Source code for taskflow.utils.deprecation

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import warnings

from oslo_utils import reflection

[docs]def deprecation(message, stacklevel=None): """Warns about some type of deprecation that has been (or will be) made. This helper function makes it easier to interact with the warnings module by standardizing the arguments that the warning function recieves so that it is easier to use. This should be used to emit warnings to users (users can easily turn these warnings off/on, see as they see fit so that the messages do not fill up the users logs with warnings that they do not wish to see in production) about functions, methods, attributes or other code that is deprecated and will be removed in a future release (this is done using these warnings to avoid breaking existing users of those functions, methods, code; which a library should avoid doing by always giving at *least* N + 1 release for users to address the deprecation warnings). """ if stacklevel is None: warnings.warn(message, category=DeprecationWarning) else: warnings.warn(message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel) # Helper accessors for the moved proxy (since it will not have easy access # to its own getattr and setattr functions).
_setattr = object.__setattr__ _getattr = object.__getattribute__
[docs]class MovedClassProxy(object): """Acts as a proxy to a class that was moved to another location. Partially based on: and other various examination of how to make a good enough proxy for our usage to move the various types we want to move during the deprecation process. And partially based on the wrapt object proxy (which we should just use when it becomes available @ """ __slots__ = [ '__wrapped__', '__message__', '__stacklevel__', # Ensure weakrefs can be made, # '__weakref__', ] def __init__(self, wrapped, message, stacklevel): # We can't assign to these directly, since we are overriding getattr # and setattr and delattr so we have to do this hoop jump to ensure # that we don't invoke those methods (and cause infinite recursion). _setattr(self, '__wrapped__', wrapped) _setattr(self, '__message__', message) _setattr(self, '__stacklevel__', stacklevel) try: _setattr(self, '__qualname__', wrapped.__qualname__) except AttributeError: pass def __instancecheck__(self, instance): deprecation(_getattr(self, '__message__'), stacklevel=_getattr(self, '__stacklevel__')) return isinstance(instance, _getattr(self, '__wrapped__')) def __subclasscheck__(self, instance): deprecation(_getattr(self, '__message__'), stacklevel=_getattr(self, '__stacklevel__')) return issubclass(instance, _getattr(self, '__wrapped__')) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): deprecation(_getattr(self, '__message__'), stacklevel=_getattr(self, '__stacklevel__')) return _getattr(self, '__wrapped__')(*args, **kwargs) def __getattribute__(self, name): return getattr(_getattr(self, '__wrapped__'), name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): setattr(_getattr(self, '__wrapped__'), name, value) def __delattr__(self, name): delattr(_getattr(self, '__wrapped__'), name) def __repr__(self): wrapped = _getattr(self, '__wrapped__') return "<%s at 0x%x for %r at 0x%x>" % ( type(self).__name__, id(self), wrapped, id(wrapped))
def _generate_message(prefix, postfix=None, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None): message_components = [prefix] if version: message_components.append(" in version '%s'" % version) if removal_version: if removal_version == "?": message_components.append(" and will be removed in a future" " version") else: message_components.append(" and will be removed in version '%s'" % removal_version) if postfix: message_components.append(postfix) if message: message_components.append(": %s" % message) return ''.join(message_components)
[docs]def moved_proxy_class(new_class, old_class_name, old_module_name, message=None, version=None, removal_version=None, stacklevel=3): """Deprecates a class that was moved to another location. This will emit warnings when the old locations class is initialized, telling where the new and improved location for the old class now is. """ old_name = ".".join((old_module_name, old_class_name)) new_name = reflection.get_class_name(new_class) prefix = "Class '%s' has moved to '%s'" % (old_name, new_name) out_message = _generate_message(prefix, message=message, version=version, removal_version=removal_version) return MovedClassProxy(new_class, out_message, stacklevel=stacklevel)


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