The zaqar.transport.wsgi.errors module

exception HTTPBadRequestAPI(description)

Bases: falcon.errors.HTTPBadRequest

Wraps falcon.HTTPBadRequest with a contextual title.

TITLE = u'Invalid API request'
exception HTTPBadRequestBody(description)

Bases: falcon.errors.HTTPBadRequest

Wraps falcon.HTTPBadRequest with a contextual title.

TITLE = u'Invalid request body'
exception HTTPConflict(description, **kwargs)

Bases: falcon.errors.HTTPConflict

Wraps falcon.HTTPConflict with contextual title.

TITLE = u'Resource conflict'
exception HTTPDocumentTypeNotSupported

Bases: zaqar.transport.wsgi.errors.HTTPBadRequestBody

Wraps HTTPBadRequestBody with a standard description.

DESCRIPTION = u'Document type not supported.'
exception HTTPForbidden

Bases: falcon.errors.HTTPForbidden

Wraps falcon.HTTPForbidden with a contextual title.

DESCRIPTION = u'You are not authorized to complete this action.'
TITLE = u'Not authorized'
exception HTTPNotFound(description)

Bases: falcon.errors.HTTPNotFound

Wraps falcon.HTTPConflict with contextual title.

TITLE = u'Not found'
exception HTTPServiceUnavailable(description, retry_after=30)

Bases: falcon.errors.HTTPServiceUnavailable

Wraps falcon.HTTPServiceUnavailable with Zaqar messaging.

DESCRIPTION = u'Please try again in a few seconds.'
TITLE = u'Service temporarily unavailable'
exception HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(description)

Bases: falcon.errors.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType

Wraps falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType with contextual title.

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