================= Running syntribos ================= By default, syntribos looks in the syntribos home directory (the directory specified when running the ``syntribos init`` command on install) for config files, payloads, and templates. This can all be overridden through command line options. For a full list of command line options available, run ``syntribos --help`` from the command line. To run syntribos against all the available tests, specify the command ``syntribos``, with the configuration file (if needed), without specifying any test type. :: $ syntribos --config-file keystone.conf run Fuzzy-matching test names ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to limit syntribos to run a specific test type using the ``-t`` flag. :: $ syntribos --config-file keystone.conf -t SQL run This will match all tests that contain ``SQL`` in their name. For example: ``SQL_INJECTION_HEADERS``, ``SQL_INJECTION_BODY``, etc. Specifying a custom root directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you set up the syntribos environment with a custom root (i.e. with ``syntribos --custom_root init``), you can point to it with the ``--custom_root`` configuration option. Syntribos will look for a ``syntribos.conf`` file inside this directory, and will read further configuration information from there.