The sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint Module

class sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.ConnectedEntitiesListField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ListField

All the entities connected to this endpoint.

entity_pci_id = <sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.PciIdField object>

The PCI ID of the connected entity.

entity_role = <sushy.resources.base.MappedField object>

The role of the connected entity.

entity_type = <sushy.resources.base.MappedField object>

The type of the connected entity.

identifiers = <sushy.resources.common.IdentifiersListField object>

Identifiers for the remote entity.

pci_class_code = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The Class Code, Subclass code, and Programming Interface code of this PCIe function.

pci_function_number = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The PCI ID of the connected entity.

class sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.Endpoint(connector, path='', redfish_version=None, registries=None, reader=None)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ResourceBase

This class represents a fabric endpoint.

It represents the properties of an entity that sends or receives protocol defined messages over a transport.

IP_transport_details = <sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.IPTransportDetailsListField object>

This array contains details for each IP transport supported by this endpoint. The array structure can be used to model multiple IP addresses for this endpoint.

connected_entities = <sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.ConnectedEntitiesListField object>

All entities connected to this endpoint.

description = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The endpoint description

endpoint_protocol = <sushy.resources.base.MappedField object>

The protocol supported by this endpoint.

host_reservation_memory_bytes = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The amount of memory in Bytes that the Host should allocate to connect to this endpoint.

identity = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

Identifier for the endpoint

name = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The endpoint name

pci_id = <sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.PciIdField object>

The PCI ID of the endpoint.

status = <sushy.resources.common.StatusField object>

The endpoint status

class sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.EndpointCollection(connector, path, redfish_version=None, registries=None)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ResourceCollectionBase

Represents a collection of endpoints associated with the fabric.

class sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.IPTransportDetailsListField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ListField

IP transport details

This array contains details for each IP transport supported by this endpoint. The array structure can be used to model multiple IP addresses for this endpoint.

ipv4_address = <sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.IPv4AddressField object>

The IPv4 address object.

ipv6_address = <sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.IPv6AddressField object>

The IPv6 address object.

port = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The UDP or TCP port number used by the Endpoint.

transport_protocol = <sushy.resources.base.MappedField object>

The protocol used by the connection entity.

class sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.IPv4AddressField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.CompositeField

address = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

This is the IPv4 Address.

address_origin = <sushy.resources.base.MappedField object>

This indicates how the address was determined.

gateway = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

This is the IPv4 gateway for this address.

subnet_mask = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

This is the IPv4 Subnet mask.

class sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.IPv6AddressField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.CompositeField

address = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

This is the IPv6 Address.

address_origin = <sushy.resources.base.MappedField object>

This indicates how the address was determined.

address_state = <sushy.resources.base.MappedField object>

The current state of this address as defined in RFC 4862.

prefix_length = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

This is the IPv6 Address Prefix Length.

class sushy.resources.fabric.endpoint.PciIdField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.CompositeField

device_id = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The Device ID of this PCIe function.

subsystem_id = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The Subsystem ID of this PCIefunction.

subsystem_vendor_id = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The Subsystem Vendor ID of thisPCIe function.

vendor_id = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The Vendor ID of this PCIe function.