Source code for taskflow.engines.worker_based.types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    Copyright (C) 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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import random
import threading

from oslo_utils import reflection
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import six

from taskflow.engines.worker_based import protocol as pr
from taskflow import logging
from taskflow.utils import kombu_utils as ku

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO(harlowja): this needs to be made better, once
# is finally
# implemented we can go about using that instead.
[docs]class TopicWorker(object): """A (read-only) worker and its relevant information + useful methods.""" _NO_IDENTITY = object() def __init__(self, topic, tasks, identity=_NO_IDENTITY): self.tasks = [] for task in tasks: if not isinstance(task, six.string_types): task = reflection.get_class_name(task) self.tasks.append(task) self.topic = topic self.identity = identity self.last_seen = None def performs(self, task): if not isinstance(task, six.string_types): task = reflection.get_class_name(task) return task in self.tasks def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, TopicWorker): return NotImplemented if len(other.tasks) != len(self.tasks): return False if other.topic != self.topic: return False for task in other.tasks: if not self.performs(task): return False # If one of the identity equals _NO_IDENTITY, then allow it to match... if self._NO_IDENTITY in (self.identity, other.identity): return True else: return other.identity == self.identity def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): r = reflection.get_class_name(self, fully_qualified=False) if self.identity is not self._NO_IDENTITY: r += "(identity=%s, tasks=%s, topic=%s)" % (self.identity, self.tasks, self.topic) else: r += "(identity=*, tasks=%s, topic=%s)" % (self.tasks, self.topic) return r
[docs]class ProxyWorkerFinder(object): """Requests and receives responses about workers topic+task details.""" def __init__(self, uuid, proxy, topics, beat_periodicity=pr.NOTIFY_PERIOD, worker_expiry=pr.EXPIRES_AFTER): self._cond = threading.Condition() self._proxy = proxy self._topics = topics self._workers = {} self._uuid = uuid self._seen_workers = 0 self._messages_processed = 0 self._messages_published = 0 self._worker_expiry = worker_expiry self._watch = timeutils.StopWatch(duration=beat_periodicity) @property def total_workers(self): """Number of workers currently known.""" return len(self._workers)
[docs] def wait_for_workers(self, workers=1, timeout=None): """Waits for geq workers to notify they are ready to do work. NOTE(harlowja): if a timeout is provided this function will wait until that timeout expires, if the amount of workers does not reach the desired amount of workers before the timeout expires then this will return how many workers are still needed, otherwise it will return zero. """ if workers <= 0: raise ValueError("Worker amount must be greater than zero") watch = timeutils.StopWatch(duration=timeout) watch.start() with self._cond: while self.total_workers < workers: if watch.expired(): return max(0, workers - self.total_workers) self._cond.wait(watch.leftover(return_none=True)) return 0
@staticmethod def _match_worker(task, available_workers): """Select a worker (from geq 1 workers) that can best perform the task. NOTE(harlowja): this method will be activated when there exists one one greater than one potential workers that can perform a task, the arguments provided will be the potential workers located and the task that is being requested to perform and the result should be one of those workers using whatever best-fit algorithm is possible (or random at the least). """ if len(available_workers) == 1: return available_workers[0] else: return random.choice(available_workers) @property def messages_processed(self): """How many notify response messages have been processed.""" return self._messages_processed def _next_worker(self, topic, tasks, temporary=False): if not temporary: w = TopicWorker(topic, tasks, identity=self._seen_workers) self._seen_workers += 1 return w else: return TopicWorker(topic, tasks)
[docs] def maybe_publish(self): """Periodically called to publish notify message to each topic. These messages (especially the responses) are how this find learns about workers and what tasks they can perform (so that we can then match workers to tasks to run). """ if self._messages_published == 0: self._proxy.publish(pr.Notify(), self._topics, reply_to=self._uuid) self._messages_published += 1 self._watch.restart() else: if self._watch.expired(): self._proxy.publish(pr.Notify(), self._topics, reply_to=self._uuid) self._messages_published += 1 self._watch.restart()
def _add(self, topic, tasks): """Adds/updates a worker for the topic for the given tasks.""" try: worker = self._workers[topic] # Check if we already have an equivalent worker, if so just # return it... if worker == self._next_worker(topic, tasks, temporary=True): return (worker, False) # This *fall through* is done so that if someone is using an # active worker object that already exists that we just create # a new one; so that the existing object doesn't get # affected (workers objects are supposed to be immutable). except KeyError: pass worker = self._next_worker(topic, tasks) self._workers[topic] = worker return (worker, True)
[docs] def process_response(self, data, message): """Process notify message sent from remote side.""" LOG.debug("Started processing notify response message '%s'", ku.DelayedPretty(message)) response = pr.Notify(**data) LOG.debug("Extracted notify response '%s'", response) with self._cond: worker, new_or_updated = self._add(response.topic, response.tasks) if new_or_updated: LOG.debug("Updated worker '%s' (%s total workers are" " currently known)", worker, self.total_workers) self._cond.notify_all() worker.last_seen = self._messages_processed += 1
[docs] def clean(self): """Cleans out any dead/expired/not responding workers. Returns how many workers were removed. """ if (not self._workers or (self._worker_expiry is None or self._worker_expiry <= 0)): return 0 dead_workers = {} with self._cond: now = for topic, worker in six.iteritems(self._workers): if worker.last_seen is None: continue secs_since_last_seen = max(0, now - worker.last_seen) if secs_since_last_seen >= self._worker_expiry: dead_workers[topic] = (worker, secs_since_last_seen) for topic in six.iterkeys(dead_workers): self._workers.pop(topic) if dead_workers: self._cond.notify_all() if dead_workers and LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): for worker, secs_since_last_seen in six.itervalues(dead_workers):"Removed worker '%s' as it has not responded to" " notification requests in %0.3f seconds", worker, secs_since_last_seen) return len(dead_workers)
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets finders internal state.""" with self._cond: self._workers.clear() self._messages_processed = 0 self._messages_published = 0 self._seen_workers = 0 self._cond.notify_all()
[docs] def get_worker_for_task(self, task): """Gets a worker that can perform a given task.""" available_workers = [] with self._cond: for worker in six.itervalues(self._workers): if worker.performs(task): available_workers.append(worker) if available_workers: return self._match_worker(task, available_workers) else: return None