Package update Workbook

Package update Workbook

Workbook name:tripleo.package_update.v1

TripleO update workflows

Workflows in the Package update Workbook


Take a container and perform the converge step of a major upgrade

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
Input {‘timeout’:
 240}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.
Input {‘skip_deploy_identifier’:
 False}: Required.

ffwd-upgrade converge removes DeploymentSteps no-op from plan

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Update the heat stack outputs for purposes of update/upgrade. This workflow assumes that previously the plan_management.update_deployment_plan workflow has already been run to process the templates and environments (the same way as ‘deploy’ command processes them).

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
Input {‘timeout’:
 240}: Required.
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.
Input {‘skip_deploy_identifier’:
 False}: Required.
Input {‘config_dir’:
 ‘/tmp/’}: Required.

Take a container and perform the converge for minor update

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
Input {‘queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.

Take a container and perform an update nodes by nodes

Workflow inputs:

Input {‘node_user’:
 ‘tripleo-admin’}: Required.
Input nodes:Required.
Input playbook:Required.
Input inventory_file:
Input {‘ansible_queue_name’:
 ‘tripleo’}: Required.
Input {‘module_path’:
 ‘/usr/share/ansible-modules’}: Required.
Input {‘ansible_extra_env_variables’:
 {‘ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH’: ‘/var/log/mistral/package_update.log’, ‘ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING’: ‘False’}}: Required.
Input {‘verbosity’:
 1}: Required.
Input {‘work_dir’:
 ‘/var/lib/mistral’}: Required.
Input {‘tags’:‘’}: Required.
Input {‘skip_tags’:
 ‘’}: Required.
Input {‘extra_vars’:
 ‘’}: Required.
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.