
Source code for watcher.decision_engine.audit.continuous

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016 Servionica LTD
# Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corp
# Authors: Alexander Chadin <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import datetime
from dateutil import tz

from apscheduler.jobstores import memory
from croniter import croniter

from watcher.common import context
from watcher.common import scheduling
from watcher.common import utils
from watcher import conf
from watcher.db.sqlalchemy import api as sq_api
from watcher.db.sqlalchemy import job_store
from watcher.decision_engine.audit import base
from watcher import objects

CONF = conf.CONF

[docs]class ContinuousAuditHandler(base.AuditHandler): def __init__(self): super(ContinuousAuditHandler, self).__init__() self._scheduler = None self.context_show_deleted = context.RequestContext(is_admin=True, show_deleted=True) @property def scheduler(self): if self._scheduler is None: self._scheduler = scheduling.BackgroundSchedulerService( jobstores={ 'default': job_store.WatcherJobStore( engine=sq_api.get_engine()), 'memory': memory.MemoryJobStore() } ) return self._scheduler def _is_audit_inactive(self, audit): audit = objects.Audit.get_by_uuid( self.context_show_deleted, audit.uuid) if (objects.audit.AuditStateTransitionManager().is_inactive(audit) or audit.hostname != # if audit isn't in active states, audit's job must be removed to # prevent using of inactive audit in future. jobs = [job for job in self.scheduler.get_jobs() if == 'execute_audit' and job.args[0].uuid == audit.uuid] if jobs: jobs[0].remove() return True return False
[docs] def do_execute(self, audit, request_context): solution = super(ContinuousAuditHandler, self)\ .do_execute(audit, request_context) if audit.audit_type == objects.audit.AuditType.CONTINUOUS.value: a_plan_filters = {'audit_uuid': audit.uuid, 'state': objects.action_plan.State.RECOMMENDED} action_plans = objects.ActionPlan.list( request_context, filters=a_plan_filters, eager=True) for plan in action_plans: plan.state = objects.action_plan.State.CANCELLED return solution
def _next_cron_time(self, audit): if utils.is_cron_like(audit.interval): return croniter(audit.interval, datetime.datetime.utcnow() ).get_next(datetime.datetime)
[docs] @classmethod def execute_audit(cls, audit, request_context): self = cls() if not self._is_audit_inactive(audit): try: self.execute(audit, request_context) except Exception: raise finally: if utils.is_int_like(audit.interval): audit.next_run_time = ( datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(audit.interval))) else: audit.next_run_time = self._next_cron_time(audit)
def _add_job(self, trigger, audit, audit_context, **trigger_args): time_var = 'next_run_time' if trigger_args.get( 'next_run_time') else 'run_date' # We should convert UTC time to local time without tzinfo trigger_args[time_var] = trigger_args[time_var].replace( tzinfo=tz.tzutc()).astimezone(tz.tzlocal()).replace(tzinfo=None) self.scheduler.add_job(self.execute_audit, trigger, args=[audit, audit_context], name='execute_audit', **trigger_args)
[docs] def launch_audits_periodically(self): audit_context = context.RequestContext(is_admin=True) audit_filters = { 'audit_type': objects.audit.AuditType.CONTINUOUS.value, 'state__in': (objects.audit.State.PENDING, objects.audit.State.ONGOING, objects.audit.State.SUCCEEDED), } audit_filters['hostname'] = None unscheduled_audits = objects.Audit.list( audit_context, filters=audit_filters, eager=True) for audit in unscheduled_audits: # If continuous audit doesn't have a hostname yet, # Watcher will set current value. # TODO(alexchadin): Add scheduling of new continuous audits. audit.hostname = scheduler_job_args = [ (job.args[0].uuid, job) for job in self.scheduler.get_jobs() if == 'execute_audit'] scheduler_jobs = dict(scheduler_job_args) # if audit isn't in active states, audit's job should be removed jobs_to_remove = [] for job in scheduler_jobs.values(): if self._is_audit_inactive(job.args[0]): jobs_to_remove.append(job.args[0].uuid) for audit_uuid in jobs_to_remove: scheduler_jobs.pop(audit_uuid) audit_filters['hostname'] = audits = objects.Audit.list( audit_context, filters=audit_filters, eager=True) for audit in audits: existing_job = scheduler_jobs.get(audit.uuid, None) # if audit is not presented in scheduled audits yet, # just add a new audit job. # if audit is already in the job queue, and interval has changed, # we need to remove the old job and add a new one. if (existing_job is None) or ( existing_job and audit.interval != existing_job.args[0].interval): if existing_job: self.scheduler.remove_job( # if interval is provided with seconds if utils.is_int_like(audit.interval): # if audit has already been provided and we need # to restore it after shutdown if audit.next_run_time is not None: old_run_time = audit.next_run_time current = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if old_run_time < current: delta = datetime.timedelta( seconds=(int(audit.interval) - ( current - old_run_time).seconds % int(audit.interval))) audit.next_run_time = current + delta next_run_time = audit.next_run_time # if audit is new one else: next_run_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() self._add_job('interval', audit, audit_context, seconds=int(audit.interval), next_run_time=next_run_time) else: audit.next_run_time = self._next_cron_time(audit) self._add_job('date', audit, audit_context, run_date=audit.next_run_time) audit.hostname =
[docs] def start(self): self.scheduler.add_job( self.launch_audits_periodically, 'interval', seconds=CONF.watcher_decision_engine.continuous_audit_interval,, jobstore='memory') self.scheduler.start()
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