================================= Outlet Temperature Based Strategy ================================= Synopsis -------- **display name**: ``outlet_temperature`` **goal**: ``thermal_optimization`` Outlet (Exhaust Air) temperature is a new thermal telemetry which can be used to measure the host's thermal/workload status. This strategy makes decisions to migrate workloads to the hosts with good thermal condition (lowest outlet temperature) when the outlet temperature of source hosts reach a configurable threshold. Requirements ------------ This strategy has a dependency on the host having Intel's Power Node Manager 3.0 or later enabled. Metrics ******* The *outlet_temperature* strategy requires the following metrics: ========================================= ============ ======= ======= metric service name plugins comment ========================================= ============ ======= ======= ``hardware.ipmi.node.outlet_temperature`` ceilometer_ IPMI ========================================= ============ ======= ======= .. _ceilometer: http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide/telemetry-measurements.html#ipmi-based-meters Cluster data model ****************** Default Watcher's Compute cluster data model: .. watcher-term:: watcher.decision_engine.model.collector.nova.NovaClusterDataModelCollector Actions ******* Default Watcher's actions: .. list-table:: :widths: 30 30 :header-rows: 1 * - action - description * - ``migration`` - .. watcher-term:: watcher.applier.actions.migration.Migrate Planner ******* Default Watcher's planner: .. watcher-term:: watcher.decision_engine.planner.default.DefaultPlanner Configuration ------------- Strategy parameter is: ============== ====== ============= ==================================== parameter type default Value description ============== ====== ============= ==================================== ``threshold`` Number 35.0 Temperature threshold for migration ``period`` Number 30 The time interval in seconds for getting statistic aggregation from metric data source ============== ====== ============= ==================================== Efficacy Indicator ------------------ None Algorithm --------- For more information on the Outlet Temperature Based Strategy please refer to: https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/watcher-specs/specs/mitaka/implemented/outlet-temperature-based-strategy.html How to use it ? --------------- .. code-block:: shell $ openstack optimize audittemplate create \ at1 thermal_optimization --strategy outlet_temperature $ openstack optimize audit create -a at1 -p threshold=31.0 External Links -------------- - `Intel Power Node Manager 3.0 `_