Source code for watcher.decision_engine.strategy.strategies.workload_stabilization

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016 Servionica LLC
# Authors: Alexander Chadin <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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*Workload Stabilization control using live migration*

This is workload stabilization strategy based on standard deviation
algorithm. The goal is to determine if there is an overload in a cluster
and respond to it by migrating VMs to stabilize the cluster.

It assumes that live migrations are possible in your cluster.


import copy
import datetime
import itertools
import math
import random
import re

import oslo_cache
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import oslo_utils

from watcher._i18n import _
from watcher.common import exception
from watcher.datasource import ceilometer as ceil
from watcher.datasource import gnocchi as gnoc
from watcher.decision_engine.model import element
from watcher.decision_engine.strategy.strategies import base

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

def _set_memoize(conf):
    region = oslo_cache.create_region()
    configured_region = oslo_cache.configure_cache_region(conf, region)
    return oslo_cache.core.get_memoization_decorator(conf,

[docs]class WorkloadStabilization(base.WorkloadStabilizationBaseStrategy): """Workload Stabilization control using live migration""" MIGRATION = "migrate" MEMOIZE = _set_memoize(CONF) def __init__(self, config, osc=None): """Workload Stabilization control using live migration :param config: A mapping containing the configuration of this strategy :type config: :py:class:`~.Struct` instance :param osc: :py:class:`~.OpenStackClients` instance """ super(WorkloadStabilization, self).__init__(config, osc) self._ceilometer = None self._gnocchi = None self._nova = None self.weights = None self.metrics = None self.thresholds = None self.host_choice = None self.instance_metrics = None self.retry_count = None self.periods = None @classmethod
[docs] def get_name(cls): return "workload_stabilization"
[docs] def get_display_name(cls): return _("Workload stabilization")
[docs] def get_translatable_display_name(cls): return "Workload stabilization"
@property def granularity(self): return self.input_parameters.get('granularity', 300) @classmethod
[docs] def get_schema(cls): return { "properties": { "metrics": { "description": "Metrics used as rates of cluster loads.", "type": "array", "default": ["cpu_util", "memory.resident"] }, "thresholds": { "description": "Dict where key is a metric and value " "is a trigger value.", "type": "object", "default": {"cpu_util": 0.2, "memory.resident": 0.2} }, "weights": { "description": "These weights used to calculate " "common standard deviation. Name of weight" " contains meter name and _weight suffix.", "type": "object", "default": {"cpu_util_weight": 1.0, "memory.resident_weight": 1.0} }, "instance_metrics": { "description": "Mapping to get hardware statistics using" " instance metrics", "type": "object", "default": {"cpu_util": "compute.node.cpu.percent", "memory.resident": "hardware.memory.used"} }, "host_choice": { "description": "Method of host's choice. There are cycle," " retry and fullsearch methods. " "Cycle will iterate hosts in cycle. " "Retry will get some hosts random " "(count defined in retry_count option). " "Fullsearch will return each host " "from list.", "type": "string", "default": "retry" }, "retry_count": { "description": "Count of random returned hosts", "type": "number", "default": 1 }, "periods": { "description": "These periods are used to get statistic " "aggregation for instance and host " "metrics. The period is simply a repeating" " interval of time into which the samples" " are grouped for aggregation. Watcher " "uses only the last period of all recieved" " ones.", "type": "object", "default": {"instance": 720, "node": 600} }, "granularity": { "description": "The time between two measures in an " "aggregated timeseries of a metric.", "type": "number", "default": 300 }, } }
[docs] def get_config_opts(cls): return [ cfg.StrOpt( "datasource", help="Data source to use in order to query the needed metrics", default="ceilometer", choices=["ceilometer", "gnocchi"]) ]
@property def ceilometer(self): if self._ceilometer is None: self._ceilometer = ceil.CeilometerHelper(osc=self.osc) return self._ceilometer @property def nova(self): if self._nova is None: self._nova = self.osc.nova() return self._nova @nova.setter def nova(self, n): self._nova = n @ceilometer.setter def ceilometer(self, c): self._ceilometer = c @property def gnocchi(self): if self._gnocchi is None: self._gnocchi = gnoc.GnocchiHelper(osc=self.osc) return self._gnocchi @gnocchi.setter def gnocchi(self, gnocchi): self._gnocchi = gnocchi
