Container Roles


Build one or more container images.

This is one of a collection of roles which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote container images in a gating context:


Build and upload roles are forthcoming.

The build-container-image role is designed to be used in check and gate pipelines and simply builds the images. It can be used to verify that the build functions, or it can be followed by the use of subsequent roles to upload the images to a registry.

They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.

Use the ensure-docker or ensure-podman role to install Docker or Podman before using these roles.

Role Variables

Default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}

The project directory. Serves as the base for build-container-image.container_images.context.


The default container filename name to use. Serves as the base for build-container-image.container_images.container_filename. This allows a global overriding of the container filename name, for example when building all images from different folders with similarily named containerfiles.

If omitted, the default depends on the container command used. Typically, this is Dockerfile for docker and Containerfile (with a fallback on Dockerfile) for podman.

Default: podman

The command to use when building the image (E.g., docker).

Type: dict

This is only required for the upload and promote roles. This is expected to be a Zuul Secret in dictionary form. Each key is the name of a registry, and its value a dictionary with information about that registry.


    username: foo
    password: bar
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]
Type: dict

Information about a registry. The key is the registry name, and its value a dict as follows:

container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.username

The registry username.

container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.password

The registry password.

container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.repository

Optional; if supplied this is a regular expression which restricts to what repositories the image may be uploaded. The following example allows projects to upload images to repositories within an organization based on their own names:

repository: "^myorgname/{{ zuul.project.short_name }}.*"
Type: list

A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:


The build context; this should be a directory underneath build-container-image.zuul_work_dir.


The filename of the container file, present in the context folder, used for building the image. Provide this if you are using a non-standard filename for a specific image.


The name of the target registry (E.g., Used by the upload and promote roles.


The name of the target repository in the registry for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry).


Optional: the directory that should be passed to the build command. Useful for building images with a container file in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.

Type: list

Optional: a list of values to pass to the --build-arg parameter.


Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.

Default: ['latest']
Type: list

A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of sibling projects to be copied into {{zuul_work_dir}}/.zuul-siblings. This can be useful to collect multiple projects to be installed within the same Docker context. A -build-arg called ZUUL_SIBLINGS will be added with each sibling project. Note that projects here must be listed in required-projects.


Build one or more docker images.

This is one of a collection of roles which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote docker images in a gating context:

The build-docker-image role is designed to be used in check and gate pipelines and simply builds the images. It can be used to verify that the build functions, or it can be followed by the use of subsequent roles to upload the images to Docker Hub.

The upload-docker-image role uploads the images to Docker Hub, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This role is designed to be used in a job in a gate pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful.

The promote-docker-image role is designed to be used in a promote pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by build-docker-image.docker_images.tags. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in Docker Hub, and removes any similar change ID tags more than 24 hours old. This keeps the repository tidy in the case that gated changes fail to merge after uploading their staged images.

They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.

Use the ensure-docker role to install Docker before using this role.

Role Variables

Default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}

The project directory. Serves as the base for build-docker-image.docker_images.context.

Default: Dockerfile

The default Dockerfile name to use. Serves as the base for build-docker-image.docker_images.dockerfile. This allows a global overriding of Dockerfile name, for example when building all images from different folders with similarily named dockerfiles.

Default: ''

The container registry the images should be tagged for, by default zuul will push the image to dockerhub.

Type: dict

This is only required for the upload and promote roles. This is expected to be a Zuul Secret with two keys:


The Docker Hub username.


The Docker Hub password.


Optional; if supplied this is a regular expression which restricts to what repositories the image may be uploaded. The following example allows projects to upload images to repositories within an organization based on their own names:

repository: "^myorgname/{{ zuul.project.short_name }}.*"
Default: false
Type: bool

Use BuildKit when creating images.

Type: list

A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:


The docker build context; this should be a directory underneath build-docker-image.zuul_work_dir.


The filename of the dockerfile, present in the context folder, used for building the image. Provide this if you are using a non-standard filename for a specific image.


The name of the target repository in dockerhub for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry).


Optional: the directory that should be passed to docker build. Useful for building images with a Dockerfile in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.

Type: list

Optional: a list of values to pass to the docker --build-arg parameter.


Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.

Default: ['latest']
Type: list

A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of sibling projects to be copied into {{zuul_work_dir}}/.zuul-siblings. This can be useful to collect multiple projects to be installed within the same Docker context. A -build-arg called ZUUL_SIBLINGS will be added with each sibling project. Note that projects here must be listed in required-projects.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of labels to attach to the built image, in the form of “key=value”.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of architectures to build on. When enabling this on any image, all of them will be built with docker buildx.

Valid values are linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6.


An ansible role to collect all container logs.

Role Variables

Default: docker

Container run-time CLI command


Deploy openshift using oc cluster up.


