CLI Options


usage: discover-tempest-config [-h] [--os-cloud <name>]
                               [--os-auth-type <name>]
                               [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL]
                               [--os-system-scope OS_SYSTEM_SCOPE]
                               [--os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID]
                               [--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME]
                               [--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID]
                               [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME]
                               [--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
                               [--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]
                               [--os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID]
                               [--os-default-domain-id OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID]
                               [--os-default-domain-name OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME]
                               [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID]
                               [--os-username OS_USERNAME]
                               [--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]
                               [--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
                               [--os-password OS_PASSWORD] [--insecure]
                               [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>]
                               [--os-cert <certificate>] [--os-key <key>]
                               [--timeout <seconds>] [--collect-timing]
                               [--os-service-type <name>]
                               [--os-service-name <name>]
                               [--os-interface <name>]
                               [--os-region-name <name>]
                               [--os-endpoint-override <name>]
                               [--os-api-version <name>] [--create]
                               [--out OUT] [--deployer-input DEPLOYER_INPUT]
                               [--no-default-deployer] [--debug] [--verbose]
                               [--no-rng] [--non-admin] [--test-accounts PATH]
                               [--create-accounts-file PATH] [--profile PATH]
                               [--generate-profile PATH]
                               [--image-disk-format IMAGE_DISK_FORMAT]
                               [--image IMAGE] [--retry-image]
                               [--flavor-min-mem FLAVOR_MIN_MEM]
                               [--flavor-min-disk FLAVOR_MIN_DISK]
                               [--convert-to-raw] [--network-id NETWORK_ID]
                               [--network NETWORK]
                               [--append SECTION.KEY=VALUE[,VALUE]]
                               [--remove SECTION.KEY=VALUE[,VALUE]]
                               [overrides ...]

Positional Arguments

Override options

Key value pairs used to hardcode values in tempest.conf. The key is a section.key where section is a section header in the conf file. For example:

$ discover-tempest-config

identity.username myname identity.password mypass

Default: []

Named Arguments


Named cloud to connect to

--os-auth-type, --os-auth-plugin

Authentication type to use

Default: “password”

Create Tempest resources

Make python-tempestconf to create Tempest resources such as flavors needed for running Tempest tests.

Default: False

Output file

A name of the file where the discovered Tempest configuration will be written to.

Default: “etc/tempest.conf”

Path to deployer file

A file in the format of tempest.conf that will override the default values. It is usually created by an installer and contains environment specific options.

The deployer-input file is an alternative to providing key/value pairs. If there are also key/value pairs they will be applied after the deployer-input file.

If the option is not defined and –no-default-deployer is not used, python-tempestconf will try to look for the file in $HOME/tempest-deployer-input.conf location.

Do not check for the default deployer input in


Default: False


Print debugging information.

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Print more information about the execution.

Default: False

Create new flavors and upload images without

random number generator device.

Default: False

Simulate non-admin credentials.

When True, the credentials are used as non-admin ones. No resources are created.

Default: False

Tempest accounts.yaml file

Defines a path to a Tempest accounts.yaml file. For example:

–test-accounts $HOME/tempest/accounts.yaml

Generate Tempest accounts file

Minimal accounts file will be created in the specified path. For example:

–create-accounts-file $HOME/accounts.yaml

python-tempestconf’s profile.yaml file

A file which contains definition of python-tempestconf’s arguments. NOTE: If this argument is used, other arguments cannot be defined!

Generate a sample profile.yaml file.

A sample profile.yaml will be generated in the specified path. After that python-tempestconf ends. For example:

–generate-profile $HOME/profile.yaml

A format of an image to be uploaded to glance.

Default is ‘qcow2’

Default: “qcow2”

An image name/path/url to be uploaded to

glance if it’s not already there. The name of the image is the leaf name of the path. Default is ‘

Default: “

Allow tempestconf to retry download an image,

in case of failure, from these urls: ‘[’’, ‘’]’

Default: False

Specify minimum memory for new

flavours, default is ‘128’.

Default: 128

Specify minimum disk size for new

flavours, default is ‘1’.

Default: 1

Convert images to raw format before uploading

to glance.

Default: False

Specify which network with external

connectivity should be used by the tests.

Specify which network (id/name) with external

connectivity should be used by the tests.

Append values to tempest.conf

Key value pair to be appended to the configuration file. NOTE: Multiple values are supposed to be divided by a COLON only, WITHOUT spaces. For example:

$ discover-tempest-config

–append features.ext=tag[,tag-ext] –append section.ext=ext[,another-ext]

Default: []

Remove values from tempest.conf

Key value pair to be removed from the configuration file. NOTE: Multiple values are supposed to be divided by a COLON only, WITHOUT spaces. For example:

$ discover-tempest-config

–remove identity.username=myname –remove feature-enabled.api_ext=http[,https]

Default: []

Authentication Options

Options specific to the password plugin.


Authentication URL


Scope for system operations


Domain ID to scope to


Domain name to scope to

--os-project-id, --os-tenant-id

Project ID to scope to

--os-project-name, --os-tenant-name

Project name to scope to


Domain ID containing project


Domain name containing project


ID of the trust to use as a trustee use


Optional domain ID to use with v3 and v2 parameters. It will be used for both the user and project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication.


Optional domain name to use with v3 API and v2 parameters. It will be used for both the user and project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication.


User id

--os-username, --os-user-name



User’s domain id


User’s domain name


User’s password

API Connection Options

Options controlling the HTTP API Connections


Explicitly allow client to perform “insecure” TLS (https) requests. The server’s certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution.

Default: False


Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to env[OS_CACERT].


The location for the keystore (PEM formatted) containing the public key of this client. Defaults to env[OS_CERT].


The location for the keystore (PEM formatted) containing the private key of this client. Defaults to env[OS_KEY].


Set request timeout (in seconds).

Default: 600


Collect per-API call timing information.

Default: False

Service Options

Options controlling the specialization of the API Connection from information found in the catalog


Service type to request from the catalog


Service name to request from the catalog


API Interface to use [public, internal, admin]

Default: “public”


Region of the cloud to use


Endpoint to use instead of the endpoint in the catalog


Which version of the service API to use