Source code for tooz.drivers.consul

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2015 Yahoo! Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import consul
from oslo_utils import encodeutils

import tooz
from tooz import _retry
from tooz import coordination
from tooz import locking
from tooz import utils

class ConsulLock(locking.Lock):
    def __init__(self, name, node, address, session_id, client):
        super(ConsulLock, self).__init__(name)
        self._name = name
        self._node = node
        self._address = address
        self._session_id = session_id
        self._client = client
        self.acquired = False

    def acquire(self, blocking=True, shared=False):
        if shared:
            raise tooz.NotImplemented

        def _acquire():
            # Check if we are the owner and if we are simulate
            # blocking (because consul will not block a second
            # acquisition attempt by the same owner).
            _index, value = self._client.kv.get(key=self._name)
            if value and value.get('Session') == self._session_id:
                if blocking is False:
                    return False
                    raise _retry.TryAgain
                # The value can be anything.
                gotten = self._client.kv.put(key=self._name,
                                             value=u"I got it!",
                if gotten:
                    self.acquired = True
                    return True
                if blocking is False:
                    return False
                    raise _retry.TryAgain

        return _acquire()

    def release(self):
        if not self.acquired:
            return False
        # Get the lock to verify the session ID's are same
        _index, contents = self._client.kv.get(key=self._name)
        if not contents:
            return False
        owner = contents.get('Session')
        if owner == self._session_id:
            removed = self._client.kv.put(key=self._name,
            if removed:
                self.acquired = False
                return True
        return False

[docs]class ConsulDriver(coordination.CoordinationDriver): """This driver uses `python-consul`_ client against `consul`_ servers. The ConsulDriver implements a minimal set of coordination driver API(s) needed to make Consul being used as an option for Distributed Locking. The data is stored in Consul's key-value store. The Consul driver connection URI should look like:: consul://HOST[:PORT][?OPTION1=VALUE1[&OPTION2=VALUE2[&...]]] If not specified, PORT defaults to 8500. Available options are: ================== ======= Name Default ================== ======= ttl 15 namespace tooz ================== ======= For details on the available options, refer to .. _python-consul: .. _consul: """ #: Default namespace when none is provided TOOZ_NAMESPACE = u"tooz" #: Default TTL DEFAULT_TTL = 15 #: Default consul port if not provided. DEFAULT_PORT = 8500
[docs] def __init__(self, member_id, parsed_url, options): super(ConsulDriver, self).__init__(member_id, parsed_url, options) options = utils.collapse(options) self._host = parsed_url.hostname self._port = parsed_url.port or self.DEFAULT_PORT self._session_id = None self._session_name = encodeutils.safe_decode(member_id) self._ttl = int(options.get('ttl', self.DEFAULT_TTL)) namespace = options.get('namespace', self.TOOZ_NAMESPACE) self._namespace = encodeutils.safe_decode(namespace) self._client = None
def _start(self): """Create a client, register a node and create a session.""" # Create a consul client if self._client is None: self._client = consul.Consul(host=self._host, port=self._port) local_agent = self._client.agent.self() self._node = local_agent['Member']['Name'] self._address = local_agent['Member']['Addr'] # Register a Node self._client.catalog.register(node=self._node, address=self._address) # Create a session self._session_id = self._client.session.create( name=self._session_name, node=self._node, ttl=self._ttl) def _stop(self): if self._client is not None: if self._session_id is not None: self._client.session.destroy(self._session_id) self._session_id = None self._client = None
[docs] def get_lock(self, name): real_name = self._paths_join(self._namespace, u"locks", name) return ConsulLock(real_name, self._node, self._address, session_id=self._session_id, client=self._client)
@staticmethod def _paths_join(*args): pieces = [] for arg in args: pieces.append(encodeutils.safe_decode(arg)) return u"/".join(pieces)
[docs] def watch_join_group(self, group_id, callback): raise tooz.NotImplemented
[docs] def unwatch_join_group(self, group_id, callback): raise tooz.NotImplemented
[docs] def watch_leave_group(self, group_id, callback): raise tooz.NotImplemented
[docs] def unwatch_leave_group(self, group_id, callback): raise tooz.NotImplemented