Source code for watcher.objects.audit

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In the Watcher system, an :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>` is a request for
optimizing a :ref:`Cluster <cluster_definition>`.

The optimization is done in order to satisfy one :ref:`Goal <goal_definition>`
on a given :ref:`Cluster <cluster_definition>`.

For each :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>`, the Watcher system generates an
:ref:`Action Plan <action_plan_definition>`.

An :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>` has a life-cycle and its current state may
be one of the following:

-  **PENDING** : a request for an :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>` has been
   submitted (either manually by the
   :ref:`Administrator <administrator_definition>` or automatically via some
   event handling mechanism) and is in the queue for being processed by the
   :ref:`Watcher Decision Engine <watcher_decision_engine_definition>`
-  **ONGOING** : the :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>` is currently being
   processed by the
   :ref:`Watcher Decision Engine <watcher_decision_engine_definition>`
-  **SUCCEEDED** : the :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>` has been executed
   successfully (note that it may not necessarily produce a
   :ref:`Solution <solution_definition>`).
-  **FAILED** : an error occurred while executing the
   :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>`
-  **DELETED** : the :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>` is still stored in the
   :ref:`Watcher database <watcher_database_definition>` but is not returned
   any more through the Watcher APIs.
-  **CANCELLED** : the :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>` was in **PENDING** or
   **ONGOING** state and was cancelled by the
   :ref:`Administrator <administrator_definition>`
-  **SUSPENDED** : the :ref:`Audit <audit_definition>` was in **ONGOING**
   state and was suspended by the
   :ref:`Administrator <administrator_definition>`

import enum

from watcher.common import exception
from watcher.common import utils
from watcher.db import api as db_api
from watcher import notifications
from watcher import objects
from watcher.objects import base
from watcher.objects import fields as wfields

