MongoDB Driver

MongoDB Storage Driver for Zaqar.

About the store

MongoDB is a nosql, eventually consistent, reliable database with support for horizontal-scaling and capable of handling different levels of throughputs.

Supported Features

  • FIFO
  • Unlimited horizontal-scaling [1]
  • Reliability [2]
[1]This is only possible with a sharding environment
[2]Write concern must be equal or higher than 2

Supported Deployments

MongoDB can be deployed in 3 different ways. The first and most simple one is to deploy a standalone mongod node. The second one is to use a Replica Sets which gives a master-slave deployment but cannot be scaled unlimitedly. The third and last one is a sharded cluster.

The second and third methods are the ones recommended for production environments where durability and scalability are a must-have. The driver itself forces operators to use such environments by checking whether it is talking to a replica-set or sharded cluster. Such enforcement can be disabled by running Zaqar in an unreliable mode.

Replica Sets

When running on a replica-set, Zaqar won’t try to be smart and it’ll rely as much as possible on the database and pymongo.

Sharded Cluster