
Source code for watcher.decision_engine.strategy.strategies.storage_capacity_balance

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
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from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log

from watcher._i18n import _
from watcher.common import cinder_helper
from watcher.decision_engine.strategy.strategies import base

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class StorageCapacityBalance(base.WorkloadStabilizationBaseStrategy): """Storage capacity balance using cinder volume migration *Description* This strategy migrates volumes based on the workload of the cinder pools. It makes decision to migrate a volume whenever a pool's used utilization % is higher than the specified threshold. The volume to be moved should make the pool close to average workload of all cinder pools. *Requirements* * You must have at least 2 cinder volume pools to run this strategy. *Limitations* * Volume migration depends on the storage device. It may take a long time. *Spec URL* """ def __init__(self, config, osc=None): """VolumeMigrate using cinder volume migration :param config: A mapping containing the configuration of this strategy :type config: :py:class:`~.Struct` instance :param osc: :py:class:`~.OpenStackClients` instance """ super(StorageCapacityBalance, self).__init__(config, osc) self._cinder = None self.volume_threshold = 80.0 self.pool_type_cache = dict() self.source_pools = [] self.dest_pools = [] @property def cinder(self): if not self._cinder: self._cinder = cinder_helper.CinderHelper(osc=self.osc) return self._cinder
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls): return "storage_capacity_balance"
[docs] @classmethod def get_display_name(cls): return _("Storage Capacity Balance Strategy")
[docs] @classmethod def get_translatable_display_name(cls): return "Storage Capacity Balance Strategy"
[docs] @classmethod def get_schema(cls): # Mandatory default setting for each element return { "properties": { "volume_threshold": { "description": "volume threshold for capacity balance", "type": "number", "default": 80.0 }, }, }
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_opts(cls): return [ cfg.ListOpt( "ex_pools", help="exclude pools", default=['local_vstorage']), ]
[docs] def get_pools(self, cinder): """Get all volume pools excepting ex_pools. :param cinder: cinder client :return: volume pools """ ex_pools = self.config.ex_pools pools = cinder.get_storage_pool_list() filtered_pools = [p for p in pools if p.pool_name not in ex_pools] return filtered_pools
[docs] def get_volumes(self, cinder): """Get all volumes with status in available or in-use and no snapshot. :param cinder: cinder client :return: all volumes """ all_volumes = cinder.get_volume_list() valid_status = ['in-use', 'available'] volume_snapshots = cinder.get_volume_snapshots_list() snapshot_volume_ids = [] for snapshot in volume_snapshots: snapshot_volume_ids.append(snapshot.volume_id) nosnap_volumes = list(filter(lambda v: not in snapshot_volume_ids, all_volumes))"volumes in snap: %s", snapshot_volume_ids) status_volumes = list( filter(lambda v: v.status in valid_status, nosnap_volumes)) valid_volumes = [v for v in status_volumes if getattr(v, 'migration_status') == 'success' or getattr(v, 'migration_status') is None]"valid volumes: %s", valid_volumes) return valid_volumes
[docs] def group_pools(self, pools, threshold): """group volume pools by threshold. :param pools: all volume pools :param threshold: volume threshold :return: under and over threshold pools """ under_pools = list( filter(lambda p: float(p.total_capacity_gb) - float(p.free_capacity_gb) < float(p.total_capacity_gb) * threshold, pools)) over_pools = list( filter(lambda p: float(p.total_capacity_gb) - float(p.free_capacity_gb) >= float(p.total_capacity_gb) * threshold, pools)) return over_pools, under_pools
[docs] def get_volume_type_by_name(self, cinder, backendname): # return list of pool type if backendname in self.pool_type_cache.keys(): return self.pool_type_cache.get(backendname) volume_type_list = cinder.get_volume_type_list() volume_type = list(filter( lambda volume_type: volume_type.extra_specs.get( 'volume_backend_name') == backendname, volume_type_list)) if volume_type: self.pool_type_cache[backendname] = volume_type return self.pool_type_cache.get(backendname) else: return []
[docs] def migrate_fit(self, volume, threshold): target_pool_name = None if volume.volume_type:"volume %s type %s",, volume.volume_type) return target_pool_name self.dest_pools.sort( key=lambda p: float(p.free_capacity_gb) / float(p.total_capacity_gb)) for pool in reversed(self.dest_pools): total_cap = float(pool.total_capacity_gb) allocated = float(pool.allocated_capacity_gb) ratio = pool.max_over_subscription_ratio if total_cap * ratio < allocated + float(volume.size):"pool %s allocated over", continue free_cap = float(pool.free_capacity_gb) - float(volume.size) if free_cap > (1 - threshold) * total_cap: target_pool_name = index = self.dest_pools.index(pool) setattr(self.dest_pools[index], 'free_capacity_gb', str(free_cap))"volume: get pool %s for vol %s", target_pool_name, break return target_pool_name
