Source code for taskflow.engines.action_engine.builder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from concurrent import futures
import weakref

from automaton import machines
from oslo_utils import timeutils

from taskflow import logging
from taskflow import states as st
from taskflow.types import failure
from taskflow.utils import iter_utils

# Default waiting state timeout (in seconds).

# Meta states the state machine uses.

# Event name constants the state machine uses.
SCHEDULE = 'schedule_next'
WAIT = 'wait_finished'
ANALYZE = 'examine_finished'
FINISH = 'completed'
FAILED = 'failed'
SUSPENDED = 'suspended'
SUCCESS = 'success'
REVERTED = 'reverted'
START = 'start'

# Internal enums used to denote how/if a atom was completed."""
FAILED_COMPLETING = 'failed_completing'
WAS_CANCELLED = 'was_cancelled'
SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED = 'successfully_completed'

# For these states we will gather how long (in seconds) the
# state was in-progress (cumulatively if the state is entered multiple
# times)

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MachineMemory(object): """State machine memory.""" def __init__(self): self.next_up = set() self.not_done = set() self.failures = [] self.done = set()
[docs] def cancel_futures(self): """Attempts to cancel any not done futures.""" for fut in self.not_done: fut.cancel()
[docs]class MachineBuilder(object): """State machine *builder* that powers the engine components. NOTE(harlowja): the machine (states and events that will trigger transitions) that this builds is represented by the following table:: +--------------+------------------+------------+----------+---------+ | Start | Event | End | On Enter | On Exit | +--------------+------------------+------------+----------+---------+ | ANALYZING | completed | GAME_OVER | . | . | | ANALYZING | schedule_next | SCHEDULING | . | . | | ANALYZING | wait_finished | WAITING | . | . | | FAILURE[$] | . | . | . | . | | GAME_OVER | failed | FAILURE | . | . | | GAME_OVER | reverted | REVERTED | . | . | | GAME_OVER | success | SUCCESS | . | . | | GAME_OVER | suspended | SUSPENDED | . | . | | RESUMING | schedule_next | SCHEDULING | . | . | | REVERTED[$] | . | . | . | . | | SCHEDULING | wait_finished | WAITING | . | . | | SUCCESS[$] | . | . | . | . | | SUSPENDED[$] | . | . | . | . | | UNDEFINED[^] | start | RESUMING | . | . | | WAITING | examine_finished | ANALYZING | . | . | +--------------+------------------+------------+----------+---------+ Between any of these yielded states (minus ``GAME_OVER`` and ``UNDEFINED``) if the engine has been suspended or the engine has failed (due to a non-resolveable task failure or scheduling failure) the machine will stop executing new tasks (currently running tasks will be allowed to complete) and this machines run loop will be broken. NOTE(harlowja): If the runtimes scheduler component is able to schedule tasks in parallel, this enables parallel running and/or reversion. """ def __init__(self, runtime, waiter): self._runtime = weakref.proxy(runtime) self._selector = runtime.selector self._completer = runtime.completer self._scheduler = runtime.scheduler self._storage = self._waiter = waiter
[docs] def build(self, statistics, timeout=None, gather_statistics=True): """Builds a state-machine (that is used during running).""" if gather_statistics: watches = {} state_statistics = {} statistics['seconds_per_state'] = state_statistics watches = {} for timed_state in TIMED_STATES: state_statistics[timed_state.lower()] = 0.0 watches[timed_state] = timeutils.StopWatch() statistics['discarded_failures'] = 0 statistics['awaiting'] = 0 statistics['completed'] = 0 statistics['incomplete'] = 0 memory = MachineMemory() if timeout is None: timeout = WAITING_TIMEOUT # Cache some local functions/methods... do_complete = self._completer.complete do_complete_failure = self._completer.complete_failure get_atom_intention = self._storage.get_atom_intention def do_schedule(next_nodes): with