An ansible role to install docker and configure it to use mirrors if available.

Role Variables

Default: {{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}

The base host for mirror servers.


URL to override the generated docker hub mirror url based on ensure-docker.mirror_fqdn.

Default: True

By default this role adds repositories to install docker from upstream docker. Set this to False to use the docker that comes with the distro.

Default: False

This role does not enable the usage of the buildset registry by default, this variable allows enabling the usage of the buildset registry after installing Docker.

Default: False

This role does not install docker-compose by default but you can use this setting to install docker-compose as well.

Default: stable

Which update channel to use for upstream docker. The two choices are stable, which is the default and updates quarterly, and edge which updates monthly.

Default: undefined

Declare this with a list of insecure registries to define the registries which are allowed to communicate with HTTP only or HTTPS with no valid certificate.

Default: string

The raw content of the upstream docker gpg key, as found here

Default: list

List of packages to be installed when use_upstream_docker is set to false. The package set is defined by default using distro specific variables. If the package set needs to be changed this option can be overridden as needed.

Default: list

List of packages to be installed when use_upstream_docker is set to true. The package set is defined by default using distro specific variables and contains a list of supporting packages required to be installed prior to installing docker-ce. If the package set needs to be changed this option can be overridden as needed.

Default: list

List of packages to be removed before installing new ones. It is used for avoiding potential conflicts. For example it can remove docker package before trying to install docker-ce. The default value is distro specific.

Default: list

List of packages to be installed when use_upstream_docker is set to true. The package set is defined by default using distro specific variables. If the package set needs to be changed this option can be overridden as needed.


Add default option to set the docker download fqdn.

Default: https://{{ docker_download_fqdn }}/linux/{ubuntu,centos,fedora}

By default this option sets the repository base url. This variable is based on ensure-docker.docker_download_fqdn. When this option is unset, the role will use distro specific variables which are loaded at the time of execution.

Type: bool

Set to false to disable the docker userland proxy. This variable is useful when docker is causing routing problem, such as when a kubernetes deployment is unable to reach its own service.


An ansible role to install kubernetes.

Role Variables

Default: True

If true, installs a Minikube cluster.

Default: latest

The version of Minikube to install.

Default: []

List of dns resolvers to configure in k8s. Use this to override the resolvers that are found by default.

Default: docker

Which kubernetes runtime to use; values are docker or cri-o.

Default: []

List of addons to configure in k8s. Use this to enable the addons.


Setup openshift requirements and pull the container images. The deploy-openshift role can be used to start the services.

This role only works on CentOS.

Role Variables

Default: v3.11.0

The origin version.


Install podman container manager

Role Variables

Default: false

Used to enable validation of podman engine.


Install skopeo


Pause a buildset registry

Utility role to pause a job providing a buildset registry.

Role Variables


Location of external buildset registry. If this is defined, the job will not pause.


Promote one or more previously uploaded docker images.

This is one of a collection of roles which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote docker images in a gating context:

The build-docker-image role is designed to be used in check and gate pipelines and simply builds the images. It can be used to verify that the build functions, or it can be followed by the use of subsequent roles to upload the images to Docker Hub.

The upload-docker-image role uploads the images to Docker Hub, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This role is designed to be used in a job in a gate pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful.

The promote-docker-image role is designed to be used in a promote pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by build-docker-image.docker_images.tags. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in Docker Hub, and removes any similar change ID tags more than 24 hours old. This keeps the repository tidy in the case that gated changes fail to merge after uploading their staged images.

They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.

Use the ensure-docker role to install Docker before using this role.

Role Variables

Default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}

The project directory. Serves as the base for build-docker-image.docker_images.context.

Default: Dockerfile

The default Dockerfile name to use. Serves as the base for build-docker-image.docker_images.dockerfile. This allows a global overriding of Dockerfile name, for example when building all images from different folders with similarily named dockerfiles.

Default: ''

The container registry the images should be tagged for, by default zuul will push the image to dockerhub.

Type: dict

This is only required for the upload and promote roles. This is expected to be a Zuul Secret with two keys:


The Docker Hub username.


The Docker Hub password.


Optional; if supplied this is a regular expression which restricts to what repositories the image may be uploaded. The following example allows projects to upload images to repositories within an organization based on their own names:

repository: "^myorgname/{{ zuul.project.short_name }}.*"
Default: false
Type: bool

Use BuildKit when creating images.

Type: list

A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:


The docker build context; this should be a directory underneath build-docker-image.zuul_work_dir.


The filename of the dockerfile, present in the context folder, used for building the image. Provide this if you are using a non-standard filename for a specific image.


The name of the target repository in dockerhub for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry).


Optional: the directory that should be passed to docker build. Useful for building images with a Dockerfile in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.