[docs] def transform_instance_cpu(self, instance_load, host_vcpus): """Transform instance cpu utilization to overall host cpu utilization. :param instance_load: dict that contains instance uuid and utilization info. :param host_vcpus: int :return: float value """ return (instance_load['cpu_util'] * (instance_load['vcpus'] / float(host_vcpus)))
[docs] def get_instance_load(self, instance): """Gathering instance load through ceilometer/gnocchi statistic. :param instance: instance for which statistic is gathered. :return: dict """ LOG.debug('get_instance_load started') instance_load = {'uuid': instance.uuid, 'vcpus': instance.vcpus} for meter in self.metrics: avg_meter = None if self.config.datasource == "ceilometer": avg_meter = self.ceilometer.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=instance.uuid, meter_name=meter, period=self.periods['instance'], aggregate='min' ) elif self.config.datasource == "gnocchi": stop_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start_time = stop_time - datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(self.periods['instance'])) avg_meter = self.gnocchi.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=instance.uuid, metric=meter, granularity=self.granularity, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, aggregation='mean' ) if avg_meter is None: LOG.warning( "No values returned by %(resource_id)s " "for %(metric_name)s" % dict( resource_id=instance.uuid, metric_name=meter)) avg_meter = 0 if meter == 'cpu_util': avg_meter /= float(100) instance_load[meter] = avg_meter return instance_load
[docs] def normalize_hosts_load(self, hosts): normalized_hosts = copy.deepcopy(hosts) for host in normalized_hosts: if 'memory.resident' in normalized_hosts[host]: node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid(host) normalized_hosts[host]['memory.resident'] /= float(node.memory) return normalized_hosts
[docs] def get_available_nodes(self): return {node_uuid: node for node_uuid, node in self.compute_model.get_all_compute_nodes().items() if node.state == element.ServiceState.ONLINE.value and node.status == element.ServiceState.ENABLED.value}
[docs] def get_hosts_load(self): """Get load of every available host by gathering instances load""" hosts_load = {} for node_id, node in self.get_available_nodes().items(): hosts_load[node_id] = {} hosts_load[node_id]['vcpus'] = node.vcpus for metric in self.metrics: resource_id = '' avg_meter = None meter_name = self.instance_metrics[metric] if re.match('^compute.node', meter_name) is not None: resource_id = "%s_%s" % (node.uuid, node.hostname) else: resource_id = node_id if self.config.datasource == "ceilometer": avg_meter = self.ceilometer.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=resource_id, meter_name=self.instance_metrics[metric], period=self.periods['node'], aggregate='avg' ) elif self.config.datasource == "gnocchi": stop_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start_time = stop_time - datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(self.periods['node'])) avg_meter = self.gnocchi.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=resource_id, metric=self.instance_metrics[metric], granularity=self.granularity, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, aggregation='mean' ) if avg_meter is None: raise exception.NoSuchMetricForHost( metric=meter_name, host=node_id) if meter_name == 'hardware.memory.used': avg_meter /= oslo_utils.units.Ki if meter_name == 'compute.node.cpu.percent': avg_meter /= 100 hosts_load[node_id][metric] = avg_meter return hosts_load
[docs] def get_sd(self, hosts, meter_name): """Get standard deviation among hosts by specified meter""" mean = 0 variaton = 0 for host_id in hosts: mean += hosts[host_id][meter_name] mean /= len(hosts) for host_id in hosts: variaton += (hosts[host_id][meter_name] - mean) ** 2 variaton /= len(hosts) sd = math.sqrt(variaton) return sd
[docs] def calculate_weighted_sd(self, sd_case): """Calculate common standard deviation among meters on host""" weighted_sd = 0 for metric, value in zip(self.metrics, sd_case): try: weighted_sd += value * float(self.weights[metric + '_weight']) except KeyError as exc: LOG.exception(exc) raise exception.WatcherException( _("Incorrect mapping: could not find associated weight" " for %s in weight dict.") % metric) return weighted_sd
[docs] def calculate_migration_case(self, hosts, instance, src_node, dst_node): """Calculate migration case Return list of standard deviation values, that appearing in case of migration of instance from source host to destination host :param hosts: hosts with their workload :param instance: the virtual machine :param src_node: the source node :param dst_node: the destination node :return: list of standard deviation values """ migration_case = [] new_hosts = copy.deepcopy(hosts) instance_load = self.get_instance_load(instance) s_host_vcpus = new_hosts[src_node.uuid]['vcpus'] d_host_vcpus = new_hosts[dst_node.uuid]['vcpus'] for metric in self.metrics: if metric is 'cpu_util': new_hosts[src_node.uuid][metric] -= ( self.transform_instance_cpu(instance_load, s_host_vcpus)) new_hosts[dst_node.uuid][metric] += ( self.transform_instance_cpu(instance_load, d_host_vcpus)) else: new_hosts[src_node.uuid][metric] -= instance_load[metric] new_hosts[dst_node.uuid][metric] += instance_load[metric] normalized_hosts = self.normalize_hosts_load(new_hosts) for metric in self.metrics: migration_case.append(self.get_sd(normalized_hosts, metric)) migration_case.append(new_hosts) return migration_case
