Source code for taskflow.utils.iter_utils
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import itertools
import six
from six.moves import range as compat_range
def _ensure_iterable(func):
def wrapper(it, *args, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(it, collections.Iterable):
raise ValueError("Iterable expected, but '%s' is not"
" iterable" % it)
return func(it, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
[docs]def fill(it, desired_len, filler=None):
"""Iterates over a provided iterator up to the desired length.
If the source iterator does not have enough values then the filler
value is yielded until the desired length is reached.
if desired_len > 0:
count = 0
for value in it:
yield value
count += 1
if count >= desired_len:
while count < desired_len:
yield filler
count += 1
[docs]def count(it):
"""Returns how many values in the iterator (depletes the iterator)."""
return sum(1 for _value in it)
[docs]def generate_delays(delay, max_delay, multiplier=2):
"""Generator/iterator that provides back delays values.
The values it generates increments by a given multiple after each
iteration (using the max delay as a upper bound). Negative values
will never be generated... and it will iterate forever (ie it will never
stop generating values).
if max_delay < 0:
raise ValueError("Provided delay (max) must be greater"
" than or equal to zero")
if delay < 0:
raise ValueError("Provided delay must start off greater"
" than or equal to zero")
if multiplier < 1.0:
raise ValueError("Provided multiplier must be greater than"
" or equal to 1.0")
def _gen_it():
# NOTE(harlowja): Generation is delayed so that validation
# can happen before generation/iteration... (instead of
# during generation/iteration)
curr_delay = delay
while True:
curr_delay = max(0, min(max_delay, curr_delay))
yield curr_delay
curr_delay = curr_delay * multiplier
return _gen_it()
[docs]def unique_seen(its, seen_selector=None):
"""Yields unique values from iterator(s) (and retains order)."""
def _gen_it(all_its):
# NOTE(harlowja): Generation is delayed so that validation
# can happen before generation/iteration... (instead of
# during generation/iteration)
seen = set()
for it in all_its:
for value in it:
if seen_selector is not None:
maybe_seen_value = seen_selector(value)
maybe_seen_value = value
if maybe_seen_value not in seen:
yield value
all_its = list(its)
for it in all_its:
if not isinstance(it, collections.Iterable):
raise ValueError("Iterable expected, but '%s' is"
" not iterable" % it)
return _gen_it(all_its)
[docs]def find_first_match(it, matcher, not_found_value=None):
"""Searches iterator for first value that matcher callback returns true."""
for value in it:
if matcher(value):
return value
return not_found_value
[docs]def while_is_not(it, stop_value):
"""Yields given values from iterator until stop value is passed.
This uses the ``is`` operator to determine equivalency (and not the
``==`` operator).
for value in it:
yield value
if value is stop_value:
[docs]def iter_forever(limit):
"""Yields values from iterator until a limit is reached.
if limit is negative, we iterate forever.
if limit < 0:
i = itertools.count()
while True:
yield next(i)
for i in compat_range(0, limit):
yield i