self._storage.lock.write_lock(): return self._scheduler.schedule( sorted(next_nodes, key=lambda node: getattr(node, 'priority', 0), reverse=True)) def iter_next_atoms(atom=None, apply_deciders=True): # Yields and filters and tweaks the next atoms to run... maybe_atoms_it = self._selector.iter_next_atoms(atom=atom) for atom, late_decider in maybe_atoms_it: if apply_deciders: proceed = late_decider.check_and_affect(self._runtime) if proceed: yield atom else: yield atom def resume(old_state, new_state, event): # This reaction function just updates the state machines memory # to include any nodes that need to be executed (from a previous # attempt, which may be empty if never ran before) and any nodes # that are now ready to be ran. with self._storage.lock.write_lock(): memory.next_up.update( iter_utils.unique_seen((self._completer.resume(), iter_next_atoms()))) return SCHEDULE def game_over(old_state, new_state, event): # This reaction function is mainly a intermediary delegation # function that analyzes the current memory and transitions to # the appropriate handler that will deal with the memory values, # it is *always* called before the final state is entered. if memory.failures: return FAILED with self._storage.lock.read_lock(): leftover_atoms = iter_utils.count( # Avoid activating the deciders, since at this point # the engine is finishing and there will be no more further # work done anyway... iter_next_atoms(apply_deciders=False)) if leftover_atoms: # Ok we didn't finish (either reverting or executing...) so # that means we must of been stopped at some point... LOG.trace("Suspension determined to have been reacted to" " since (at least) %s atoms have been left in an" " unfinished state", leftover_atoms) return SUSPENDED elif self._runtime.is_success(): return SUCCESS else: return REVERTED def schedule(old_state, new_state, event): # This reaction function starts to schedule the memory's next # nodes (iff the engine is still runnable, which it may not be # if the user of this engine has requested the engine/storage # that holds this information to stop or suspend); handles failures # that occur during this process safely... with self._storage.lock.write_lock(): current_flow_state = self._storage.get_flow_state() if current_flow_state == st.RUNNING and memory.next_up: not_done, failures = do_schedule(memory.next_up) if not_done: memory.not_done.update(not_done) if failures: memory.failures.extend(failures) memory.next_up.intersection_update(not_done) elif current_flow_state == st.SUSPENDING and memory.not_done: # Try to force anything not cancelled to now be cancelled # so that the executor that gets it does not continue to # try to work on it (if the future execution is still in # its backlog, if it's already being executed, this will # do nothing). memory.cancel_futures() return WAIT def complete_an_atom(fut): # This completes a single atom saving its result in # storage and preparing whatever predecessors or successors will # now be ready to execute (or revert or retry...); it also # handles failures that occur during this process safely... atom = fut.atom try: outcome, result = fut.result() do_complete(atom, outcome, result) if isinstance(result, failure.Failure): retain = do_complete_failure(atom, outcome, result) if retain: memory.failures.append(result) else: # NOTE(harlowja): avoid making any intention request # to storage unless we are sure we are in DEBUG # enabled logging (otherwise we will call this all # the time even when DEBUG is not enabled, which # would suck...) if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): intention = get_atom_intention( LOG.debug("Discarding failure '%s' (in response" " to outcome '%s') under completion" " units request during completion of" " atom '%s' (intention is to %s)", result, outcome, atom, intention) if gather_statistics: statistics['discarded_failures'] += 1 if gather_statistics: statistics['completed'] += 1 except futures.CancelledError: # Well