Tacker Monitoring Framework ============================ This section will introduce tacker monitoring framework and describes the various actions that a user can take when a specific event occurs. * Introduction * How to write a new monitor driver * Events * Actions * How to write TOSCA template to monitor VNF entities Introduction ------------- Tacker monitoring framework provides the NFV operators and VNF vendors to write a pluggable driver that monitors the various status coditions of the VNF entities it deploys and manages. How to write a new monitor driver ---------------------------------- A monitor driver for tacker is a python module which contains a class that inherits from "tacker.vm.monitor_drivers.abstract_driver.VNFMonitorAbstractDriver". If the driver depends/imports more than one module, then create a new python package under tacker/vm/monitor_drivers folder. After this we have to mention our driver path in setup.cfg file in root directory. For example: :: tacker.tacker.monitor_drivers = ping = tacker.vm.monitor_drivers.ping.ping:VNFMonitorPing The methods that need to override in driver are: 1)def get_type(self) This method must return the type of driver ex: ping 2)def get_name(self) This method must return the symbolic name of the device monitor plugin 3)def get_description(self) This method must return the description for the monitor driver 4)def monitor_get_config(self, plugin, context, device) This method must return dict of monitor configuration data 5)def monitor_url(self, plugin, context, device) This method must return the url of device to monitor 6)def monitor_call(self, device, kwargs) This method must either return boolean value True if VNF is healthy or return a event string like 'failure' or 'calls-capacity-reached' for specific VNF health condition. Custom events -------------- As mentioned above, the return value of monitor_call is health status. If the return value of monitor_call is other than boolean value True, then we have to map those event to the corresponding action as described below. For example: :: vdu1: monitoring_policy: ping: actions: failure: respawn In this example we have an event called 'failure'. So whenever monitor_call returns 'failure' tacker will respawn the VNF. Actions -------- The available actions that a monitor driver can call when a particular event occurs 1. respawn 2. log_and_kill 3. log How to write TOSCA template to monitor VNF entities ---------------------------------------------------- In the vdus section, under vdu you can specify the monitors details with corresponding actions and parameters.The syntax for writing monitor policy is as follows: :: vduN: monitoring_policy: : monitoring_params: : ... actions: : ... ... Example Template ---------------- :: vdu1: monitoring_policy: ping: actions: failure: respawn vdu2: monitoring_policy: http-ping: monitoring_params: port: 8080 url: ping.cgi actions: failure: respawn acme_scaling_driver: monitoring_params: resource: cpu threshold: 10000 actions: max_foo_reached: scale_up min_foo_reached: scale_down