Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

#   Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#   a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.

import getpass
import sys

from validations_libs import constants
from validations_libs.cli import constants as cli_constants
from validations_libs.validation_actions import ValidationActions
from validations_libs.cli import common
from validations_libs.cli.base import BaseCommand
from validations_libs.cli.parseractions import CommaListAction, KeyValueAction

[docs]class Run(BaseCommand): """Run Validations by name(s), group(s), category(ies) or by product(s)"""
[docs] def get_parser(self, parser): """Argument parser for validation run""" parser = super(Run, self).get_parser(parser) parser.add_argument( '--limit', action='store', metavar="<host1>[,<host2>,<host3>,...]", required=False, help=( "A string that identifies a single node or comma-separated " "list of nodes to be validated in this run invocation.\n")) parser.add_argument( '--ssh-user', dest='ssh_user', default=getpass.getuser(), help=("SSH user name for the Ansible ssh connection.\n")) parser.add_argument('--validation-dir', dest='validation_dir', default=constants.ANSIBLE_VALIDATION_DIR, help=cli_constants.PLAY_PATH_DESC) parser.add_argument('--ansible-base-dir', dest='ansible_base_dir', default=constants.DEFAULT_VALIDATIONS_BASEDIR, help=("Path where the ansible roles, library " "and plugins are located.\n")) parser.add_argument( '--validation-log-dir', dest='validation_log_dir', default=constants.VALIDATIONS_LOG_BASEDIR, help=cli_constants.LOG_PATH_DESC) parser.add_argument('--inventory', '-i', type=str, default="localhost", help="Path of the Ansible inventory.\n") parser.add_argument('--output-log', dest='output_log', default=None, help=("Path where the run result will be stored.\n")) parser.add_argument('--junitxml', dest='junitxml', default=None, help=("Path where the run result in JUnitXML " "format will be stored.\n")) parser.add_argument( '--python-interpreter', metavar="--python-interpreter <PYTHON_INTERPRETER_PATH>", action="store", default="{}".format( sys.executable if sys.executable else "/usr/bin/python" ), help=("Python interpreter for Ansible execution.\n")) parser.add_argument( '--extra-env-vars', action=KeyValueAction, default=None, metavar="key1=<val1> [--extra-env-vars key2=<val2>]", help=( "Add extra environment variables you may need " "to provide to your Ansible execution " "as KEY=VALUE pairs. Note that if you pass the same " "KEY multiple times, the last given VALUE for that same KEY " "will override the other(s).\n")) parser.add_argument('--skiplist', dest='skip_list', default=None, help=("Path where the skip list is stored. " "An example of the skiplist format could " "be found at the root of the " "validations-libs repository.")) extra_vars_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) extra_vars_group.add_argument( '--extra-vars', default=None, metavar="key1=<val1> [--extra-vars key2=<val2>]", action=KeyValueAction, help=( "Add Ansible extra variables to the validation(s) execution " "as KEY=VALUE pair(s). Note that if you pass the same " "KEY multiple times, the last given VALUE for that same KEY " "will override the other(s).\n")) extra_vars_group.add_argument( '--extra-vars-file', action='store', metavar="/tmp/my_vars_file.[json|yaml]", default=None, help=( "Absolute or relative Path to a JSON/YAML file containing extra variable(s) " "to pass to one or multiple validation(s) execution.\n")) ex_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) ex_group.add_argument( '--validation', metavar='<validation_id>[,<validation_id>,...]', dest="validation_name", action=CommaListAction, default=[], help=("Run specific validations, " "if more than one validation is required " "separate the names with commas.\n")) ex_group.add_argument( '--group', '-g', metavar='<group_id>[,<group_id>,...]', action=CommaListAction, default=[], help=("Run specific validations by group, " "if more than one group is required " "separate the group names with commas.\n")) ex_group.add_argument( '--category', metavar='<category_id>[,<category_id>,...]', action=CommaListAction, default=[], help=("Run specific validations by category, " "if more than one category is required " "separate the category names with commas.\n")) ex_group.add_argument( '--product', metavar='<product_id>[,<product_id>,...]', action=CommaListAction, default=[], help=("Run specific validations by product, " "if more than one product is required " "separate the product names with commas.\n")) return parser
[docs] def take_action(self, parsed_args): """Take validation action""" # Merge config and CLI args: self.base.set_argument_parser(self, parsed_args) # Get config: config = self.base.config # Verify properties of inventory file, if it isn't just 'localhost' if parsed_args.inventory.startswith('localhost'): "You are using inline inventory. '{}'".format( parsed_args.inventory)) else: common.read_cli_data_file(parsed_args.inventory) v_actions = ValidationActions( parsed_args.validation_dir, log_path=parsed_args.validation_log_dir) # Ansible execution should be quiet while using the validations_json # default callback and be verbose while passing ANSIBLE_SDTOUT_CALLBACK # environment variable to Ansible through the --extra-env-vars argument runner_config = (config.get('ansible_runner', {}) if isinstance(config, dict) else {}) quiet_mode = runner_config.get('quiet', True) extra_env_vars = parsed_args.extra_env_vars if extra_env_vars: if "ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK" in extra_env_vars.keys(): quiet_mode = False extra_vars = parsed_args.extra_vars if parsed_args.extra_vars_file: "Loading extra vars file {}".format( parsed_args.extra_vars_file)) extra_vars = common.read_cli_data_file( parsed_args.extra_vars_file) skip_list = None if parsed_args.skip_list: skip_list = common.read_cli_data_file(parsed_args.skip_list) if not isinstance(skip_list, dict): raise RuntimeError("Wrong format for the skiplist.") try: results = v_actions.run_validations( inventory=parsed_args.inventory, limit_hosts=parsed_args.limit,, category=parsed_args.category, product=parsed_args.product, extra_vars=extra_vars, validations_dir=parsed_args.validation_dir, base_dir=parsed_args.ansible_base_dir, validation_name=parsed_args.validation_name, extra_env_vars=extra_env_vars, python_interpreter=parsed_args.python_interpreter, quiet=quiet_mode, ssh_user=parsed_args.ssh_user, validation_config=config, skip_list=skip_list) except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError(e) if results: failed_rc = any([r for r in results if r['Status'] == 'FAILED']) if parsed_args.output_log: common.write_output(parsed_args.output_log, results) if parsed_args.junitxml: common.write_junitxml(parsed_args.junitxml, results) common.print_dict(results) if failed_rc: raise RuntimeError("One or more validations have failed.") else: msg = ("No validation has been run, please check " "log in the Ansible working directory.") raise RuntimeError(msg)