Source code for taskflow.flow

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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import abc

from oslo_utils import reflection

# Link metadata keys that have inherent/special meaning.
# This key denotes the link is an invariant that ensures the order is
# correctly preserved.
LINK_INVARIANT = 'invariant'
# This key denotes the link is a manually/user-specified.
LINK_MANUAL = 'manual'
# This key denotes the link was created when resolving/compiling retries.
LINK_RETRY = 'retry'
# This key denotes the link was created due to symbol constraints and the
# value will be a set of names that the constraint ensures are satisfied.
LINK_REASONS = 'reasons'
# This key denotes a callable that will determine if the target is visited.
LINK_DECIDER = 'decider'

# Chop off full module names of patterns that are built-in to taskflow...
_CHOP_PAT = "taskflow.patterns."

# This key denotes the depth the decider will apply (defaulting to all).
LINK_DECIDER_DEPTH = 'decider_depth'

[docs]class Flow(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """The base abstract class of all flow implementations. A flow is a structure that defines relationships between tasks. You can add tasks and other flows (as subflows) to the flow, and the flow provides a way to implicitly or explicitly define how they are interdependent. Exact structure of the relationships is defined by concrete implementation, while this class defines common interface and adds human-readable (not necessary unique) name. NOTE(harlowja): if a flow is placed in another flow as a subflow, a desired way to compose flows together, then it is valid and permissible that during compilation the subflow & parent flow *may* be flattened into a new flow. """ def __init__(self, name, retry=None): self._name = str(name) self._retry = retry # NOTE(akarpinska): if retry doesn't have a name, # the name of its owner will be assigned if self._retry is not None and is None: = + "_retry" @property def name(self): """A non-unique name for this flow (human readable).""" return self._name @property def retry(self): """The associated flow retry controller. This retry controller object will affect & control how (and if) this flow and its contained components retry when execution is underway and a failure occurs. """ return self._retry
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add(self, *items): """Adds a given item/items to this flow."""
@abc.abstractmethod def __len__(self): """Returns how many items are in this flow.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __iter__(self): """Iterates over the children of the flow."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def iter_nodes(self): """Iterate over nodes of the flow. Iterates over 2-tuples ``(A, meta)``, where * ``A`` is a child (atom or subflow) of current flow; * ``meta`` is link metadata, a dictionary. """
def __str__(self): cls_name = reflection.get_class_name(self) if cls_name.startswith(_CHOP_PAT): cls_name = cls_name[_CHOP_PAT_LEN:] return '"%s: %s(len=%d)"' % (cls_name,, len(self)) @property def provides(self): """Set of symbol names provided by the flow.""" provides = set() if self._retry is not None: provides.update(self._retry.provides) for item in self: provides.update(item.provides) return frozenset(provides) @abc.abstractproperty def requires(self): """Set of *unsatisfied* symbol names required by the flow."""