Plan management Workbook

Plan management Workbook

Workbook name:tripleo.plan_management.v1

TripleO Overcloud Deployment Workflows v1

Workflows in the Plan management Workbook


This workflow exists to maintain backwards compatibility in pike. This workflow will likely be removed in queens in favor of create_deployment_plan.

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
Input queue_name:
 Default: tripleo
Input generate_passwords:
 Default: True

This workflow provides the capability to create a deployment plan using the default heat templates provided in a standard TripleO undercloud deployment, heat templates contained in an external git repository, or a swift container that already contains templates.

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
Input source_url:
 Default: None
Input queue_name:
 Default: tripleo
Input generate_passwords:
 Default: True
Input use_default_templates:
 Default: False

Creates an export tarball for a given plan

Workflow inputs:

Input plan:Required.
Input queue_name:
 Default: tripleo

Gets the list of deprecated parameters in the whole of the plan including nested stack

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
 Default: overcloud
Input queue_name:
 Default: tripleo

Retrieves passwords for a given plan

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
Input queue_name:
 Default: tripleo

Workflow inputs:

Input container:
Input source_url:
 Default: None
Input queue_name:
 Default: tripleo
Input generate_passwords:
 Default: True
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