Source code for watcher.decision_engine.planner.workload_stabilization

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import abc

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import types
from oslo_log import log

from watcher._i18n import _LW
from watcher.common import clients
from watcher.common import exception
from watcher.common import nova_helper
from watcher.common import utils
from watcher.decision_engine.planner import base
from watcher import objects

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class WorkloadStabilizationPlanner(base.BasePlanner): """Workload Stabilization planner implementation This implementation comes with basic rules with a set of action types that are weighted. An action having a lower weight will be scheduled before the other ones. The set of action types can be specified by 'weights' in the ``watcher.conf``. You need to associate a different weight to all available actions into the configuration file, otherwise you will get an error when the new action will be referenced in the solution produced by a strategy. *Limitations* - This is a proof of concept that is not meant to be used in production """ def __init__(self, config): super(WorkloadStabilizationPlanner, self).__init__(config) self._osc = clients.OpenStackClients() @property def osc(self): return self._osc weights_dict = { 'turn_host_to_acpi_s3_state': 0, 'resize': 1, 'migrate': 2, 'sleep': 3, 'change_nova_service_state': 4, 'nop': 5, } @classmethod
[docs] def get_config_opts(cls): return [ cfg.Opt( 'weights', type=types.Dict(value_type=types.Integer()), help="These weights are used to schedule the actions", default=cls.weights_dict), ]
[docs] def create_action(self, action_plan_id, action_type, input_parameters=None): uuid = utils.generate_uuid() action = { 'uuid': uuid, 'action_plan_id': int(action_plan_id), 'action_type': action_type, 'input_parameters': input_parameters, 'state': objects.action.State.PENDING, 'parents': None } return action
[docs] def load_child_class(self, child_name): for c in BaseActionValidator.__subclasses__(): if child_name == c.action_name: return c() return None
[docs] def schedule(self, context, audit_id, solution): LOG.debug('Creating an action plan for the audit uuid: %s', audit_id) weights = self.config.weights action_plan = self._create_action_plan(context, audit_id, solution) actions = list(solution.actions) to_schedule = [] for action in actions: json_action = self.create_action(, action_type=action.get('action_type'), input_parameters=action.get('input_parameters')) to_schedule.append((weights[action.get('action_type')], json_action)) self._create_efficacy_indicators( context,, solution.efficacy_indicators) # scheduling scheduled = sorted(to_schedule, key=lambda weight: (weight[0]), reverse=True) if len(scheduled) == 0: LOG.warning(_LW("The action plan is empty")) action_plan.state = objects.action_plan.State.SUCCEEDED else: resource_action_map = {} scheduled_actions = [x[1] for x in scheduled] for action in scheduled_actions: a_type = action['action_type'] if a_type != 'turn_host_to_acpi_s3_state': plugin_action = self.load_child_class( action.get("action_type")) if not plugin_action: raise exception.UnsupportedActionType( action_type=action.get("action_type")) db_action = self._create_action(context, action) parents = plugin_action.validate_parents( resource_action_map, action) if parents: db_action.parents = parents # if we have an action that will make host unreachable, we need # to complete all actions (resize and migration type) # related to the host. # Note(alexchadin): turn_host_to_acpi_s3_state doesn't # actually exist. Placed code shows relations between # action types. # TODO(alexchadin): add turn_host_to_acpi_s3_state action type. else: host_to_acpi_s3 = action['input_parameters']['resource_id'] host_actions = resource_action_map.get(host_to_acpi_s3) action_parents = [] if host_actions: resize_actions = [x[0] for x in host_actions if x[1] == 'resize'] migrate_actions = [x[0] for x in host_actions if x[1] == 'migrate'] resize_migration_parents = [ x.parents for x in [objects.Action.get_by_uuid(context, resize_action) for resize_action in resize_actions]] # resize_migration_parents should be one level list resize_migration_parents = [ parent for sublist in resize_migration_parents for parent in sublist] action_parents.extend([uuid for uuid in resize_actions]) action_parents.extend([uuid for uuid in migrate_actions if uuid not in resize_migration_parents]) db_action = self._create_action(context, action) db_action.parents = action_parents return action_plan
def _create_action_plan(self, context, audit_id, solution): strategy = objects.Strategy.get_by_name( context, action_plan_dict = { 'uuid': utils.generate_uuid(), 'audit_id': audit_id, 'strategy_id':, 'state': objects.action_plan.State.RECOMMENDED, 'global_efficacy': solution.global_efficacy, } new_action_plan = objects.ActionPlan(context, **action_plan_dict) new_action_plan.create() return new_action_plan def _create_efficacy_indicators(self, context, action_plan_id, indicators): efficacy_indicators = [] for indicator in indicators: efficacy_indicator_dict = { 'uuid': utils.generate_uuid(), 'name':, 'description': indicator.description, 'unit': indicator.unit, 'value': indicator.value, 'action_plan_id': action_plan_id, } new_efficacy_indicator = objects.EfficacyIndicator( context, **efficacy_indicator_dict) new_efficacy_indicator.create() efficacy_indicators.append(new_efficacy_indicator) return efficacy_indicators def _create_action(self, context, _action): try: LOG.debug("Creating the %s in the Watcher database", _action.get("action_type")) new_action = objects.Action(context, **_action) new_action.create() return new_action except Exception as exc: LOG.exception(exc) raise
[docs]class BaseActionValidator(object): action_name = None def __init__(self): super(BaseActionValidator, self).__init__() self._osc = None @property def osc(self): if not self._osc: self._osc = clients.OpenStackClients() return self._osc @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def validate_parents(self, resource_action_map, action): raise NotImplementedError()
def _mapping(self, resource_action_map, resource_id, action_uuid, action_type): if resource_id not in resource_action_map: resource_action_map[resource_id] = [(action_uuid, action_type,)] else: resource_action_map[resource_id].append((action_uuid, action_type,))
[docs]class MigrationActionValidator(BaseActionValidator): action_name = "migrate"
[docs] def validate_parents(self, resource_action_map, action): instance_uuid = action['input_parameters']['resource_id'] host_name = action['input_parameters']['source_node'] self._mapping(resource_action_map, instance_uuid, action['uuid'], 'migrate') self._mapping(resource_action_map, host_name, action['uuid'], 'migrate')
[docs]class ResizeActionValidator(BaseActionValidator): action_name = "resize"
[docs] def validate_parents(self, resource_action_map, action): nova = nova_helper.NovaHelper(osc=self.osc) instance_uuid = action['input_parameters']['resource_id'] parent_actions = resource_action_map.get(instance_uuid) host_of_instance = nova.get_hostname( nova.get_instance_by_uuid(instance_uuid)[0]) self._mapping(resource_action_map, host_of_instance, action['uuid'], 'resize') if parent_actions: return [x[0] for x in parent_actions] else: return []
[docs]class ChangeNovaServiceStateActionValidator(BaseActionValidator): action_name = "change_nova_service_state"
[docs] def validate_parents(self, resource_action_map, action): host_name = action['input_parameters']['resource_id'] self._mapping(resource_action_map, host_name, action.uuid, 'change_nova_service_state') return []
[docs]class SleepActionValidator(BaseActionValidator): action_name = "sleep"
[docs] def validate_parents(self, resource_action_map, action): return []
[docs]class NOPActionValidator(BaseActionValidator): action_name = "nop"
[docs] def validate_parents(self, resource_action_map, action): return []