[docs] def check_pool_type(self, volume, dest_pool): target_type = None # check type feature if not volume.volume_type: return target_type volume_type_list = self.cinder.get_volume_type_list() volume_type = list(filter( lambda volume_type: == volume.volume_type, volume_type_list)) if volume_type: src_extra_specs = volume_type[0].extra_specs src_extra_specs.pop('volume_backend_name', None) backendname = getattr(dest_pool, 'volume_backend_name') dst_pool_type = self.get_volume_type_by_name(self.cinder, backendname) for src_key in src_extra_specs.keys(): dst_pool_type = [pt for pt in dst_pool_type if pt.extra_specs.get(src_key) == src_extra_specs.get(src_key)] if dst_pool_type: if volume.volume_type: if dst_pool_type[0].name != volume.volume_type: target_type = dst_pool_type[0].name else: target_type = dst_pool_type[0].name return target_type
[docs] def retype_fit(self, volume, threshold): target_type = None self.dest_pools.sort( key=lambda p: float(p.free_capacity_gb) / float(p.total_capacity_gb)) for pool in reversed(self.dest_pools): backendname = getattr(pool, 'volume_backend_name') pool_type = self.get_volume_type_by_name(self.cinder, backendname)"volume: pool %s, type %s",, pool_type) if pool_type is None: continue total_cap = float(pool.total_capacity_gb) allocated = float(pool.allocated_capacity_gb) ratio = pool.max_over_subscription_ratio if total_cap * ratio < allocated + float(volume.size):"pool %s allocated over", continue free_cap = float(pool.free_capacity_gb) - float(volume.size) if free_cap > (1 - threshold) * total_cap: target_type = self.check_pool_type(volume, pool) if target_type is None: continue index = self.dest_pools.index(pool) setattr(self.dest_pools[index], 'free_capacity_gb', str(free_cap))"volume: get type %s for vol %s", target_type, break return target_type
[docs] def get_actions(self, pool, volumes, threshold): """get volume, pool key-value action return: retype, migrate dict """ retype_dicts = dict() migrate_dicts = dict() total_cap = float(pool.total_capacity_gb) used_cap = float(pool.total_capacity_gb) - float(pool.free_capacity_gb) seek_flag = True volumes_in_pool = list( filter(lambda v: getattr(v, 'os-vol-host-attr:host') ==, volumes))"volumes in pool: %s", str(volumes_in_pool)) if not volumes_in_pool: return retype_dicts, migrate_dicts ava_volumes = list(filter(lambda v: v.status == 'available', volumes_in_pool)) ava_volumes.sort(key=lambda v: float(v.size))"available volumes in pool: %s ", str(ava_volumes)) for vol in ava_volumes: vol_flag = False migrate_pool = self.migrate_fit(vol, threshold) if migrate_pool: migrate_dicts[] = migrate_pool vol_flag = True else: target_type = self.retype_fit(vol, threshold) if target_type: retype_dicts[] = target_type vol_flag = True if vol_flag: used_cap -= float(vol.size) if used_cap < threshold * total_cap: seek_flag = False break if seek_flag: noboot_volumes = list( filter(lambda v: v.bootable.lower() == 'false' and v.status == 'in-use', volumes_in_pool)) noboot_volumes.sort(key=lambda v: float(v.size))"noboot volumes: %s ", str(noboot_volumes)) for vol in noboot_volumes: vol_flag = False migrate_pool = self.migrate_fit(vol, threshold) if migrate_pool: migrate_dicts[] = migrate_pool vol_flag = True else: target_type = self.retype_fit(vol, threshold) if target_type: retype_dicts[] = target_type vol_flag = True if vol_flag: used_cap -= float(vol.size) if used_cap < threshold * total_cap: seek_flag = False break if seek_flag: boot_volumes = list( filter(lambda v: v.bootable.lower() == 'true' and v.status == 'in-use', volumes_in_pool) ) boot_volumes.sort(key=lambda v: float(v.size))"boot volumes: %s ", str(boot_volumes)) for vol in boot_volumes: vol_flag = False migrate_pool = self.migrate_fit(vol, threshold) if migrate_pool: migrate_dicts[] = migrate_pool vol_flag = True else: target_type = self.retype_fit(vol, threshold) if target_type: retype_dicts[] = target_type vol_flag = True if vol_flag: used_cap -= float(vol.size) if used_cap < threshold * total_cap: seek_flag = False break return retype_dicts, migrate_dicts
[docs] def pre_execute(self): """Pre-execution phase This can be used to fetch some pre-requisites or data. """"Initializing Storage Capacity Balance Strategy") self.volume_threshold = self.input_parameters.volume_threshold
[docs] def do_execute(self, audit=None): """Strategy execution phase This phase is where you should put the main logic of your strategy. """ all_pools = self.get_pools(self.cinder) all_volumes = self.get_volumes(self.cinder) threshold = float(self.volume_threshold) / 100 self.source_pools, self.dest_pools = self.group_pools( all_pools, threshold)" source pools: %s dest pools:%s", self.source_pools, self.dest_pools) if not self.source_pools:"No pools require optimization") return if not self.dest_pools:"No enough pools for optimization") return for source_pool in self.source_pools: retype_actions, migrate_actions = self.get_actions( source_pool, all_volumes, threshold) for vol_id, pool_type in retype_actions.items(): vol = [v for v in all_volumes if == vol_id] parameters = {'migration_type': 'retype', 'destination_type': pool_type, 'resource_name': vol[0].name} self.solution.add_action(action_type='volume_migrate', resource_id=vol_id, input_parameters=parameters) for vol_id, pool_name in migrate_actions.items(): vol = [v for v in all_volumes if == vol_id] parameters = {'migration_type': 'migrate', 'destination_node': pool_name, 'resource_name': vol[0].name} self.solution.add_action(action_type='volume_migrate', resource_id=vol_id, input_parameters=parameters)
[docs] def post_execute(self): """Post-execution phase """ pass
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