
Source code for watcher.common.cinder_helper

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import time

from oslo_log import log

from cinderclient import exceptions as cinder_exception
from cinderclient.v2.volumes import Volume
from watcher._i18n import _
from watcher.common import clients
from watcher.common import exception
from watcher import conf

CONF = conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CinderHelper(object): def __init__(self, osc=None): """:param osc: an OpenStackClients instance""" self.osc = osc if osc else clients.OpenStackClients() self.cinder = self.osc.cinder()
[docs] def get_storage_node_list(self): return list('cinder-volume'))
[docs] def get_storage_node_by_name(self, name): """Get storage node by name(host@backendname)""" try: storages = [storage for storage in self.get_storage_node_list() if == name] if len(storages) != 1: raise exception.StorageNodeNotFound(name=name) return storages[0] except Exception as exc: LOG.exception(exc) raise exception.StorageNodeNotFound(name=name)
[docs] def get_storage_pool_list(self): return self.cinder.pools.list(detailed=True)
[docs] def get_storage_pool_by_name(self, name): """Get pool by name(host@backend#poolname)""" try: pools = [pool for pool in self.get_storage_pool_list() if == name] if len(pools) != 1: raise exception.PoolNotFound(name=name) return pools[0] except Exception as exc: LOG.exception(exc) raise exception.PoolNotFound(name=name)
[docs] def get_volume_list(self): return self.cinder.volumes.list(search_opts={'all_tenants': True})
[docs] def get_volume_type_list(self): return self.cinder.volume_types.list()
[docs] def get_volume_snapshots_list(self): return self.cinder.volume_snapshots.list( search_opts={'all_tenants': True})
[docs] def get_volume_type_by_backendname(self, backendname): """Return a list of volume type""" volume_type_list = self.get_volume_type_list() volume_type = [ for volume_type in volume_type_list if volume_type.extra_specs.get( 'volume_backend_name') == backendname] return volume_type
[docs] def get_volume(self, volume): if isinstance(volume, Volume): volume = try: volume = self.cinder.volumes.get(volume) return volume except cinder_exception.NotFound: return self.cinder.volumes.find(name=volume)
[docs] def backendname_from_poolname(self, poolname): """Get backendname from poolname""" # pooolname formatted as host@backend#pool since ocata # as of ocata, may as only host backend = poolname.split('#')[0] backendname = "" try: backendname = backend.split('@')[1] except IndexError: pass return backendname
def _has_snapshot(self, volume): """Judge volume has a snapshot""" volume = self.get_volume(volume) if volume.snapshot_id: return True return False
[docs] def get_deleting_volume(self, volume): volume = self.get_volume(volume) all_volume = self.get_volume_list() for _volume in all_volume: if getattr(_volume, 'os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id') == return _volume return False
def _can_get_volume(self, volume_id): """Check to get volume with volume_id""" try: volume = self.get_volume(volume_id) if not volume: raise Exception except cinder_exception.NotFound: return False else: return True
[docs] def check_volume_deleted(self, volume, retry=120, retry_interval=10): """Check volume has been deleted""" volume = self.get_volume(volume) while self._can_get_volume( and retry: volume = self.get_volume( time.sleep(retry_interval) retry -= 1 LOG.debug("retry count: %s", retry) LOG.debug("Waiting to complete deletion of volume %s", if self._can_get_volume( LOG.error("Volume deletion error: %s", return False LOG.debug("Volume %s was deleted successfully.", return True
[docs] def check_migrated(self, volume, retry_interval=10): volume = self.get_volume(volume) final_status = ('success', 'error') while getattr(volume, 'migration_status') not in final_status: volume = self.get_volume( LOG.debug('Waiting the migration of {0}'.format(volume)) time.sleep(retry_interval) if getattr(volume, 'migration_status') == 'error': host_name = getattr(volume, 'os-vol-host-attr:host') error_msg = (("Volume migration error : " "volume %(volume)s is now on host '%(host)s'.") % {'volume':, 'host': host_name}) LOG.error(error_msg) return False host_name = getattr(volume, 'os-vol-host-attr:host') if getattr(volume, 'migration_status') == 'success': # check original volume deleted deleting_volume = self.get_deleting_volume(volume) if deleting_volume: delete_id = getattr(deleting_volume, 'id') if not self.check_volume_deleted(delete_id): return False else: host_name = getattr(volume, 'os-vol-host-attr:host') error_msg = (("Volume migration error : " "volume %(volume)s is now on host '%(host)s'.") % {'volume':, 'host': host_name}) LOG.error(error_msg) return False LOG.debug( "Volume migration succeeded : volume %s is now on host '%s'.", (, host_name)) return True
[docs] def migrate(self, volume, dest_node): """Migrate volume to dest_node""" volume = self.get_volume(volume) dest_backend = self.backendname_from_poolname(dest_node) dest_type = self.get_volume_type_by_backendname(dest_backend) if volume.volume_type not in dest_type: raise exception.Invalid( message=(_("Volume type must be same for migrating"))) source_node = getattr(volume, 'os-vol-host-attr:host') LOG.debug("Volume %s found on host '%s'.", (, source_node)) self.cinder.volumes.migrate_volume( volume, dest_node, False, True) return self.check_migrated(volume)
[docs] def retype(self, volume, dest_type): """Retype volume to dest_type with on-demand option""" volume = self.get_volume(volume) if volume.volume_type == dest_type: raise exception.Invalid( message=(_("Volume type must be different for retyping"))) source_node = getattr(volume, 'os-vol-host-attr:host') LOG.debug( "Volume %s found on host '%s'.", (, source_node)) self.cinder.volumes.retype( volume, dest_type, "on-demand") return self.check_migrated(volume)
[docs] def create_volume(self, cinder, volume, dest_type, retry=120, retry_interval=10): """Create volume of volume with dest_type using cinder""" volume = self.get_volume(volume) LOG.debug("start creating new volume") new_volume = cinder.volumes.create( getattr(volume, 'size'), name=getattr(volume, 'name'), volume_type=dest_type, availability_zone=getattr(volume, 'availability_zone')) while getattr(new_volume, 'status') != 'available' and retry: new_volume = cinder.volumes.get( LOG.debug('Waiting volume creation of {0}'.format(new_volume)) time.sleep(retry_interval) retry -= 1 LOG.debug("retry count: %s", retry) if getattr(new_volume, 'status') != 'available': error_msg = (_("Failed to create volume '%(volume)s. ") % {'volume':}) raise Exception(error_msg) LOG.debug("Volume %s was created successfully.", new_volume) return new_volume
[docs] def delete_volume(self, volume): """Delete volume""" volume = self.get_volume(volume) self.cinder.volumes.delete(volume) result = self.check_volume_deleted(volume) if not result: error_msg = (_("Failed to delete volume '%(volume)s. ") % {'volume':}) raise Exception(error_msg)
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