XFS ftype check.
Check if there is at least 1 XFS volume with ftype=0 in any deployed node.
- hosts: undercloud, overcloud
- groups: pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
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Check if latest minor version is installed.
Makes sure python-tripleoclient is at its latest minor version before starting an upgrade.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
- packages: [‘python-tripleoclient’]
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Collect and verify role flavors.
This validation checks the flavors assigned to roles exist and have the correct capabilities set.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: pre-deployment, pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
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Verify docker containers are up and ports are open.
Ensure relevant docker containers are up and running, with ports open to listen.
We iterate through a list of container names and ports provided in defaults, and ensure the system has those available.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: post-deployment, pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
- listening_ip: {{ ctlplane_ip }}
- running_containers: [‘glance_api’, ‘heat_api’, ‘heat_api_cfn’, ‘heat_api_cron’, ‘heat_engine’, ‘ironic_api’, ‘ironic_conductor’, ‘ironic_inspector’, ‘ironic_inspector_dnsmasq’, ‘ironic_neutron_agent’, ‘ironic_pxe_http’, ‘ironic_pxe_tftp’, ‘iscsid’, ‘keystone’, ‘keystone_cron’, ‘logrotate_crond’, ‘memcached’, ‘mistral_api’, ‘mistral_engine’, ‘mistral_event_engine’, ‘mistral_executor’, ‘mysql’, ‘neutron_api’, ‘neutron_dhcp’, ‘neutron_l3_agent’, ‘neutron_ovs_agent’, ‘nova_api’, ‘nova_api_cron’, ‘nova_compute’, ‘nova_conductor’, ‘nova_metadata’, ‘nova_placement’, ‘nova_scheduler’, ‘rabbitmq’, ‘swift_account_auditor’, ‘swift_account_reaper’, ‘swift_account_replicator’, ‘swift_account_server’, ‘swift_container_auditor’, ‘swift_container_replicator’, ‘swift_container_server’, ‘swift_container_updater’, ‘swift_object_auditor’, ‘swift_object_expirer’, ‘swift_object_replicator’, ‘swift_object_server’, ‘swift_object_updater’, ‘swift_proxy’, ‘swift_rsync’, ‘tripleo_ui’, ‘zaqar’, ‘zaqar_websocket’]
- open_ports: [111, 873, 3000, 3306, 4369, 5000, 5050, 5672, 6000, 6001, 6002, 6379, 6385, 8000, 8004, 8080, 8088, 8774, 8775, 8778, 8787, 8888, 8989, 9000, 9292, 9696, 11211, 15672, 25672, 35357, 39422, {‘search_regex’: ‘OpenSSH’, ‘port’: 22}]
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Verify existence of deployment images.
This validation checks that images bm-deploy-kernel and bm-deploy-ramdisk exist before deploying the overcloud, and that only one exists by that name.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: pre-deployment, pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
- deploy_ramdisk_name: bm-deploy-ramdisk
- deploy_kernel_name: bm-deploy-kernel
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Check Ironic boot configuration.
Check if baremetal boot configuration is correct.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: pre-deployment, pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
- deploy_ramdisk_name: bm-deploy-ramdisk
- deploy_kernel_name: bm-deploy-kernel
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Node health check.
Check if all overcloud nodes can be connected to before starting a scale-up or an upgrade.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
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Check connectivity to various OpenStack services.
This validation gets the PublicVip address from the deployment and tries to access Horizon and get a Keystone token.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: post-deployment, pre-upgrade, post-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
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Check correctness of current repositories.
Detect whether the repositories listed in yum repolist can be connected to and that there is at least one repo configured.
Detect if there are any unwanted repositories (such as EPEL) enabled.
- hosts: undercloud, overcloud
- groups: pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
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Stack Health Check.
Check if all stack resources are in a *_COMPLETE state before starting an upgrade.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: pre-upgrade, post-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
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Verify undercloud fits the disk space requirements to perform an upgrade.
Make sure that the root partition on the undercloud node has enough free space before starting an upgrade
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
- volumes: [{‘min_size’: 10, ‘mount’: ‘/var/lib/docker’}, {‘min_size’: 3, ‘mount’: ‘/var/lib/config-data’}, {‘min_size’: 16, ‘mount’: ‘/var’}, {‘min_size’: 20, ‘mount’: ‘/’}]
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Verify heat-manage purge_deleted is enabled in crontab.
Without a purge_deleted crontab enabled, the heat database can grow very large. This validation checks that the purge_deleted crontab has been set up.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: pre-upgrade, pre-deployment
- metadata:
- parameters:
- cron_check: heat-manage purge_deleted
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Verify undercloud services state before running update or upgrade.
Check undercloud status before running a stack update - especially minor update and major upgrade.
- hosts: undercloud
- groups: post-upgrade, pre-upgrade
- metadata:
- parameters:
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