Type: list

Optional: a list of values to pass to the docker --build-arg parameter.


Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.

Default: ['latest']
Type: list

A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of sibling projects to be copied into {{zuul_work_dir}}/.zuul-siblings. This can be useful to collect multiple projects to be installed within the same Docker context. A -build-arg called ZUUL_SIBLINGS will be added with each sibling project. Note that projects here must be listed in required-projects.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of labels to attach to the built image, in the form of “key=value”.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of architectures to build on. When enabling this on any image, all of them will be built with docker buildx.

Valid values are linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6.


Pull artifacts from the intermediate registry

This role will pull any artifacts built for changes ahead of this change which have been placed in an intermediate registry into the buildset registry for this buildset.

Run this in a trusted pre-playbook at the start of a job (which, in the case of multiple dependent jobs in a buildset, should be at the root of the job dependency graph).

This requires the run-buildset-registry role already applied. It also requires an externally managed “intermediate” registry operating for the use of Zuul, and it requires “skopeo” and “socat” to be installed on the Zuul executors.

Role Variables


Information about the registry, as returned by run-buildset-registry.

The host (IP address) of the registry.


The port on which the registry is listening.


The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The (self-signed) certificate used by the registry.


Information about the registry. This is expected to be provided as a secret.

The host (IP address) of the registry.


The port on which the registry is listening.


The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


Push artifacts to the intermediate registry

This role will push any images built by build-docker-image into an intermediate registry.

Run this in a trusted post-playbook at the end of a job after the image build.

This requires the run-buildset-registry role already applied. It also requires an externally managed “intermediate” registry operating for the use of Zuul, and it requires “skopeo” and “socat” to be installed on the Zuul executors.

Role Variables


Information about the registry, as returned by run-buildset-registry.

The host (IP address) of the registry.


The port on which the registry is listening.


The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The (self-signed) certificate used by the registry.


Information about the registry. This is expected to be provided as a secret.

The host (IP address) of the registry.


The port on which the registry is listening.


The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.

Type: list

A list of images built. Each item in the list should have:


The name of the target repository for the image.

Default: ['latest']
Type: list

A list of tags to be added to the image.


Runs a container registry for the use of this buildset.

This may be used for a single job running on a single node, or it may be used at the root of a job graph so that multiple jobs running for a single change can share the registry.

Role Variables

Default: {{ ansible_user_dir }}/buildset_registry

Path for the registry volumes.

Default: 5000

The port on which the registry should listen.

Default: docker

The command to use to run the registry container (E.g., podman).

Return Values


Information about the registry.

The host (IP address) of the registry.


The port on which the registry is listening.


The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The (self-signed) certificate used by the registry.


Upload one or more container images.

This is one of a collection of roles which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote container images in a gating context:


Build and upload roles are forthcoming.

The build-container-image role is designed to be used in check and gate pipelines and simply builds the images. It can be used to verify that the build functions, or it can be followed by the use of subsequent roles to upload the images to a registry.

They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.

Use the ensure-docker or ensure-podman role to install Docker or Podman before using these roles.

Role Variables

Default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}

The project directory. Serves as the base for build-container-image.container_images.context.


The default container filename name to use. Serves as the base for build-container-image.container_images.container_filename. This allows a global overriding of the container filename name, for example when building all images from different folders with similarily named containerfiles.

If omitted, the default depends on the container command used. Typically, this is Dockerfile for docker and Containerfile (with a fallback on Dockerfile) for podman.

Default: podman

The command to use when building the image (E.g., docker).

Type: dict

This is only required for the upload and promote roles. This is expected to be a Zuul Secret in dictionary form. Each key is the name of a registry, and its value a dictionary with information about that registry.


    username: foo
    password: bar
container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]
Type: dict

Information about a registry. The key is the registry name, and its value a dict as follows:

container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.username

The registry username.

container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.password

The registry password.

container_registry_credentials{}.[registry name]{}.repository

Optional; if supplied this is a regular expression which restricts to what repositories the image may be uploaded. The following example allows projects to upload images to repositories within an organization based on their own names:

repository: "^myorgname/{{ zuul.project.short_name }}.*"
Type: list

A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:


The build context; this should be a directory underneath build-container-image.zuul_work_dir.


The filename of the container file, present in the context folder, used for building the image. Provide this if you are using a non-standard filename for a specific image.


The name of the target registry (E.g., Used by the upload and promote roles.


The name of the target repository in the registry for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry).


Optional: the directory that should be passed to the build command. Useful for building images with a container file in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.

Type: list

Optional: a list of values to pass to the --build-arg parameter.


Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.