[docs] def simulate_migrations(self, hosts): """Make sorted list of pairs instance:dst_host""" def yield_nodes(nodes): if self.host_choice == 'cycle': for i in itertools.cycle(nodes): yield [i] if self.host_choice == 'retry': while True: yield random.sample(nodes, self.retry_count) if self.host_choice == 'fullsearch': while True: yield nodes instance_host_map = [] nodes = list(self.get_available_nodes()) for src_host in nodes: src_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid(src_host) c_nodes = copy.copy(nodes) c_nodes.remove(src_host) node_list = yield_nodes(c_nodes) for instance in self.compute_model.get_node_instances(src_node): min_sd_case = {'value': len(self.metrics)} if instance.state not in [element.InstanceState.ACTIVE.value, element.InstanceState.PAUSED.value]: continue for dst_host in next(node_list): dst_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid(dst_host) sd_case = self.calculate_migration_case( hosts, instance, src_node, dst_node) weighted_sd = self.calculate_weighted_sd(sd_case[:-1]) if weighted_sd < min_sd_case['value']: min_sd_case = { 'host': dst_node.uuid, 'value': weighted_sd, 's_host': src_node.uuid, 'instance': instance.uuid} instance_host_map.append(min_sd_case) return sorted(instance_host_map, key=lambda x: x['value'])
[docs] def check_threshold(self): """Check if cluster is needed in balancing""" hosts_load = self.get_hosts_load() normalized_load = self.normalize_hosts_load(hosts_load) for metric in self.metrics: metric_sd = self.get_sd(normalized_load, metric) if metric_sd > float(self.thresholds[metric]): return self.simulate_migrations(hosts_load)
[docs] def add_migration(self, resource_id, migration_type, source_node, destination_node): parameters = {'migration_type': migration_type, 'source_node': source_node, 'destination_node': destination_node} self.solution.add_action(action_type=self.MIGRATION, resource_id=resource_id, input_parameters=parameters)
[docs] def create_migration_instance(self, mig_instance, mig_source_node, mig_destination_node): """Create migration VM""" if self.compute_model.migrate_instance( mig_instance, mig_source_node, mig_destination_node): self.add_migration(mig_instance.uuid, 'live', mig_source_node.uuid, mig_destination_node.uuid)
[docs] def migrate(self, instance_uuid, src_host, dst_host): mig_instance = self.compute_model.get_instance_by_uuid(instance_uuid) mig_source_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid( src_host) mig_destination_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid( dst_host) self.create_migration_instance(mig_instance, mig_source_node, mig_destination_node)
[docs] def fill_solution(self): self.solution.model = self.compute_model return self.solution
[docs] def pre_execute(self):"Initializing Workload Stabilization") if not self.compute_model: raise exception.ClusterStateNotDefined() if self.compute_model.stale: raise exception.ClusterStateStale() self.weights = self.input_parameters.weights self.metrics = self.input_parameters.metrics self.thresholds = self.input_parameters.thresholds self.host_choice = self.input_parameters.host_choice self.instance_metrics = self.input_parameters.instance_metrics self.retry_count = self.input_parameters.retry_count self.periods = self.input_parameters.periods
[docs] def do_execute(self): migration = self.check_threshold() if migration: hosts_load = self.get_hosts_load() min_sd = 1 balanced = False for instance_host in migration: instance = self.compute_model.get_instance_by_uuid( instance_host['instance']) src_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid( instance_host['s_host']) dst_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid( instance_host['host']) if instance.disk > dst_node.disk: continue instance_load = self.calculate_migration_case( hosts_load, instance, src_node, dst_node) weighted_sd = self.calculate_weighted_sd(instance_load[:-1]) if weighted_sd < min_sd: min_sd = weighted_sd hosts_load = instance_load[-1] self.migrate(instance_host['instance'], instance_host['s_host'], instance_host['host']) for metric, value in zip(self.metrics, instance_load[:-1]): if value < float(self.thresholds[metric]): balanced = True break if balanced: break
[docs] def post_execute(self): """Post-execution phase This can be used to compute the global efficacy """ self.fill_solution() LOG.debug(self.compute_model.to_string())