Outlet Temperature Based Strategy


display name: outlet_temperature

goal: thermal_optimization

Outlet (Exhaust Air) temperature is a new thermal telemetry which can be used to measure the host’s thermal/workload status. This strategy makes decisions to migrate workloads to the hosts with good thermal condition (lowest outlet temperature) when the outlet temperature of source hosts reach a configurable threshold.


This strategy has a dependency on the host having Intel’s Power Node Manager 3.0 or later enabled.


The outlet_temperature strategy requires the following metrics:

metric service name plugins comment
hardware.ipmi.node.outlet_temperature ceilometer IPMI  

Cluster data model

Default Watcher’s Compute cluster data model:

Nova cluster data model collector

The Nova cluster data model collector creates an in-memory representation of the resources exposed by the compute service.


Default Watcher’s actions:

action description

Migrates a server to a destination nova-compute host

This action will allow you to migrate a server to another compute destination host. Migration type ‘live’ can only be used for migrating active VMs. Migration type ‘cold’ can be used for migrating non-active VMs as well active VMs, which will be shut down while migrating.

The action schema is:

schema = Schema({
 'resource_id': str,  # should be a UUID
 'migration_type': str,  # choices -> "live", "cold"
 'destination_node': str,
 'source_node': str,

The resource_id is the UUID of the server to migrate. The source_node and destination_node parameters are respectively the source and the destination compute hostname (list of available compute hosts is returned by this command: nova service-list --binary nova-compute).


Default Watcher’s planner:

Default planner implementation

This implementation comes with basic rules with a set of action types that are weighted. An action having a lower weight will be scheduled before the other ones. The set of action types can be specified by ‘weights’ in the watcher.conf. You need to associate a different weight to all available actions into the configuration file, otherwise you will get an error when the new action will be referenced in the solution produced by a strategy.


Strategy parameter is:

parameter type default Value description
threshold Number 35.0 Temperature threshold for migration

Efficacy Indicator



For more information on the Outlet Temperature Based Strategy please refer to: https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/watcher-specs/specs/mitaka/implemented/outlet-temperature-based-strategy.html

How to use it ?

$ openstack optimize audittemplate create \
  at1 thermal_optimization --strategy outlet_temperature

$ openstack optimize audit create -a at1 -p threshold=31.0