Default: ['latest']
Type: list

A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of sibling projects to be copied into {{zuul_work_dir}}/.zuul-siblings. This can be useful to collect multiple projects to be installed within the same Docker context. A -build-arg called ZUUL_SIBLINGS will be added with each sibling project. Note that projects here must be listed in required-projects.

Default: true
Type: bool

If true (the default), then this role will upload the image(s) to the container registry with special tags designed for use by the promote-container-image role. Set to false to use this role to directly upload images with the final tag (e.g., as part of an un-gated release job).


Upload one or more docker images.

This is one of a collection of roles which are designed to work together to build, upload, and promote docker images in a gating context:

The build-docker-image role is designed to be used in check and gate pipelines and simply builds the images. It can be used to verify that the build functions, or it can be followed by the use of subsequent roles to upload the images to Docker Hub.

The upload-docker-image role uploads the images to Docker Hub, but only with a single tag corresponding to the change ID. This role is designed to be used in a job in a gate pipeline so that the build produced by the gate is staged and can later be promoted to production if the change is successful.

The promote-docker-image role is designed to be used in a promote pipeline. It requires no nodes and runs very quickly on the Zuul executor. It simply re-tags a previously uploaded image for a change with whatever tags are supplied by build-docker-image.docker_images.tags. It also removes the change ID tag from the repository in Docker Hub, and removes any similar change ID tags more than 24 hours old. This keeps the repository tidy in the case that gated changes fail to merge after uploading their staged images.

They all accept the same input data, principally a list of dictionaries representing the images to build. YAML anchors can be used to supply the same data to all three jobs.

Use the ensure-docker role to install Docker before using this role.

Role Variables

Default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}

The project directory. Serves as the base for build-docker-image.docker_images.context.

Default: Dockerfile

The default Dockerfile name to use. Serves as the base for build-docker-image.docker_images.dockerfile. This allows a global overriding of Dockerfile name, for example when building all images from different folders with similarily named dockerfiles.

Default: ''

The container registry the images should be tagged for, by default zuul will push the image to dockerhub.

Type: dict

This is only required for the upload and promote roles. This is expected to be a Zuul Secret with two keys:


The Docker Hub username.


The Docker Hub password.


Optional; if supplied this is a regular expression which restricts to what repositories the image may be uploaded. The following example allows projects to upload images to repositories within an organization based on their own names:

repository: "^myorgname/{{ zuul.project.short_name }}.*"
Default: false
Type: bool

Use BuildKit when creating images.

Type: list

A list of images to build. Each item in the list should have:


The docker build context; this should be a directory underneath build-docker-image.zuul_work_dir.


The filename of the dockerfile, present in the context folder, used for building the image. Provide this if you are using a non-standard filename for a specific image.


The name of the target repository in dockerhub for the image. Supply this even if the image is not going to be uploaded (it will be tagged with this in the local registry).


Optional: the directory that should be passed to docker build. Useful for building images with a Dockerfile in the context directory but a source repository elsewhere.

Type: list

Optional: a list of values to pass to the docker --build-arg parameter.


Optional: the target for a multi-stage build.

Default: ['latest']
Type: list

A list of tags to be added to the image when promoted.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of sibling projects to be copied into {{zuul_work_dir}}/.zuul-siblings. This can be useful to collect multiple projects to be installed within the same Docker context. A -build-arg called ZUUL_SIBLINGS will be added with each sibling project. Note that projects here must be listed in required-projects.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of labels to attach to the built image, in the form of “key=value”.

Default: []
Type: list

A list of architectures to build on. When enabling this on any image, all of them will be built with docker buildx.

Valid values are linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6.

Default: true
Type: bool

If true (the default), then this role will upload the image(s) to Docker Hub with special tags designed for use by the promote-docker-image role. Set to false to use this role to directly upload images with the final tag (e.g., as part of an un-gated release job).


Adds a buildset registry to the docker configuration.

Use this role on any host which should use the buildset registry.

Role Variables


Information about the registry, as returned by run-buildset-registry.

The host (IP address) of the registry.


The port on which the registry is listening.


The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.


The (self-signed) certificate used by the registry.

Default: {{ ansible_user }}

The system user to configure to use the docker registry. The docker configuration file for this user will be updated. By default, the user Ansible is running as.

Default: ['', '', '']

The namespaces that the buildset registry supports. The buildset registry will be consulted first for images in these namespaces. Any others will be fetched only from their upstream sources.

Add any local or third-party registries necessary here.

The default may change in the future as more general-purpose public registries become known.


Configure docker to use mirrors if available.

Role Variables

Default: {{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}

The base host for mirror servers.


URL to override the generated docker hub mirror url based on ensure-docker.mirror_fqdn.

Default: undefined

Declare this with a list of insecure registries to define the registries which are allowed to communicate with HTTP only or HTTPS with no valid certificate.