The sushy.resources.system.processor Module

The sushy.resources.system.processor Module

class sushy.resources.system.processor.Processor(connector, identity, redfish_version=None)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ResourceBase

identity = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The processor identity string

instruction_set = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The instruction set of the processor

manufacturer = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The processor manufacturer

max_speed_mhz = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The maximum clock speed of the processor in MHz.

model = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The product model number of this device

processor_architecture = <sushy.resources.base.MappedField object>

The architecture of the processor

processor_type = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The type of processor

socket = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The socket or location of the processor

total_cores = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The total number of cores contained in this processor

total_threads = <sushy.resources.base.Field object>

The total number of execution threads supported by this processor

class sushy.resources.system.processor.ProcessorCollection(connector, path, redfish_version=None)

Bases: sushy.resources.base.ResourceCollectionBase


Property to provide ProcessorSummary info

It is calculated once when the first time it is queried. On refresh, this property gets reset.

Returns:A namedtuple containing the count of processors in regards to logical CPUs, and their architecture.
class sushy.resources.system.processor.ProcessorSummary(count, architecture)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

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