: tosca.nodes.mec.CP.Apmec\n    VDU1:\n      capabilities:\n        mec_compute:\n          properties: {disk_size: 1 GB, mem_size: 512 MB, num_cpus: 1}\n      properties:\n        config: 'param0: key1\n\n          param1: key2\n\n          '\n        image: OpenWRT\n        mgmt_driver: openwrt\n        monitoring_policy:\n          actions: {failure: respawn}\n          name: ping\n          parameters: {count: 3, interval: 10}\n      type: tosca.nodes.mec.VDU.Apmec\n    VL1:\n      properties: {network_name: net_mgmt, vendor: Apmec}\n      type: tosca.nodes.mec.VL\n    VL2:\n      properties: {network_name: net0, vendor: Apmec}\n      type: tosca.nodes.mec.VL\n    VL3:\n      properties: {network_name: net1, vendor: Apmec}\n      type: tosca.nodes.mec.VL\ntosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_mec_1_0_0\n"
        "name": "OpenWRT"
   "mead": {
       "service_types": [
               "service_type": "mead",
               "id": "336fe422-9fba-47c7-87fb-d48475c3e0ce"
       "description": "OpenWRT router",
       "tenant_id": "4dd6c1d7b6c94af980ca886495bcfed0",
       "mgmt_driver": "noop",
       "infra_driver": "",
       "attributes": {
           "mead": "template_name: OpenWRT \r\ndescription:
           template_description <sample_mead_template>"
       "id": "ab10a543-22ee-43af-a441-05a9d32a57da",
       "name": "OpenWRT"

DELETE /v1.0/meads/{mead_id}

Delete mead - Deletes a specified mead_id from the MEA catalog.

This operation does not accept a request body and does not return a response body.


GET /v1.0/meas

List meas - Lists instantiated meas in MEA Manager.

    "meas": [
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "name": "open_wrt",
            "tenant_id": "4dd6c1d7b6c94af980ca886495bcfed0",
            "instance_id": "f7c93726-fb8d-4036-8349-2e82f196e8f6",
            "mgmt_url": "{\"vdu1\": \"\"}",
            "attributes": {
                "service_type": "firewall",
                "param_values": "",
                "heat_template": "description: sample_template_description
                    type: OS::Nova::Server\n",
                "monitoring_policy": "noop",
                "failure_policy": "noop"
            "id": "c9b4f5a5-d304-473a-a57e-b665b1f9eb8f",
            "description": "OpenWRT with services"

GET /v1.0/meas/{mea_id}

Show mea - Show information for a specified mea_id.

    "mea": [
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "name": "open_wrt",
            "tenant_id": "4dd6c1d7b6c94af980ca886495bcfed0",
            "instance_id": "f7c93726-fb8d-4036-8349-2e82f196e8f6",
            "mgmt_url": "{\"vdu1\": \"\"}",
            "attributes": {
                "service_type": "firewall",
                "param_values": "",
                "heat_template": "description: OpenWRT with services\n
                sample_template_description    type: OS::Nova::Server\n",
                "monitoring_policy": "noop", "failure_policy": "noop"
            "id": "c9b4f5a5-d304-473a-a57e-b665b1f9eb8f",
            "description": "OpenWRT with services"

POST /v1.0/meas

Create mea - Create a mea based on the mead template id.

    "auth": {
        "tenantName": "admin",
        "passwordCredentials": {
            "username": "admin",
            "password": "devstack"
    "mea": {
        "attributes": {},
        "vim_id": "",
        "description": "demo-example",
        "mead_id": "ad0c2c7c-825e-43c5-a402-b5710902b408",
        "name": "demo-mea"
    "mea": {
        "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
        "description": "demo-example",
        "tenant_id": "bb6a3be1021a4746ab727a6c9296e797",
        "vim_id": "c91413b9-eaf9-47f7-86b6-3f3a3e29261e",
        "name": "demo-mea",
        "instance_id": "050f4d0e-ff7c-4a5d-9dba-dbe238b3348b",
        "mgmt_url": null,
        "placement_attr": {
            "vim_name": "VIM0"
        "error_reason": null,
        "attributes": {
            "service_type": "firewall",
            "heat_template": "description: OpenWRT with services\n
            <sample_heat_template> type: OS::Nova::Server\n",
            "monitoring_policy": "noop",
            "failure_policy": "noop"
        "id": "e3158513-92f4-4587-b949-70ad0bcbb2dd",
        "mead_id": "247b045e-d64f-4ae0-a3b4-8441b9e5892c"

PUT /v1.0/meas/{mea_id}

Update mea - Update a mea based on user config file or data.

    "auth": {
        "tenantName": "admin",
        "passwordCredentials": {
            "username": "admin",
            "password": "devstack"
    "mea": {
        "attributes": {
            "config": "vdus:\n  vdu1: <sample_vdu_config> \n\n"
    "mea": {
        "status": "PENDING_UPDATE",
        "name": "",
        "tenant_id": "4dd6c1d7b6c94af980ca886495bcfed0",
        "instance_id": "4f0d6222-afa0-4f02-8e19-69e7e4fd7edc",
        "mgmt_url": "{\"vdu1\": \"\"}",
        "attributes": {
            "service_type": "firewall",
            "monitoring_policy": "noop",
            "config": "vdus:\n  vdu1:\n    config: {<sample_vdu_config>
             type: OS::Nova::Server\n",
            "failure_policy": "noop"
        "id": "e3158513-92f4-4587-b949-70ad0bcbb2dd",
        "description": "OpenWRT with services"

DELETE /v1.0/meas/{mea_id}

Delete mea - Deletes a specified mea_id from the MEA list.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.