[docs]class AuditType(enum.Enum): ONESHOT = 'ONESHOT' CONTINUOUS = 'CONTINUOUS'
[docs]class Audit(base.WatcherPersistentObject, base.WatcherObject, base.WatcherObjectDictCompat): # Version 1.0: Initial version # Version 1.1: Added 'goal' and 'strategy' object field # Version 1.2 Added 'auto_trigger' boolean field VERSION = '1.2' dbapi = db_api.get_instance() fields = { 'id': wfields.IntegerField(), 'uuid': wfields.UUIDField(), 'audit_type': wfields.StringField(), 'state': wfields.StringField(), 'parameters': wfields.FlexibleDictField(nullable=True), 'interval': wfields.IntegerField(nullable=True), 'scope': wfields.FlexibleListOfDictField(nullable=True), 'goal_id': wfields.IntegerField(), 'strategy_id': wfields.IntegerField(nullable=True), 'auto_trigger': wfields.BooleanField(), 'goal': wfields.ObjectField('Goal', nullable=True), 'strategy': wfields.ObjectField('Strategy', nullable=True), } object_fields = { 'goal': (objects.Goal, 'goal_id'), 'strategy': (objects.Strategy, 'strategy_id'), } # Proxified field so we can keep the previous value after an update _state = None _old_state = None # NOTE(v-francoise): The way oslo.versionedobjects works is by using a # __new__ that will automatically create the attributes referenced in # fields. These attributes are properties that raise an exception if no # value has been assigned, which means that they store the actual field # value in an "_obj_%(field)s" attribute. So because we want to proxify a # value that is already proxified, we have to do what you see below. @property def _obj_state(self): return self._state @property def _obj_old_state(self): return self._old_state @property def old_state(self): return self._old_state @_obj_old_state.setter def _obj_old_state(self, value): self._old_state = value @_obj_state.setter def _obj_state(self, value): if self._old_state is None and self._state is None: self._state = value else: self._old_state, self._state = self._state, value @base.remotable_classmethod
[docs] def get(cls, context, audit_id, eager=False): """Find a audit based on its id or uuid and return a Audit object. :param context: Security context. NOTE: This should only be used internally by the indirection_api. Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first argument, even though we don't use it. A context should be set when instantiating the object, e.g.: Audit(context) :param audit_id: the id *or* uuid of a audit. :param eager: Load object fields if True (Default: False) :returns: a :class:`Audit` object. """ if utils.is_int_like(audit_id): return cls.get_by_id(context, audit_id, eager=eager) elif utils.is_uuid_like(audit_id): return cls.get_by_uuid(context, audit_id, eager=eager) else: raise exception.InvalidIdentity(identity=audit_id)
[docs] def get_by_id(cls, context, audit_id, eager=False): """Find a audit based on its integer id and return a Audit object. :param context: Security context. NOTE: This should only be used internally by the indirection_api. Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first argument, even though we don't use it. A context should be set when instantiating the object, e.g.: Audit(context) :param audit_id: the id of a audit. :param eager: Load object fields if True (Default: False) :returns: a :class:`Audit` object. """ db_audit = cls.dbapi.get_audit_by_id(context, audit_id, eager=eager) audit = cls._from_db_object(cls(context), db_audit, eager=eager) return audit
[docs] def get_by_uuid(cls, context, uuid, eager=False): """Find a audit based on uuid and return a :class:`Audit` object. :param context: Security context. NOTE: This should only be used internally by the indirection_api. Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first argument, even though we don't use it. A context should be set when instantiating the object, e.g.: Audit(context) :param uuid: the uuid of a audit. :param eager: Load object fields if True (Default: False) :returns: a :class:`Audit` object. """ db_audit = cls.dbapi.get_audit_by_uuid(context, uuid, eager=eager) audit = cls._from_db_object(cls(context), db_audit, eager=eager) return audit
[docs] def list(cls, context, limit=None, marker=None, filters=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None, eager=False): """Return a list of Audit objects. :param context: Security context. NOTE: This should only be used internally by the indirection_api. Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first argument, even though we don't use it. A context should be set when instantiating the object, e.g.: Audit(context) :param limit: maximum number of resources to return in a single result. :param marker: pagination marker for large data sets. :param filters: Filters to apply. Defaults to None. :param sort_key: column to sort results by. :param sort_dir: direction to sort. "asc" or "desc". :param eager: Load object fields if True (Default: False) :returns: a list of :class:`Audit` object. """ db_audits = cls.dbapi.get_audit_list(context, limit=limit, marker=marker, filters=filters, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir, eager=eager) return [cls._from_db_object(cls(context), obj, eager=eager) for obj in db_audits]
[docs] def create(self): """Create an :class:`Audit` record in the DB. :returns: An :class:`Audit` object. """ values = self.obj_get_changes() db_audit = self.dbapi.create_audit(values) # Note(v-francoise): Always load eagerly upon creation so we can send # notifications containing information about the related relationships self._from_db_object(self, db_audit, eager=True) def _notify(): notifications.audit.send_create(self._context, self) _notify()
[docs] def destroy(self): """Delete the Audit from the DB.""" self.dbapi.destroy_audit(self.uuid) self.obj_reset_changes()
[docs] def save(self): """Save updates to this Audit. Updates will be made column by column based on the result of self.what_changed(). """ updates = self.obj_get_changes() db_obj = self.dbapi.update_audit(self.uuid, updates) obj = self._from_db_object( self.__class__(self._context), db_obj, eager=False) self.obj_refresh(obj) def _notify(): notifications.audit.send_update( self._context, self, old_state=self.old_state) _notify() self.obj_reset_changes()
[docs] def refresh(self, eager=False): """Loads updates for this Audit. Loads a audit with the same uuid from the database and checks for updated attributes. Updates are applied from the loaded audit column by column, if there are any updates. :param eager: Load object fields if True (Default: False) """ current = self.get_by_uuid(self._context, uuid=self.uuid, eager=eager) self.obj_refresh(current)
[docs] def soft_delete(self): """Soft Delete the Audit from the DB.""" self.state = State.DELETED db_obj = self.dbapi.soft_delete_audit(self.uuid) obj = self._from_db_object( self.__class__(self._context), db_obj, eager=False) self.obj_refresh(obj) def _notify(): notifications.audit.send_delete(self._context, self) _notify()
[docs]class AuditStateTransitionManager(object): TRANSITIONS = { State.PENDING: [State.ONGOING, State.CANCELLED], State.ONGOING: [State.FAILED, State.SUCCEEDED, State.CANCELLED, State.SUSPENDED], State.FAILED: [State.DELETED], State.SUCCEEDED: [State.DELETED], State.CANCELLED: [State.DELETED], State.SUSPENDED: [State.ONGOING, State.DELETED], } INACTIVE_STATES = (State.CANCELLED, State.DELETED, State.FAILED, State.SUSPENDED)
[docs] def check_transition(self, initial, new): return new in self.TRANSITIONS.get(initial, [])
[docs] def is_inactive(self, audit): return audit.state in self.INACTIVE_STATES