it got cancelled, skip doing anything # and move on; at a further time it will be resumed # and something should be done with it to get it # going again. return WAS_CANCELLED except Exception: memory.failures.append(failure.Failure()) LOG.exception("Engine '%s' atom post-completion" " failed", atom) return FAILED_COMPLETING else: return SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED def wait(old_state, new_state, event): # TODO(harlowja): maybe we should start doing 'yield from' this # call sometime in the future, or equivalent that will work in # py2 and py3. if memory.not_done: done, not_done = self._waiter(memory.not_done, timeout=timeout) memory.done.update(done) memory.not_done = not_done return ANALYZE def analyze(old_state, new_state, event): # This reaction function is responsible for analyzing all nodes # that have finished executing/reverting and figuring # out what nodes are now ready to be ran (and then triggering those # nodes to be scheduled in the future); handles failures that # occur during this process safely... next_up = set() with self._storage.lock.write_lock(): while memory.done: fut = memory.done.pop() # Force it to be completed so that we can ensure that # before we iterate over any successors or predecessors # that we know it has been completed and saved and so on... completion_status = complete_an_atom(fut) if (not memory.failures and completion_status != WAS_CANCELLED): atom = fut.atom try: more_work = set(iter_next_atoms(atom=atom)) except Exception: memory.failures.append(failure.Failure()) LOG.exception( "Engine '%s' atom post-completion" " next atom searching failed", atom) else: next_up.update(more_work) current_flow_state = self._storage.get_flow_state() if (current_flow_state == st.RUNNING and next_up and not memory.failures): memory.next_up.update(next_up) return SCHEDULE elif memory.not_done: if current_flow_state == st.SUSPENDING: memory.cancel_futures() return WAIT else: return FINISH def on_exit(old_state, event): LOG.trace("Exiting old state '%s' in response to event '%s'", old_state, event) if gather_statistics: if old_state in watches: w = watches[old_state] w.stop() state_statistics[old_state.lower()] += w.elapsed() if old_state in (st.SCHEDULING, st.WAITING): statistics['incomplete'] = len(memory.not_done) if old_state in (st.ANALYZING, st.SCHEDULING): statistics['awaiting'] = len(memory.next_up) def on_enter(new_state, event): LOG.trace("Entering new state '%s' in response to event '%s'", new_state, event) if gather_statistics and new_state in watches: watches[new_state].restart() state_kwargs = { 'on_exit': on_exit, 'on_enter': on_enter, } m = machines.FiniteMachine() m.add_state(GAME_OVER, **state_kwargs) m.add_state(UNDEFINED, **state_kwargs) m.add_state(st.ANALYZING, **state_kwargs) m.add_state(st.RESUMING, **state_kwargs) m.add_state(st.REVERTED, terminal=True, **state_kwargs) m.add_state(st.SCHEDULING, **state_kwargs) m.add_state(st.SUCCESS, terminal=True, **state_kwargs) m.add_state(st.SUSPENDED, terminal=True, **state_kwargs) m.add_state(st.WAITING, **state_kwargs) m.add_state(st.FAILURE, terminal=True, **state_kwargs) m.default_start_state = UNDEFINED m.add_transition(GAME_OVER, st.REVERTED, REVERTED) m.add_transition(GAME_OVER, st.SUCCESS, SUCCESS) m.add_transition(GAME_OVER, st.SUSPENDED, SUSPENDED) m.add_transition(GAME_OVER, st.FAILURE, FAILED) m.add_transition(UNDEFINED, st.RESUMING, START) m.add_transition(st.ANALYZING, GAME_OVER, FINISH) m.add_transition(st.ANALYZING, st.SCHEDULING, SCHEDULE) m.add_transition(st.ANALYZING, st.WAITING, WAIT) m.add_transition(st.RESUMING, st.SCHEDULING, SCHEDULE) m.add_transition(st.SCHEDULING, st.WAITING, WAIT) m.add_transition(st.WAITING, st.ANALYZING, ANALYZE) m.add_reaction(GAME_OVER, FINISH, game_over) m.add_reaction(st.ANALYZING, ANALYZE, analyze) m.add_reaction(st.RESUMING, START, resume) m.add_reaction(st.SCHEDULING, SCHEDULE, schedule) m.add_reaction(st.WAITING, WAIT, wait) m.freeze() return (m, memory)