The sushy.resources.system.simple_storage Module

class sushy.resources.system.simple_storage.DeviceListField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ListField

The storage device/s associated with SimpleStorage.

capacity_bytes = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The size of the storage device.

name = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The name of the storage device

status = <sushy.resources.common.StatusField object>

Describes the status and health of a storage device.

class sushy.resources.system.simple_storage.SimpleStorage(connector, path='', redfish_version=None, registries=None, reader=None)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ResourceBase

This class represents a simple storage.

It represents the properties of a storage controller and its directly-attached devices. A storage device can be a disk drive or optical media device.

devices = <sushy.resources.system.simple_storage.DeviceListField object>

The storage devices associated with this resource.

identity = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The SimpleStorage identity string

name = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The name of the resource

class sushy.resources.system.simple_storage.SimpleStorageCollection(connector, path, redfish_version=None, registries=None)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ResourceCollectionBase

Represents a collection of simple storage associated with system.

property disks_sizes_bytes

Sizes of each Disk in bytes in SimpleStorage collection resource.

Returns the list of cached values until it (or its parent resource) is refreshed.

property max_size_bytes

Max size available (in bytes) among all enabled Disk resources.

Returns the cached value until it (or its parent resource) is refreshed.